Sexual assault and sexual abuse of children


Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Smoking Should be Banned!


Smoking Should Be Banned
Health is very important for our life. One of the ways to keep our health is not to smoke or consume cigarettes. Now, the habit of smoking in Indonesia is very apprehensive. Each time we were able to meet people who are smoking of all ages, including students. In fact, a variety of research and studies have been done show that smoking is harmful to health. All of people have known the danger of smoking, but they do not have awareness to avoid smoking.
The smoker said that smoking can relieve fatigue, stress or frustration, and anxiety. Actually they know that smoking is bad for their health, but they always do it because they have not felt the effect. The effects of smoking may not directly, but it will appear the next few years. According to Dr. Aria Nugraha, smoke that is inhaled by the smoker would undermine their respiratory organs, like the lungs throat and others that cause some diseases. They are bronchitis, heart attacks and pregnancy disorders in women who are pregnant. The longer they breathe the cigarettes, it will further accelerate the process. Then why cigarettes are dangerous?  In a cigarette contained chemical substances as dangerous as poison, bleach the floors and even rocket fuel. Not only cigarettes are dangerous, tar can also cause cancer because the nicotine is very harmful to our bodies. So, do you still want to smoke?
Smoking in public places is still no ban. They can smoke anywhere and anytime. This is very dangerous. Besides bad for the health of the smoker, it is also bad for the health of people around who do not smoke or non-smoker. Do not you care to other people’s health? Scientific evidence tells us that Non-smokers exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke increase their risk of lung cancer. Second-hand tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals and 69 are known to cause cancer. Non-smokers who live with the second-hand smoke of a smoker increase their risk of lung cancer by 20-30%. Also, Passive smoking substantially increases a person's risk of getting coronary heart disease. I think the government should ban smoking in all public places for the sake of the other’s health.
Many people claim that smoking support much money to the government from taxes. Although smoking can harm health, the government always hopes from the product. It cannot be denied because the state revenue from cigarette excise tax could reach more than Rp 25 trillion. Besides it, many people work at Cigarette Company. For instance, in Indonesia around thousands of people work in various tobacco companies. They obtain a big salary from the company so they can live happily. Moreover, businessmen acquire much money from cigarette when they export it to overseas.  This becomes a big problem to exterminate cigarette.  From these conditions, the government should be aware of the dangers of smoking.  They must be firmly against smoking while profitable for them.  The dangers of smoking that caused not only to the smoker, but also to the environment.  Whether the government would destroy their own environment? Some researches show that smoking can cause of pollution. There is a lot of researches show that many kinds of gases that are released and harmful for the environment by smoking, such as tar and carbon dioxide. Everyone knows that now the environment is getting worse and worse.
In conclusion, Smoking is very pointless. There are many bad effects caused by smoking, such as effect on our health and the environment.  I think it is better if you avoid smoking. Make your life better than before.

Nugraha, Aria. 2012. Health effect. Retrieved June 16,


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