Arranged by :
Yulinda Pratiwi
1420302176 / 5
Background of Study
As everybody knows, English is International language
which is commonly used as to communicate with each other in every spesific
field. Indonesia becomes one of the countries that used English as Foreign
Language that is taught in each levels of Education. Starts from Kindergarten
as additional lesson, Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School
and University.
Language skill consists of 4 aspect, there are :
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Every skill has relation to each
other. An effort to master a language is start from when we are listening,
after that we try to speak, read, and write.
2013 curriculum is the newest curriculum which is used by
the government to every school level in Indonesia. In this case, curriculum has
many meanings in order to apply 2013 curriculum. The first curriculum as the
material (planing oriented), curriculum as a product (result oriented),
curriculum as a process (action oriented) and curriculum as contextual praksis
(continous-action reflection) (Kemendikbud : 2013). The approach that is used
in 2013 curriculum is scientific approach with the aims to increase the student’s
critical thinking.
One of the focus of English lesson in 2013 curriculum is
the students can make a writing as a product of learning process. They are
trying to write and express their idea. Other aspect is they have to be able to
think critically about the respond to others opinion.
Everyday we faced with the text, such as in a newspaper,
journals or handbook. We also know that there are many kinds of text such as
report text, descriptive text, narrative text, discussion text, etc. Some of the
text like analytical exposition is common to use several terms or unfamiliar
vocabulary so that it becomes difficulties for the students to convey their
idea in the form of writing.
Analytical exposition is a text which analyze a topic and to persuade the reader that this
opinion is correct and supported by arguments. It can discuss about some
issues for example about philosopical, social phenomena, etc. The language
features of analytical exposition is present tense. It purposes to present information and opinions about issues in more
one side of an issue.
In some school, researcher found that there are many
students who gets difficulties in writing skills particularly analytical exposition text. It was proven when researcher was observed
a teaching process in SMAN 5 Magelang. Some of the students faced writing
process and they feel that they were difficult to convey their ideas in writing
form. Although in their mind, they have many ideas.
In doing writing
activity, some of them often got difficulties in developing their ideas. They
could not express the ideas that they thought to be conveyed in written form.
Then,they did not know what they were going to write. Some of them wrote
sentences but they made many mistakes so that they did not produce a good
As a teacher, we have to think critically to find the
strategies in teaching writing so that our students will used writing as their
new hobby. In addition to increase their information and their knowledge. There
must be a technique which can help them to make an interesting, inspiring, and
valuable writing.
The strategy “Content Purpose Audience (CPA)” is an easy
strategy that help students to develop their idea into good sentence and being
a good writing. By using this strategy, hopefully the ability of writing skill
and to express students idea will be increase effectively.
Considering the problem of the students who
get difficulties in developing the ideas, it is necessary to conduct a research
on the effectiveness of using CPA technique in teaching writing skill of analytical
exposition. When the students get difficulties in developing the ideas of analytical
exposition, they will get some feedback from other students as a peer tuotr.
They are more likely to understand those
relationship and be able to analyze the component of text. The researcher
focused on writing skill in class X of SMAN 5 Magelang because they still have
less writing skill.
1.2 Identification of the study
There are some problems related to writing
skill. The problems in SMA N 2 Magelang about
writing skill must be solved so that their writing skills can improve. The problems
of writing skill is influenced by many factors. It is not only from the
students but also from other aspect of learning process. It has relationship to
each other.
The researcher observed in class X of SMAN 5
MAGELANG and identify the problem. The researcher not only observed the
students but also the teacher to get more information while learning and
teaching process. From the activity the researcher found some problems in the
classroom which includes the learning process, the students, and the strategy.
First the teacher gives less
guidance to the students about how to write a writing form to be a good
sentence and good writing. The aspect of writing is not only about the ideas
but also, the coherence and cohession between sentence to sentence.
Second, the students had less
motivation to write. They feel hard to develop the ideas in their mind. Although
they has many ideas, if they do not know how to convey it in writing form it
will be useless.
Third, sometimes the way they write
the writing are not structured. In this case, the students also challenge to
make a paragraph and in each paragraph they have to have correlation to each
other. So that the reader can catch the meaning clearly.
1.3 Limitation of the problem
The researcher limit the problems related to
the effectiveness of the strategy. It cause effect to other components of writing
skills. The strategy should cover most of the problems. Based on the discussion
it can be conclude that class X of SMAN 5 MAGELANG need a strategy in order to
make their writing become a good writing and they can develop their ideas
structurally. Content Purpose Audience is consider strategy to make the writing
skill focusing on the content that can be catch by the readers clearly.
Formulation of the problem
Based on the background of study,
identification of the problem, and limitation of the problem the researcher
formulated :
1. Is there any significant differences of
students’ writing skill mastery between those who are taught using Content
Purpose Audience (CPA) technique and those who did not teach using Content
Purpose Audience (CPA) technique?
2. How great is the significant difference of
students’ writing skill mastery between those who are taught using Content
Purpose Audience (CPA) technique ?
1.5 The Objective of the Study.
The objectives of the research can be stated
as follow:
To know whether there is significant difference of the
students’ writing skill mastery between those who are taught using Content
Purpose Audience (CPA) technique and those are who not teach using Content Purpose Audience (CPA) .
To know whether the students who are taught using Content
Purpose Audience (CPA) technique have better writing skill mastery than those
who are taught using free writing
1.6 The Significance of the Study.
The final result of the research is expected
be useful for:
The teachers
The research supports the teachers to
apply this technique in teaching writing skill. Hopefully, this technique can
make the teachers to be more creative in teaching writing or choose some more
appropriate techniques.
The students
The students are expected to have more attention and
interest to improve their ability in writing.
The students are expected to convey their ideas easily
Theoretical Background
2.1 Writing
Definition of Writing
“Writing is
functional communication, making learners possible to create imagined worlds of
their own design.”Writing as one of four language skills is considered as a
difficult skill because the writer should make some aspects in writing such as
content, organization, purpose, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling in a
balance way.
Writing is the activity or occupation of
writing, for example books, stories, or articles. We can take more times to
think and choose words in order to express our idea, thought, and feeling. We
still can make editing or revision if it is not so clear to express what
intends to write. Writing is a progressive activity. This means that when you
first write something down, you have already been thinking about what you are
going to say and how you are going to say it. The after you have finished
writing, you read over what you have written and make changes and corrections.
Therefore, writing is never a one step
actions; it is a process that has several steps.Writing is a discovery process
that involves discovering ideas, how to organize them and what that you want to
put over to your order, so a lot of what a writer does as a writer doesn‟t
actually appear on the page. It is a means of communication. Whenever the
writer want to write, he has to knowing the audience or reader, it will help in
reaching the the goal of communicating clearly and effectively. Communication
in writing tends to involve a thinking process because writing requires the process of selecting and organizing ideas
into coherent and logical whole, so in this case writing is undeniably based in
thought. Finnochiaro says that writing has been characterized as written
thinking. It means that writing is a way to produce language that comes from
our thought. In the writing process, the writer tries to developing their ideas
and feelings to produce into a good sentence, in order to inform the other.
Types of Writing
The type of writing system which exists in
the native language is an important factor in determining to easy of speech
with which students learn to write.
There are two types of
1. Practical Writing
This type deals with the fact and functional
writing. It is purposed to special goal
that we can find it in letters, papers, summaries, outlines, essays, etc.
2. Creative or Imaginary Writing
This type usually exists in literature. Such
as novel, romance, poem, short story, science fiction, etc.
Purposes of Writing
According to O‟Malley and Pierce, there are
three purposes of
writing based on the types of writing in English language learning,
1. Informative
It is represented by “informative writing,”
that is purposed to share knowledge or information, give directions, and state
ideas to other. Informative writing involves describing events or experiences,
analyzing concept, speculating on causes and effect, and developing new ideas
that are purposed to inform something may important to the readers.
2. Expressive or Narrative
It is represented by “expressive writing” or
“narrative writing is” that is purposed to share a personal or imaginative
expression. Commonly it is composed by the writer story or essay. Expressive or
narrative often used to perform a pleasure discovery, story, poems, or short
It is represented by “persuasive writing”
that is purposed to persuade the readers to do something. It effort to
influences others and initiate action or change. This type of writing includes
evaluation of book, movie, consumer product, or controversial issues.
Writing Process
There are
three steps in writing process, they are prewriting, writing, and
revising. All of those steps are important to make our writing better and
is the first step; it is preparation step before writing process. Prewriting
gives warming up the brain to gathering the ideas to write about. There are
several ways to warm up before we write.
a. Brainstorming
is a prewriting activity to enlisting the ideas related the topic. In this technique, we write down every single
thing that passing through or comes into our minds.
Clustering is another technique to bind
ideas. We visualize our ideas using circles and lines which are interconnected
one to others. The topic is positioned in the center of blank paper as a core
circle, while the ideas are spread around. There are the steps of clustering
Write our topic in the center of a blank piece of paper and draw
circle around it.
Write any ideas that come into our mind about the topic in
around the main circle.
Connect those ideas to the center word with a line.
Think about each of our new ideas, and then connect them.
Repeat this process until you run out of ideas.
The next step is writing process. The
result of brainstorming or clustering in
prewriting process is guidance for us to write paragraph.
As we write, the first draft on your
paragraph, use the ideas we generated from prewriting as a guide. As we write,
remember to:
Begin with a topic sentence that states the main ideas, include several
sentences that support the main idea.
Stick the topic does not include information that does not directly support the
main idea.
Arrange the sentences so that the other ideas make sense.
Use signal words to help the reader understand how the ideas in your paragraph
are connected.
The last step is revising; it is the
important step to do after we have produced a draft. We have to analyze the
content of the draft may unclear,
ambiguous or confusing. We have to
ensure that our paragraph is unified and coherent and improve the
grammatical accuracy. So, in this step we can enrich our writing content with
add new sentence to support others idea, or deleting some sentences those are
irrelevant with the topic.
It is almost impossible to write a perfect
paragraph on the first try, so it needs to be revised. The steps are:
Add new ideas to support the topic.
Cross out sentences that do not support the topic.
Change the order of the sentences.
Using the following checklist to revise your paragraph.
Make sure you have a topic sentence.
Cross out sentences that do not relate to the main idea.
Check to see if the sentences are in the right order.
Add new ideas if they support the topic sentences.
Make sure you have included signal words to help guide the reader.
Check the punctuations, spelling and grammar.
2.1.4 Requirements of Good Writing
writing in any languages involves knowledge the convention of written
discourse in culture as well as the ability to choose the precise words that
convey one‟s meaning. To write an interesting text and good paragraph, we
should know what a paragraph is. “A paragraph is a group of sentences which
contain relevant information about one main or central idea”. A good paragraph
normally focuses only on one idea that is expressed in the topic sentence.
Topic sentence is important to express an idea. Function of the idea is to
control the content of paragraph. Idea is the beginning of creative process. A
paragraph basically consists of three parts; those are introduction, body, and
In writing a good paragraph, we should
concern to two things. They are:
The unity is synonymous with oneness. It
means oneness to express the ideas in one paragraph. All sentences in a
paragraph should state on the one thing in the topic sentence: all of the
sentences stick together.
Coherence also plays an important role in
writing. It plays crucial role in making a paragraph read well. Every coherent
paragraph contains smoothly-connected ideas.
To achieve coherence, the researcher needs to use some transitions, such as
however, although, finally, and nevertheless.
Writing skill is complex and difficult to
teach since in this case writing does not only mean putting down graphic form
on a piece of paper. It involves at least five components. They are:
Content : the substance of writing, the ideas expressed.
Form : the organization of the content.
Grammar : the employment of grammatical form and syntactic
Vocabulary: the choice of structure and lexical items to give a
tone or flavor to the writing. It is also called style.
Mechanic : the use of graphic conventions of the language.
2.1.5. Writing Skill
Writing skills are specific abilities which
help students or writers put their thoughts into words in a meaningful form and
to mentally interact with the message. It helps the learner gain independence, comprehensibility, fluency and
creativity in writing.
Independence is the ability to function in a
given area without depending upon another's help. Independence writing is the
ability to write anything one can say or understand in his or her language
without depending upon another's help. Comprehensibility means the ability to
be understood; intelligible. Fluency is the ability to read, speak, or write
easily, smoothly, and expressively. Fluency skills are the ability to see
larger segment and phrases as wholes as an aid to reading and writing more
quickly. If learners have mastered these skills, they will be able to write so
that not only they can read what they
have written, but other speakers of that language can read and understand it.
2.1.6 Improving Students’ Writing Skill
Improvement in Oxford Learners Pocket
Dictionary is the process of becoming or making something better. Students
are person who is studying at a college
or university, person studying at secondary school, and
any person interested in a particular subject. The improving students‟
writing skill can be done if there is a good preparation of using aids, it
will be possible for the teacher to create a good language learning process in
which the students‟ participation is dominant; as a result, the students‟
knowledge and skill can be improved. In
this study, personal letter is an aid that uses to improve students‟ writing
skill in recount text.
There are some factors that can influence
students‟ writing skill:
Limited vocabulary
Difficulty in organizing to write about something
No motivation to write
Lack of confidence in grammar
Those are the problems that mostly faced by
students in writing.As a teacher, it is important to help the students when
they get problem. When teacher can play their role, the students will be helped
in their writing. The improvement of students‟ ability in writing skill can be
seen by look at the differences or raising the students‟ ability in those
Teaching Writing Skill
Writing as one of the four skills has always
formed part of the syllabus in the teaching of English. However, it can be used
for a variety of purposes, ranging from being merely a „backup‟ for grammar
teaching to a major syllabus strand in its own right, where mastering the
ability to write effectively is seen as a key objective for learners.
The important given to writing differs from
teaching situation to teaching situation. In some cases it shares equal billing
with the other skill; in other curricula it is only used, if at all in its
writing for learning role where students write predominantly to augment their learning
of the grammar and vocabulary of the language.
Partly because of the nature of the writing
process and also because of the need for accuracy in writing, the mental
processes that a student goes through when writing differ significantly from
the way they approach discussion or other kinds of spoken communication. This
is just as true for single-sentence writing as it with single paragraph or
extended text.
Writing is often not time bound in the way
conversation is. When writing, students frequently have more time to think than
they do in oral activities. They can go through what they know in their minds,
and even consult dictionaries, grammar books, or other reference material to
help them.
Writing encourages students to focus on
accurate language use and, because they think as they write, it may well provoke
language development as they resolve problems which the writing puts into their
However, this quite separates from the issues
of writing process and genre. Since here students are not writing to become
better writers, they are writing to help them learn better.
Implications for Learning and Teaching
A consideration of the writing process, and
how speaking and writing are related to each other-especially in a world of
changing communication media-is not only of academic interest. It also has
implications for the way we teach writing.
Many traditional approaches, for example,
failed to incorporate the kind of insight into the writing process that we have
been discussing. In some teaching, for example, students write a composition in
the classroom which the teacher corrects and hand back the next day covered in
red ink.
The students put the corrected pieces of work
in their folders and rarely look at them again. For many years the teaching of
writing focused on the written product rather than on the writing process. In
other words, the students‟ attention was directed to the rather than the how of
text construction. Product approaches expected the student to only analyze
texts in term of what language they used and how they were constructed.
2.1.9. Strategy for Writing Teaching Process
There are a number of strategies we need to
consider for concentrate on the process of writing, they are:
1. Get students to plan writing
Before getting students to write we can
encourage them to think about they are going to write by planning the content
and sequence of what they will put down
on paper (or type into the computer). There are various ways of doing this.
Including, at one end of the scale, brainstorming (where the students in pairs
or groups come up with as many ideas as they can through discussion) to more guided tasks where the
teacher or the course book includes a number of activities which leads students
to plan for a forthcoming task. When students are planning we can encourage
them to think not just about the content of what they want to say but also
about what the purpose of their writing is, and who the audience is they are
writing for.
Encourage students to draft, reflect and revise writing
Students who are unused to process-writing
lessons will need to be encouraged to reflect on what they have written,
learning how to treat first draft as first attempt and not as finishes product.
We may want to train them in using and responding to correction symbols, we may
offer them revision checklist to use when looking through what they have
written with a view to make revision.
One way of encouraging drafting, reflection,
and revision is to have students involved in collaborative writing. A pair of
group of students working together on a piece of writing can respond to each
other‟s ideas (both in terms of language and content), making suggestion for
changes, and so contributing to the success of the finishes product.
2.1.10 Respond to students’ writing
In order for a process-writing approach to
work well, some teachers may need to rethink the way in which they react to
their students‟ work, in place of making correction to a finished version; they
will need, at times, to respond to a work-in-progress. This may involve talking
with individual students about a first, second, third, and fourth draft, will
other members of the group are working on their own. Alternatively, teachers
can read through a draft and then make written suggestions about how the text
could be reordered. This is especially appropriate, for example, when the class
is working in a computer at a time from a central console.
Another possibility is for the teacher to
write out their own version of how a section of text might look better. Such
reformulation will be beneficial to the student who compares their version with
their teachers.
It is not just teachers who can respond to
the students writing. It is useful to have students look at work done by their
colleagues and respond in their own way. Such peer response may provide welcome
alternative to the teacher‟s feedback as well as offering a fresh perspective
on the writing.
General Concept of Text
Human being lives in a world of words. When
these words are put together to communicate a meaning, a piece of text is
created. When speaking or writing to communicate a message, there are constructing a text. When reading,
listening or view a piece of text, there are interpreting its meaning.
In general, text is an article which often read. It is the language unity that expresses the
meaning contextually. The limitation of the text is that the text is not
measure the number of sentence or page, but the text is measured from the meaning
expressed and context. Thus, the quality of the text is not measured from the
quantity of the sentences.
According to Hartono, text is a unit of
meaning which is coherent and appropriate for its context. Human beings are
different from other creatures that live in a world of words. When these words
are put together to communicate a meaning, a piece of text is created. They
will think to express their expressions; it is mean human need to express their
own in many ways that can be understood by others. Human can use a text as one
of the ways to express their own. It means that when the writer uses language
to write, he is creating and constructing a text. When
the reader reads a text, he is interpreting texts. Moreover, creating
and interpreting text also occur when they are talking and listening.
Halliday and Hasan said that a text is a
social exchange of meanings. The meaning of a sentence may have different meaning according to the context. For
example, I am buying a drink for everybody here, and the mean of that sentence
is one drink for all or one drink for each. Therefore, the teacher must be able to develop students‟
abilities to exchange the meanings in different points of sentence.
2.1.11 General Concept of Genre
Definition of Genre
“Genre is used to refer to particular
text-types, not to traditional varieties of literature. It is a type or kind of
text, defined in terms of its social purposes; also the level of context
dealing with social purpose”.
The meaning of the genres intended is that
students are able to understand the concept and they would be able to identify
a kind of texts that students will have to write.
Kinds of Genre
There are fifteen types of genre text, they
Recount is a kind of genre used to retell events for the purpose of informing
or entertaining.
Narrative is a kind of genre used to amuse, to entertain and to deal with
actual or various experiences in different ways.
News story is a factual text which informs reader‟s events of the day which are
considered newsworthy or important.
Exemplum is a kind of genre used to deal with incidents that are in some respects
out of the usual, point to some general values in the cultural context.
Anecdote is a kind of genre used to share with others an account of an
or amusing incident.
Spoof is a kind of genre used to retell an event with a humorous twist.
Procedure is a kind of genre used to describe how something is accomplished
through a sequence of actions or steps.
Explanation is a kind of genre used to explain the processes involved in the
formation or workings of natural or socio-cultural phenomena.
Report is a kind of genre used to describe the way things are, with reference
to arrange or natural, manmade and social phenomena in our environment.
Analytical exposition is a kind of genre used to persuade the reader or
to take action on some matter.
Discussion is a kind of genre used to present (at least) two points of view
about an issue.
Description is a kind of genre used to describe a particular person, place or
Review is a kind of genre used to critique an art work or event for a public
Commentary is a kind of genre used to explain the processes involved in the
information (evolution) of a social-cultural phenomenon, as though a natural
Hortatory exposition is a kind of genre used to persuade the reader or listener
that something should or should not be the case.
2.1.12 Analytical
Exposition Text
An analytical exposition is a type of spoken
or written text that is intended to persuade the listeners or readers that
something is the case.It also collaborate that writer’s idea about the
phenomenon surrounding.
The purpose of an analytical exposition text
is to persuade the readers or listener by presenting one side of an argument.
To make the persuasion stronger, the speaker or writer gives some arguments as
the fundamental reasons why something is the case. This type of text can be
found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles, academic
speech or lectures, research report etc.
Analytical expositions are popular among
science, academic community and educated people. Analytical exposition text
have 3 components, they are:
constructing an exposition, language feature
an exposition and generic structure.
First is constructing an Analytical
Exposition. In constructing an analytical exposition text, there are three
basic steps, the first step is called as an introductory statement that gives
the author’s point of view and previews the arguments that will follow-in some
texts, the opening statements may be attention grabbing. The second step is by
constructing a series of arguments that aim to convince the audience, pictures
might also be used to help persuade the audience. The last one is by
constructing a conclusion that sums up the arguments and reinforces the
author’s point of view.After constructing an analytical exposition text, then
language features of an Analytical Exposition text. The language features of analytical
Exposition consist of three kinds. First, the use of words that shows the
author’s attitude, or we usually call it as modality. The second one is the use
of words to express felling or we usually call it as emotive words. The last
one is the use of words to link cause and effect.
The next step after we know about language
feature of an analytical exposition text is the generic structure of analytical
exposition. The generic structure of analytical exposition consists of three
main parts: thesis, arguments and reiteration. The first part is called as
thesis. Thesis is used for introducing topic and indicates the writer’s
position. Besides, thesis is also used as the outline of the main argument, to
be presented.
The second part is called as argument. The
use of arguments is to restate main argument outlined in preview. It consists
of the elaboration, development, and support to each point of argument. The
last one is reiteration. It is usually used for restating the writer’s position
and to conclude the whole argument.
Some dominant features that usually used when
writing analytical exposition text, it is usually focused on generic human and
non-human participants. It means that the subject of the general things can be
human and non-human.
Another characteristic is the use of simple
present tense. This tense is used because it shows the events that exist now,
in the past and in the future. There are also the uses of relational processes
to express the cause and effect event. The use of internal conjunction is to
stage the argument and to show the series of argument that contain more than
one argument. Last but not least is the reasoning through causal conjunction to
show the conclusion of the whole arguments in the text.
Example of Analytical Exposition text
Much of what we throw away could be used
again. Recycling puts "garbage" to good use. Recycling helps preserve
precious resources because itsaves on the use of raw materials and energy.
It also reduces the pollution caused when the
waste is dumped. but it is even better to reuse the bottle whole. Metals can be
recycled by being remelted and then used tomake other new items. The metals to
recycle from an ordinary household are aluminums and steel from cans. (Argument)
Scrap from cars gives several different
metals for recycling. Paper is easy to recycle. Every home and office should
have a paper reclining routine. Plastics are the worst problem because they do
not biodegrade (breakdown) easily.(Argument)
They are also hard to recycle and cause
Harmful pollution when burned. So, it is important to use as little plastics as
possible, and then only ones that are recyclable or biodegradable (Reiteration)
Previous Study
Previous of the study is made in order
to avoid plagiarism. Another study of the strategy Content Purpose Audience
(CPA) in teaching writing it has been conducted. The first is a study conducted
by Dewi Purwaningsih (2014). Her study entitled “The effect of using
Content Purpose Audience (CPA) strategy toward student’s writing skill at
eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Basa Ampek Balai Tapan in 2013/2014 academic year”.
Based on her research the students who were taughy by using peer teaching with CPA
technique had better achievement of writing than those who were not teach by
Active Learning
Active Learning
Active learning is "anything that
involves students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing" (Bonwell & Eison,
1991, p. 2).
Felder & Brent (2009) define active
learning as "anything course-related that all students in a class session
are called upon to do other than simply watching, listening and taking
notes" (p. 2).
Active learning is embodied in a
learning environment where the teachers and students are actively engaged with
the content through discussions, problem-solving, critical thinking, debate or
a host of other activities that promote interaction among learners, instructors
and the material. Active learning is not represented in the teacher-centered
classroom where the teacher is an active transmitter of information and the
students are passive recipients.
Content Purpose Audience (CPA)
Content Purpose
Audience is a writing strategy that help the students to developing idea in
writing process. There are some definitions according to some
experts. Peha (2003:71) states that CPA is a
terrific writing strategy that helps students to define their entire piece and
it also works well as a revision strategy. It has six different boxes to fill
up, and several piece of information required for “key detail” and “question”.
This strategy is used in writing activities as strategy in organizing the ideas
about the topic.
(2005: 9) defines this strategy is a concept of writing in which the writer
makes a chart to organize the point about what he/she wants to share. The
content includes the most important think the author wants the audience to
know and the importance piece that help
reader to lock the key idea.
The purpose of the piece expressed in terms
of what the author would
like the audience to think after they have
finished reading.
The audience means
the reader of the piece. In addition, Lester (2006:70)
also states that there are some advantages of
CPA strategy. First, the CPA strategy is one of the best ways to clarify what
the writer want to say. Next, using CPA
strategy can help the writer quickly to
figure out what the writer want to say in each one. It also helps the editors
to see what the writer going to do before spending a ton of time doing it. CPA
strategy also can make the writer write
more effectively questions”.
Content Purpose Audience
(CPA)” is an easy strategy that help students to develop their idea into good
sentence and being a good writing. The strategy can simplyfy what the have to
write and develop their ideas. So that the audience can catch the aim of your
writing clearly. These are the :
1. The students are divided into individual
2. Use the CPA Strategy for expository, these
kinds of writing require a clearly stated main idea, strong support, a clear
sense of purpose, and the ability to anticipate and address the readers’
3. Assign a topic
4. Begin to write the simple notes into
paragraph to write a text
5. Decide main idea
6. Then write the supporting details.
7. Next, write what the reader wants to think
and do in the purpose’s column.
8. Ignore think of the most important
questions that the readers will ask in the
question’s column.
9. Finally, write it in the box in the CPA
chart of their sheet.

Procedures in this
research mean that how to apply this strategy in students writing skill. The
procedure that was applied by the researcher was the procedure suggested by
Margot (2005: 9), because this strategy made complex activities that made
students examine all of the components of the strategy whendo the writing. It
could increase the students’ writing skill.
The purpose of pre-writing is to
efficiently get your thoughts on paper. The Content-Purpose-Audience Strategy
is the best tool we’ve found for almost any kind of content.
Personae: A detailed description of the person/people you’re communicating
withWriter’s Personality: A similar description of the person doing the
communicating to establish voice.
Start in any square,
but we recommend short sentences or bullets in this order :
1. Complete the personae
2. Jump to people and
questions to ensure you address audience needs.
3. Write the main idea
to focus you on the key concept you are trying to communicate.
4. Define the purpose
the content should achieve.
5. Map out the key
details that support your main idea dan purpose and address questions
The idea is to
quickly get your main thoughts down so you can evaluate them and even get
themapproved by others. At first, it might take you 20 to 30 minutes to
complete your pre-writing. But as you get more practice, you’ll find that it
may take as little as 5 to 10 minutes.
b . Completed Organizer
Here’s CPA created
for an opinion piece on changing the way we teach writing in schools.
Audience Personae: People with a direct
interest in schools doing a better job preparing kids forlife after
graduation.Writer’s Personality: An authoritative person with direct
experience in schools, writing and business.
The one most important thing you want your audience toknow, or that they need
to know.
We are all better served if kids
learn to write better.
The examples,
explanations and evidence that supportyour
main idea.
Adults don’t write like
teachers teach kids to; this
is why they can’t perform the writing necessaryin their jobs.The repetitive, rote 5PE stifles critical thinking,which is also in short supply. With authentic
writing kids learn more, able to do more based instruction on real-world models.Writers Workshop supports this style
of teachingand is easy to adopt
ACTION: What exactly do you want your audience to think?
We need schools to prepare
kids for today’s realworld, not end-of-grade tests. Business community needs to make a differentkind of demand.
exactly do you want your audience to do?
Ask schools to teach kids
the skills we actually needthem to
have. Start with writing because it’s what our childrenneed to compete in
a global economy.
The person,
type of person, or group of people you are writing to.
Business leaders who are frustrated with graduates’skills. Opinion
leaders engaged in education and
with theear of other influencers like school board member.
The most
important questions your audiencewill have about your topic.
1. Why do graduates have such a hard time withwriting in the real world?
2. What’s so bad about the
3. Everyone teaches it – why should we stop?
4. Won’t it be hard to adopt a new way?
from the C-P-A is easy because you can not really go wrong starting in
any box (excep tPEOPLE). Remember, the draft is just your first pass. You
can revise and reorganize once youhave something to work from. The C-P-A
enables you to draft and revise content using a seriesof interchangeable
Heads/Titles: MAIN IDEA, THINK, DO or
Openings/Leads: MAIN IDEA, THINK, DO or
Subheads: MAIN IDEA, THINK, DO and/or
Endings: MAIN IDEA, THINK and/or DO
Audience Personae: Enables you to
envision the audience and choose the right toneandinformation.
Writer’s Personality: Helps you connect with the audience with appropriate tone and word choice.
Writer’s Personality: Helps you connect with the audience with appropriate tone and word choice.
The one most important thing you
want your audience toknow, or what they need to know.
· The examples, explanations and
evidence that supportyour main idea.
Use as your beginning or to
set up your ending.Consider as a
title/head or a subtitle.
Use as the meat – or middle – of your piece orchoose one to begin your piece. Experiment with order for best flow and
CALL TO ACTION: What exactly
do you want your audience to think?
· DO
CALL TO ACTION: What exactly
do you want your audience to do?
Use as your beginning, to set up
your DO or as a callto action ending on its own.
Consider as a title/head or a
Use as your beginning as a call to action ending.
The person, type of person, or
group of people you are writing to.
While your audience is always in
your piece, it's notactually *in* your piece.
The most important questions your
audience will haveabout your topic.
as your beginning, as introductions to KEY DETAILS or as an ending. Consider as a title/head or a subtitle.
The C-P-A makes it fast and easy to try
several different approaches. There are four popular andeffective
combinations you can test drive. From these drafts, revise to
expand on the KEY DETAILS, flesh out the THINK or DO and add subheads from QUESTIONS.
MAIN IDEA : We’re all better served if kids learn to write
better. KEY DETAIL The
way we teach kids to write
in school, often through
artificial organizational formulas like the traditional Five-Paragraph Essay, doesn’t prepare them for the
kind of writing we need them to do in
the working world.
KEY DETAIL : With its repetitive logic and rote format, the 5PE encourages kids to think that form is
moreimportant than content. Its frequent use and pre-determined structure, discourages criticalthinking. We all know how it works: “Tell ‘em what you’re
gonna tell ‘em. Tell ‘em. And tell‘em what you told ‘em.” The same argument is needlessly repeated three
times, wasting the reader’s time and insulting the reader’s
KEY DETAIL : But there’s a better way. With real writing instruction, instruction
that helps learners masterthe real forms of writing that real
writers write, kids not
only learn how to think
throughwritten language, they learn how to get things done through powerful personal essays, memos,letters,
book and music reviews, op-eds,
briefings, executive summaries, news reports andinterviews—real forms written for real reasons by real adults
in the real world. By focusing onreal writing, kids learn more and are able to do more as a result.
THINK We need schools to prepare kids for the real world,
not end-of-grade tests.
DO Let’s start asking schools to teach kids the skills we actually need them
to have. Instead of rotelearning, let’s ask for real learning. And let’s start
with writing because it’s the most important skill our children need to compete in a global Information Age economy.
1. Actively involves participants
2. Students have to think creatively and
critically to give a question and reason
3. Students learn about descriptive text in fun
4. Students have to pay attention on their
friends performance
5. Students have to responsible with their work
6. Students learn how to appreciate someone
7. Teacher is efficient ways of delivering
8. Develop written expression skill
9. Provides practice to build skills before
apply in the real-world (future)
10. Give the students an opportunities to develop
their idea.
1. It takes a longer time to finish the role
2. Some of students will confuse about what they
have to do in making question if they do not understand about the question.
Conceptual Framework
A conceptual framework derived from
those concepts above will be presented as follows. Writing is one of the most
important things share and express our idea. In a school, writing becomes an
essential skill because almost every day they faced written text in their text
book. The fact shown that they still face the difficulties in sharing and
developing the idea. The teacher also did not give the spesific guidance for
writing to be more effectively. There should be a solution for solving this
There are several
advantages of using Content Purpose Audience concept of writing in which the
writer makes a chart to organize the point about what he/she wants to share. The
strategy helps the students to developing the main idea and get simplify understanding about the aspect of
writing, to balance their brain activity to guide them writing a text in an
interesting way, to invite them making innovation, to give an opportunity for
each students to be a peer tutot and to help them recall any information they
have write easily.
Therefore, Content Purpose Audience is
a good strategy to solve the problems identified by the researcher in XI
graders of SMAN 5 MAGELANG. This strategy is appropriate for the students needs
and it can make students feel joy and happy while the learning process and
achieve the aims of writing skill.
Research Hypothesis
Ha ( Alternative Hypothesis)
Teaching writing using CPA technique is more effective
for students
2.4.2 Ho
(Statistical Hypothesis)
Teaching writing using CPA technique is not effective for
the students.
Types of The Research
The researcher carries out this research to
know whether there are some significance difference after the students writing
of analytical exposition between those who are taught using “Content Purpose
Audience (CPA)” technique and before those who are taught using “Content
Purpose Audience (CPA)”.
The types of this research is experimental.
The researcher gives treatments to the eleventh years students of SMAN 5
MAGELANG. This research is directed to find out the effect of certain
treatment. There are two groups; the first is an experimental group and the
second one is a control group. For the experimental group, the researcher
teaches using Content Purpose Audience (CPA) technique. On the contrary, the
control group is not using Content Purpose Audience (CPA) technique.
After they are given differen tratments, the
two groups are given test with the same materials to measure the effect of the
treatment towards students’ writing skill of analytical exposition.
The Population of The Research
The population of the research is the
effectiveness of “Content Purpose Audience (CPA)” technique to the eleventh
years students of SMAN 5 MAGELANG in the school year 2016/2017. The researcher
divides them into two groups. Each group consists of 20 students.
The Sample and Sampling Technique
According Best & Kahn (2006) state that a
sample is a small proportion of the population that is selected for observation
and analysis. The samples then were taken by using simple random sampling. Ary,
Jacobs & Sorensen (2010) state that
the basic characteristic of simple random sampling is that all members of the
population have an equal an independent chance of being included in the random
sample. The sample in this research is the eleventh year students of SMAN 5
MAGELANG in the school year 2016/2017. This research takes 32 students and will
prove that the students have the same level of capability in writing skill. The
total number of samples is 32 students and they will be divided into two
groups, experimental group and control group.
The sampling technique in this research is
simple random sampling technique. It means that each student of the population
has the same opportunity to be the sample of the research. In this case, the
researcher draws all members of the class. She uses the procedure of making
list of names of the students. The students who get odd number are classified
into the control group. On the other side, the students who get even numbers
are classified into the experimental group. Both of them are given different
The Technique of
Collecting Data
technique of collecting is a way to collect data as objective as possible. It
is regarded as an important step in scientific method. The instrument that is
used to collect the data in this research are; documentation and test.
1. Documentation
is the technique which is used to collect data and information about the
students such as, the list of names and their score.
2. Test
instrument that will be used by the researcher is test. The researcher gives
the text of analytical exposition text. The tests are given to the different
groups. There are two kinds of tests, namely:
a. Pre-test
The test which is given to the both groups
before they have a different treatment.
b. Post-test
The test which is given to the both groups
after they have a different treatment.
Setting of The Research
Experimental Design
Experiment Group
writing skill of analytical exposition using Content Purpose Audience (CPA)
Control Group
Teaching writing skill of analytical exposition not using
Content Purpose Audience (CPA)
I. Opening
a. Greeting
b. Teacher gives
motivation to the students by giving questions / brainstorming.
II. Main activity
a. Teacher explains
the materials.
b. Teacher gives a paper to make a writing
c. The teacher give a topic (e.g : National Examination)
d. The teacher asks the students to make the main idea or the thesis
e. The teacher asks the students to make a topic sentence in each paragraph
(for example : the students will make 5 paragraph, so they have to make 5
topic sentence for each paragraph)
f. The teacher makes a limitation for students to make the supporting
sentence below the topic sentence in each paragraph
g. The students try to elaborate each paragraph structurally.
h. The students start to make a full paragraph
A volunteer come in front of
the class then read his/her result
Other students gives
suggestion, objection, or question
k. The students add the comments from their friends to their writing.
Continue as long as there are
still any volunteer.
III. Closing
a. The teacher gives
conclusion and feedback about the material.
b. Teacher closes
the meeting.
I. Opening
b. Greeting
c. Teacher gives
motivation to the students by giving questions / brainstorming.
II. Main activity
a .
Teacher explains the materials.
b. Teacher gives a paper to make a writing
c . The teacher
give a topic (e.g : National Examination)
d . Teacher asks
the students to make their own writing directly.
e. A volunteer come in front of the class then read his/her result
f. Other students gives suggestion, objection, or question
b. The teacher gives
conclusion and feedback about the material.
c. Teacher closes
the meeting.
1. Test
The instrument that will be used by the
researcher is test. The researcher gives the text of analytical exposition
text. The tests are given to the different groups. There are two kinds of
tests, namely:
The test which is given to the both groups
before they have a different treatment. The form of the test that is given to
control group and experimental group are a paper that contains the simple
format for writing.
The test which is given to the both groups
after they have a different treatment. The form of the test that is given to
control group is a paper that contains the simple format for writing. The form
of the test that is given to experimental group is a paper that contains the
format of CPA.
Method of Analying Data
The data analysis method is used in this research is
comparative analysis. So, the researcher knows whether or not there is a
significant difference in the result between the two groups. In order to know
the level of ability of the two groups, they are given pre-test before
treatment. In this case, the researcher uses t-test simple randomized as

Ma : The average of mean of A in pre-test
Mb : The average of mean of B in pre-test
Xa : The Standard deviation of Ma
Xb : The Standard deviation of Mb
Na : The number of subjects in group A
Nb : The number of subjects in group B
to : Coefficient of the mean difference
If the
result shows that to is less than or
equal with t-table, the hypotheses states the ability level of experiment group
and control group is accepted. The researcher also uses the same procedure to
know whether there is significant difference of the two groups after giving the
acceptance or refusal of those hypotheses is based on the degree of freedom of
each test and coefficient is obtained from the calculation of statistics (Na +
Nb – 2). The degree of freedom of each t-test in this research is the amount of
the groups that is (20 + 20 – 2) = 38. From the table of significance 5% (Ho) the result s accepted if the result
of t-test is higher than the figure shown on t-table. However, if the result of
t-test is more r equal with the figure on t-table, Ho is refused and Ha is
3.6 Statistical Hypothesis
The statistical hypothesis of this research
can be seen as :
: There is no significant difference achievement of analytical
exposition text between before and after implementing CPA technique
: There is significant difference achievement of analytical
exposition text between before and after implementing CPA technique
Furthermore the writer has the criteria used
as follows :
If t-test (t0) .> t-table (tt)
in significant of 1% and 5%, H0 (the null hypothesis) is rejected
and Ha is accepted. It means
that the rates of mean score of post-test is higher than pre-test. The using of
CPA technique is effective to improve student’s writing comprehension.
If t-test (t0) .> t-table (tt)
in significant of 1% and 5%, H0 (the null hypothesis) is accepted
and Ha is rejected. It means
that the rates of mean score of post-test is same as lower than pre-test. The
using of CPA technique is not effective to improve student’s writing
References :
Bacon and Alley. 1996. Active Learning for strategies to
teach any subject. Temple University. A Simon & schuster company
Beatrice S. Milkulecky.
Brown, H. Douglas. 2005. Language assesment Principle and
classroom practices. San Fransisco. Longman
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