Sexual assault and sexual abuse of children


Saturday, 9 July 2016

Goverment and Education in Indonesia

Argumentative Essay_IbnulChusnaAbdulHamid A _1420302173_5
Goverment and Education in Indonesia

Education is a form of factor which can reflect how the country looks like, Development or Developing? Indonesia is the developing country. We are not a poor country like the others countries in the Africa continent. Based on the fact, the education which as the main factor to build the great generation.
            Education is the strongest way to be survival, as the key to assesses of someone’s successes. On the scope of the state, education is the main instrument in the formation of future generation. The success of a countrydepends on the quality of Human Resources.
            Indonesia, with one of the ideals contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, as like paragraph 4 ‘’The intellectual lifeof the nation “ as promise of independence. And the only exeption to reach that goal is a knowledge.
 “From 100 % student of Elementary School , just 61 % to continue in Junior High School” Said President Director of MNC Life Patricia Rolla Bawata during the inaguration ceremony Hario Pasti Pintar Insurance program . Jakarta, November 12th, 2015
            The infrastructure being the second problem that indonesia have in education sector. This is so pity by seeing the region in the east of indonesia that student there  cannot go to school comfortably and they get only a broken facility in their school, like roof, floor, and alsochair and board the school have.
            The third is when looking the distribution education in every region in indonesia not all the city can have the equals education . Means in the small village and compare to big cities is totally different in all the aspect.

            So, this is the homework of goverment to solve the problem or case in education sector in purpose to get better place in indonesia especially education.
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