By :
Muhammad Fatih Ridho

By :
Muhammad Fatih Ridho
In the name of Allah the
most gracious and the most merciful, blesses and praises always go to prophet
Muhammad SAW, Alhamdullilah everlasting thanks to Allah for his blessing and
mercy so that this paper entitled “The
Effectiveness of Using Critical Incidents Technique in Teaching Speaking to the
Ten Graders Of Sma N 4 Temanggung in The School Year 2017/2018” was
completely done.
This paper has arranged to fulfill
the assignment of Seminar on Language Teaching which teach by Dr. Farikah, M.
However, this success would not be archived
without support, guidance, advice, help from individualist, therefore let his
say thanks to:
1. Dr.
Farikah, M. Pd. As the lecturers of Seminar on Language Teaching in Tidar
2. The
writer beloved family and friends who always give support for finishing this
Also we have effort as maximum as
possible in finishing this paper, but the writer believes that there is many
lack in this thesis. Therefore, the writer hopes the critique and suggestion
for the completion of this paper be able to give the function for the writer
and the readers.
Language is a very important means of communication in human life.
Human being use language both in written and spoken forms to express their
idea. According to Carol (1961:10) Language is the sound system or vowel
sequence that structured which be used in international communication by a
human group and to reveal something, events, and the process which in around of
humans. The status of English on the international level is a major factor that
contributes to the increase in the importance of English in Indonesia.
The writer assumes that the Indonesian government has chosen
English as the first foreign language to be taught at schools. English becomes
one of the compulsory subjects from Elementary School up to University.
Therefore, the government provides a curriculum as the guide of English teacher
in the teaching-learning process. The learning activities involve listening,
speaking, reading and writing.
According to Hadfield and Hadfield (2008: 72), Listening and
Reading are receptive skills, they require only understanding. Speaking and
writing are productive skill, they require the learners to produce
something. All of these skills have
integrated relation in learning English.
Talking is essentially an oral communication process between the
speaker and the other person. According to Tarigan (1990: 15), speaking is the
ability to pronounce sounds or words to express, express and convey thoughts,
ideas and feelings. Furthermore, the explanation is an audible system of signs
(audible) and which (visible) take advantage of the body and ideas of ideas or
ideas. Speaking is also a form of human behavior that escapes very wide
physical, psychological, neurological, semantic, and linguistic factors can be
used as the most important human tool for social control.
Pronunciation is one of the most important components of English to
communicate with others since there are differences between the symbol and its
sounds. When we communicate with other people we should not only have a good
vocabulary but also have good pronunciation. Therefore, it is important to
teach pronunciation. Harmer (2000:183) states that for all people who learn
English, being made aware of pronunciation issues will be of immense benefit
not only to their own production but also to their own understanding of spoken
The students often find the problem with pronunciation when they
speak, read, or listen to English words. It might be caused by some factors.
Learning English is very complex since there are many factors that determine
the success or failure of learners in language learning. There are two factors
which affect someone in learning English: the internal and the external
factors. The internal factors come from the learners themselves, such as
motivation, interest, aptitude, and intelligence, while the external factors
come from outside of the learners, such as the situation and condition of the
environment, learning materials, and the teacher’s ability in handling the
English teaching and learning program. The teachers need special tricks to make
their students motivated to learn English.
The learners need an enjoyable and practical way of teaching so
that finally they can integrate themselves into English, for example singing
English songs can get the students integrated to English. It is assumed that
the teacher’s technique can contribute many things to improve student’s
capabilities, especially in their skill elements, such as vocabulary
enrichment, listen, and pronunciation.
In relation to the statements in the previous, the researcher
intends to help the English teacher improves the students’ speaking skill by
introducing one of quantum learning techniques. The researcher will offer a Quantum
learning technique named critical incident that may become the most appropriate
alternative solution to solve the problem. In short, critical incidents Technique
may be very useful to help the teacher to improve students’ speaking skill
because students will have an interaction in pairs as an interviewer and an
interviewee so that they automatically learn what to say and how to speak it up
in English.
According to Flanagan (1954, p. 338) ‘an incident is critical if it
makes a ‘significant’ contribution, either positively or negatively to the
general aim of the activity’ and it should be capable of being critiqued or
Based on those explanations, the writer try to apply Critical
Incidents strategy in teaching speaking to make the students interested in the
teaching learning process. The researches make it into this classroom action
research entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Critical Incidents Technique In
Teaching Speaking to The Ten Graders of SMA N 4 Temanggung In The School Year
Based on the
background of the study, the writer identifies the following problems in
teaching speaking in senior high school, they are:
The Lack of student understanding of English lessons.
Some students find English difficult and difficult.
Less supportive environment for students to use English.
Lack of vocabulary possessed by students.
The teacher has
little creativity in using teaching technique
The students do not know use of grammar.
Students get difficult to arrange the word and start a
on the problems above, the writer realizes it is impossible to carry out a
classroom action research on all of the problems. Because of the limited time
and capability, the writer limit the problem on the teacher has little
creativity in using teaching technique. The writer tries to use critical incidents technique in teaching speaking to the ten
graders of SMA N 4 Temanggung in the school year 2017/2018
Based on the
previous explanation, the problem of this study can be formulated of the
Whether there is influence student learning method of team
leadership against the heroic results learn English especially speaking skill
of the ten graders of SMA N 4 Temanggung in the school year 2017/2018?
How great is the improvement of speaking skill of the ten graders
of SMA N 4 Temanggung in the school year 2017/2018 after taught using critical
incident technique.
The Objectives
of this research as follow:
To identify how much students speaking skill improvement after
taught using critical incident technique.
To find out the data about the significant different of student’s
speaking ability between taught by using Critical Incident Technique and those
who were taught without using Critical Incident Technique.
The final
result of the writer is expected be useful for:
The teacher
The writer hopes that the result of this study can be enrich
teacher way in teaching speaking
The Student
The result of this study is hoped they will feel more interested
with critical incident technique in learning and can increase their
Speaking is an interactive process
of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing
information (Brown, 1994). Its form and meaning are dependent on the context in
which it occurs, including the participants themselves, their collective
experiences, the physical environment, and the purposes for speaking (Burns
& Joyce, 1997). It is often spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving.
Speaking is defined operationally in this study as
the secondary stage students' ability to express themselves orally, coherently,
fluently and appropriately in a given meaningful context to serve both
transactional and interactional purposed using correct pronunciation, grammar,
and vocabulary and adopting the pragmatic and discourse rules of the spoken language.
In speaking class, the students should be taught how to
speak. The components of English speaking skill that should be given and
studied in English speaking class are pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,
fluency, accuracy and comprehension. Speaking is the most important skill,
because it is one of abilities to carry out conversation on the language.
Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning, receiving, and
processing information.
Based on those explanations, it can be said that speaking
is not only about the use of the right sounds but also the choice of words so
that someone can communicate with others.
According to
Heaton, There are elements of speaking ability that necessary for speaking:
Accuracy in
speaking means someone can produce correct sentences in pronunciation, grammar
and word choice so can be understood. The components of accuracy are
pronunciation, Vocabulary, and grammar.
According to
Webster Dictionary (2003) pronunciation is the way in which a word is
pronounced, the spelling of words in accordance with their usual pronunciation.
Vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual knows
The grammar of a language is the set of rules that govern its
structure. Grammar determines how words are arranged to form meaningful units.
(Jeffrey and Stacy 2003:XVI)
Fluency is an
aspect that influences very much the students’ ability in speaking English. In
this case, the students can speak spontaneously by using a right language or
the students do not use too many unnatural pauses but succeed in conveying the
general meaning and fair range of expression. According to Brown (2001) states that fluency is the ability to
use a language spontaneously and confidently and without undue pauses a
hesitation. Fluency is an aspect that influences very much the students’
ability in speaking English.
is the process of understanding of the utterances sent by the speaker done by
listener. Clark states that comprehensibility has two common senses. In its
narrow sense, it denotes the building of meaning from sounds. Comprehensibility
in broader sense denotes the interpretation the meaning and utilizes the speech
act conveyed. In other words, if there are two people want to make
communication to each other, they have to be speaking because they have
different information. The activity of speaking or communication should be
understood by the speaker and listener.
A debate
is a form of public discourse; it is a formal direct oral contest or
competition in argumentation between two or more people on a defined
proposition at a specific time. According to the Oxford English Dictionary,
debate is “a formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting or
legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward and which
usually ends with a vote.” (The Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd Edition, Edited
by J. Simpson and E. Weiner. Clarendon Press, 2010)
debate may comprise single participants or teams that include several students.
In a typical debate, two teams are presented with a proposition that they will
debate, with each team given a set period of time to prepare their arguments.
Debates are performed in a structured setting that gives all participants a
chance to present and defend their arguments.
An oral presentation is a form of assessment that teachers
frequently use in the classroom. Oral assessments come in a variety of styles,
from multimedia projects to group work to speeches. An oral presentation
involves explaining something to an audience, usually in a classroom, but
sometimes in a work setting. Teachers grade oral presentations based on the
quality of the information presented as well as the method of presenting it.
An oral presentation is similar to giving a speech, but the idea
that it is a presentation invokes images of visual aids and teaching tools
rather than just a single person talking behind a podium, as with a speech. An
individual can give an oral presentation alone or as part of a group.
Oral presentations are effective teaching tools in this way because
they add variety to the classroom and allow students the opportunity to teach
one another instead of always learning from the teacher.
is a progression of exchanges among participants. Each participant is a
“learning system,” that is, a system that changes internally as a consequence
of experience. This highly complex type of interaction is also quite powerful,
for conversation is the means by which existing knowledge is conveyed and new
knowledge is generated.
in principle is to guide students in teaching and learning activities. Or it
can also be said that teaching is an attempt to organize the environment in
relation to students and teaching materials that lead to the process of
learning in students (Usman 2000: 6).
the above teaching implies that teachers are required to be able to act as organizers
of student learning activities that are able to take advantage of the
environment, whether in the classroom or outside the classroom. According to
J.S. Bruner in Usman (2000: 5) suggests that teaching is to present ideas,
problems, or knowledge in a simple form so that it can be understood by every
Y. Slamet and Amir: The definition of speaking as a skill to convey messages
through spoken language as an activity to convey ideas that are developed and
developed in accordance with the needs of the listening. This understanding
explains that speech is not just saying words, but emphasizes the delivery of
ideas that are developed and developed according to the needs of the listener
or recipient of the information or ideas.
speaking is process done by the teacher to help students to get knowledge and
mastering in speaking activities. And by this process the students will easy to
do communication with others. As Brown (2004:141) explains that teaching
speaking has six categories including imitative, intensive, responsive,
interactive and extensive. First, imitative is the type in speaking performance
is the ability to speak with simply like parrot back sentence. Second,
intensive is assessment context to product of speaking designed to demonstrate
competence grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological relationships. Third,
responsive is assessment task include comprehension about limited level of
short conversation. Fourth, interactive is length and complexity of interaction
can be includes multiple exchanges and multiple participants interaction can
take two form of transactional language is exchanging specific information or
interpersonal exchange. Fifth, extensive in speaking includes speeches, oral
presentation and storytelling. In addition, Diaz and Rico (2004:189) mentions
that teaching speaking is the activity that involves three activities as
This is pre-speaking activity, the teacher brain topic with students’
prior knowledge. The teacher does interaction with students by asking some
The teacher decides students in small group activities. In this activity
the students will practice communication. It has aim to make students can share
idea and opinion.
After speaking the teacher can give task to observer their achievement
during teaching and learning process. In this activity the teacher also give
feedback to the students. Furthermore, Kayi (2006) states that teaching speaking should improve students’ communicative
skill, because only in the way, students can express themselves and learn how
to follow the social and cultures rules appropriate in each communicative
circumstance. It means, in teaching speaking teacher should improve students’
real-life communication or activities and students can express themselves.
In conclusion, the writer can say that teaching speaking is a how
to teach speaking a word correctly and bring the words into classroom, Then,
give opportunity for learners to express their opinion, to persuade someone about
something. So, teacher uses six activities in classroom. They are imitative,
intensive, responsive, interactive and extensive. So that, students and
teachers can easily carry on a conversation in accordance with the conditions
of the day, and students should be able to apply it in their daily lives to.
And teacher should make planning such as before speaking, while speaking and
after speaking, to made student more active and understand that their say.
speaking activities, the teachers need to play a number of different roles.
Harmer (2007: 347-348) points out three roles of teachers in teaching speaking.
are sometimes confused, cannot think of what to say next which make lose the
fluency we expect of them. The teacher as a prompter has a rule to help them by
offering discrete suggestions. It can be done supportively without disrupting
the discussion) or ask them to go out of their roles.
should be a good animator when asking students to produce language. Sometimes
this can be achieved by setting up an activity clearly and with enthusiasm. The
teachers also may participate in discussions or role-plays themselves to help
the activity along, ensure continuing students’ engagement or maintain creative
It is vital that the teacher allows the students to assess what
they have done. However, it is important to think about possibility that
overcorrection may inhibit the students in the middle of a speaking activity.
a content-based lesson, a discussion can be held for various reasons. The
students may aim to arrive at a conclusion, share ideas about an event, or find
solutions in their discussion groups. Before the discussion, it is essential
that the purpose of the discussion activity is set by the teacher. In this way,
the discussion points are relevant to this purpose, so that students do not
spend their time chatting with each other about irrelevant things. For efficient
group discussions, it is always better not to form large groups, because quiet
students may avoid contributing in large groups.
other way of getting students to speak is role-playing. Students pretend they
are in various social contexts and have a variety of social roles. In role-play
activities, the teacher gives information to the learners such as who they are
and what they think or feel.
are very similar to role-plays but what makes simulations different than role
plays is that they are more elaborate. In simulations, students can bring items
to the class to create a realistic environment. For instance, if a student is
acting as a singer, she brings a microphone to sing and so on.
this activity, students are supposed to be working in pairs. One student will
have the information that other partner does not have and the partners will
share their information. Information gap activities serve many purposes such as
solving a problem or collecting information. Also, each partner plays an
important role because the task cannot be completed if the partners do not
provide the information the others need. These activities are effective because
everybody has the opportunity to talk extensively in the target language.
On a
given topic, students can produce ideas in a limited time. Depending on the
context, either individual or group brainstorming is effective and learners
generate ideas quickly and freely. The good characteristics of brainstorming is
that the students are not criticized for their ideas so students will be open
to sharing new ideas.
can briefly summarize a tale or story they heard from somebody beforehand, or
they may create their own stories to tell their classmates. Story telling
fosters creative thinking. It also helps students express ideas in the format
of beginning, development, and ending, including the characters and setting a
story has to have. Students also can tell riddles or jokes. For instance, at
the very beginning of each class session, the teacher may call a few students
to tell short riddles or jokes as an opening. In this way, not only will the
teacher address students speaking ability, but also get the attention of the
can conduct interviews on selected topics with various people. It is a good
idea that the teacher provides a rubric to students so that they know what type
of questions they can ask or what path to follow, but students should prepare
their own interview questions. Conducting interviews with people gives students
a chance to practice their speaking ability not only in class but also outside
and helps them becoming socialized. After interviews, each student can present
his or her study to the class. Moreover, students can interview each other and
"introduce" his or her partner to the class.
is a very enjoyable, whole-class, free-speaking activity for which students sit
in a circle. For this activity, a teacher starts to tell a story, but after a
few sentences he or she stops narrating. Then, each student starts to narrate
from the point where the previous one stopped. Each student is supposed to add
from four to ten sentences. Students can add new characters, events, descriptions
and so on.
coming to class, students are asked to read a newspaper or magazine and, in
class, they report to their friends what they find as the most interesting news.
Students can also talk about whether they have experienced anything worth
telling their friends in their daily lives before class.
One way to make
use of pictures in a speaking activity is to give students just one picture and
having them describe what it is in the picture. For this activity students can
form groups and each group is given a different picture. Students discuss the
picture with their groups, then a Spokesperson for each group describes the
picture to the whole class. This activity fosters the creativity and
imagination of the learners as well as their public speaking skills.
For this activity students can work in pairs and each couple is
given two different pictures, for example, picture of boys playing football and
another picture of girls playing tennis. Students in pairs discuss the
similarities and/or differences in the pictures
recent years, there has been a revolutionary paradigm of learning. It is called
evolutionary because it offers deconstructed old learning models that have been
well established and practiced over the years. These new varieties of
paradigms, although if we look at have various roots in the old learning model,
but the way they are presented, the model of their implementation, and their
outlook on learning, are different from what has been practiced. One of the
most talked - about, appreciated, and adapted paradigms in the context of
Indonesian education is Quantum learning.
learning is a translation of a foreign language that is quantum learning.
"Quantum Learning is a guide, strategy and whole learning process that can
sharpen understanding and memory, and make learning as a fun and rewarding
process" (Bobbi DePorter & Mike Hernacki, 2011: 16).
quantum learning can be said as a learning model that emphasizes to provide
meaningful benefits and also emphasizes the level of pleasure of learners or
model of Quantum learning has relevance to creative, contextual, and fun
learning models. That is, Quantum learning can serve as a manifestation of
creative, contextual, and fun learning, although the lessons can be packaged in
a variety of formats, and not just about Quantum learning.
learning empowers all that exists in learning, both in context (teacher and
student experience background) and content. Context is the background of the
experience of teachers and students. Context is the familiarity of components
in the learning of teachers, students, and curriculum. According to Bobi de
Porter (2009: 37) the context is divided into Environment, atmosphere,
grounding, and design. Environment is the learning component itself that is teachers,
students, curriculum, class and school. The environment covers the physical
environment and the environment in a social, classroom setting, and how the
communication between components in learning. The atmosphere is analogous to
the spirit of the conductors and the musicians in this case students and
main principle of quantum learning is Bring Their World (Learners) into Our
World (Teachers), and Deliver Our World (Teachers) into Their World (Learners).
learning has characteristics that can be generally said to be self-sufficient,
although it remains indispensable to the influence of other theories. Some of
the characteristics that make up Quantum learning are:
learning focuses on quality interactions.
Quantum learning emphasizes the acceleration of learning with a
high degree of success.
Quantum learning has a model that combines context and the content
of learning.
Quantum learning focuses on the establishment of academic skills,
life skills, and physical or material achievements.
teaching and learning process, teacher should have the interest strategy. An
interest strategy of teaching is needed in teaching and learning process in
order to achieve the goals in curriculum. The aim of speaking is to improve
student’s ability in order that they will be able to communicate to others. In
order to get the target, the teacher needs to use the appropriate and
interesting strategy in teaching. One of the goals of speaking is to make
students able to express themselves orally. The writer has one technique to
make the students express themselves to others based on student experiences.
Incident Technique Is a task analysis technique that through personal
narratives effective and ineffective job performance behaviors are determined
and identified. This technique is also part of the front-end analysis process.
In teaching speaking at
classroom, the teacher need to know meaning of Critical Incident, to be more
easy when applied Critical Incident techniques in the classroom.
Pedersen (1995:16)
explains that Critical Incident Technique is speaking Technique that bring
actual experiences or events into the classroom as a resource. It means that
the students do speaking activity in the classroom based on their experience
and take some important point and collect their event to discuss in the
The Critical Incident
Technique is a tool used to gather information on behaviors that contribute to
the success or demise of performance. When performed correctly, this front-end
analysis tool will:
speaking descriptions, speaking specification and speaking standard.
a list of good and bad behaviors which can then be used for performance
the effectiveness of the speaking description and speaking specification.
It mean that Critical
Incident Technique can show students experiences and students share by speaking
English about the discussion of the experiences based on topic.
According to Andersen
and Fagerhaug (2006:28), procedures of Critical Incidents following:
on the participants to be included,
attempting to cover all
departments or functional areas involved in the problem situation. Teacher
divided students into pairs to find the problem in the event on the picture.
each participant to answer in writing question.
The teacher asks
students to do interview activity and answer the question in a small note. In this
activity, the students collect the data based on teacher and students
sort, and analyze answer based on the frequency of different incidents.
The teacher ask student
to analyze each of information in the picture.
present the sorted list to show the critically of each incident.
The teacher asks
students to arrange the important experience of the event in the picture.
the most critical incidents as starting points for the search for problem
teacher asks students to take one of the important points in the event.
Krishnaswamy et al (2006:174) state that there are some steps of this
asks students to find out the general aim of the activity in the incident.
The students should know
purpose of the lesson critical incident before next step.
asks students designing plans and specification (question) for collecting
Teacher gives chance to
students to make questions for the other students in the classroom.
c. Students collecting the information
about the incident.
The students get much
information after listening their friend story.
d. Students analyze the information in pair
The teacher asks
students to correction information and analyzes specific information in the
asks students to interpret their experience in front of the class.
The teacher asks
students to do an interview in front of the classroom.
From the two theories
above, the writer concluded that the step that will be used is mixed both of them.
Because the strategy is very suitable when teacher applies in the classroom.
This procedure can make students active to tell their experience. The step of
Critical Incident Technique to get a good speaking performance of the students
experience based on topic are including:
teacher ask the students to make the condition of their experiences based on
the topic of the lesson. For example about the debate, drama, games, stimulation
practice, pactizing of imajination, study case, video, and etc.
the students to share their story about their experienced. What are the
students do, think, and fill in their experience.
the students to think and ask themselves about the purpose of their experience.
Ask about the advantages, implication and make the conclusion about the
ask the students to think about their action in the future with their
experience. How students can make the new action about new experience of their
life in the future, how can they make experienced become something usefull in
daily life.
As a
matter fact, there are some previous researchers regarding with the
effectiveness of using technique in improving students speaking ability. one of
which was conducted by Nurina Permata Sari (2011) entitled “Improving Students
Speaking Ability By Using Role Play of The VII Grade of SMPN 51 Jakarta” The
purpose of the study is to improve students’ speaking ability. Based on the
result data analysis, the writer inferred, teaching English by using role play
can improve students speaking ability.
The writer uses an classroom action research as her research.
The second Thesis is Lia Amalia
Nirmawati in 2015. Her research entitled “Theoretical Improving Students’
Speaking Skills Through Speaking Board Games Of Grade VII of SMP N 13
Yogyakarta In The Academic Year Of 2013/2014” The purpose of the study is to
improve students’ speaking ability with speaking board games. The research was
conducted to solve the problems related to speaking skills through speaking
board games. The research consists of some steps. They are reconnaissance,
actions which consist of planning, implementations and reflections. The use of
speaking board games to teach speaking which was combined with other actions
improved the students’ vocabulary. Thus, they could learn and gather new
vocabularies. Besides, the students also did some tasks in which they could
gather new vocabularies.
As told earlier, this research focuses on students speaking
ability. The theoretical concepts of this research explained above are still in
general and abstract. They need to be described operationally by particular
words or indicators so that they can be measured empirically. In this research,
the writer concludes several indicators to be operated in the operational
The research consist of two variables (variable X and variable Y)
which variable X is the group of control and experiment, which refer to the
assumption of statistical analysis of using Independent sample T-test, where
the independent scale should be nominal and variable Y is the students speaking
ability. Therefore, the operational concepts can be seen in the following
model is a method used for collecting observations of human behavior that are
judged to be “effective” or “ineffective” in work, activities. “Critical
incident is an event that has a significant effect, either positive or
negative, on task performance or user satisfaction, thus affecting usability.”
According to Melvin L Silberman the are five steps of Critical
Incident Technique procedure with the indicators as follow:
The teacher gives the first knowledge about the use of critical
incident technique.
Students should prepare some topic about their experience in daily
The teacher ask the students to share the experience in the group.
And discuss about the problem of the experience,
The teacher the other students to look at the solution to help
decide how to resolve the feedback about the topic.
The teacher ask the students to share their english performance
based on the topic in front of the class. After the group discuss the topic
based on the group.
the indicators of students speaking skill Brown suggests some forms as the
dependent or Y variable can be seen as follows:
The students are able to use correct grammar in speaking. (grammar)
The students are able to use proper words in
The students are able to express the comprehendible ideas.(
The students are able to produce acceptable pronunciation in
speaking (pronunciation)
The students are able to produce speech without filter and pause
while retelling a story.(fluency)
Ho There is no significant difference of the improvement of students speaking
ability between those students who are taught by using using Critical Incidents
Technique In Teaching Speaking To The Ten Graders of SMA N 4 Temanggung In The
School Year 2017/2018.
Ha There is significant difference of the
improvement of students speaking ability between those students who are taught
by using Critical Incidents Technique In Teaching Speaking To The Ten Graders
of SMA N 4 Temanggung In The School Year 2017/2018.
The type of this research is an experimental
research. Experiment is testing an idea (or practice or procedure) to determine
whether it influences an outcome or dependent variable.33 In this research, the
writer will use quasiexperimental design with non equivalent control group.
This design is identical to the pretest –posttest control group design in all
respect except for the random assignment of subject to conditions.It is an
appropriate one to this research in order to know the significant difference of
using Critical Incident Technique to improve students speaking ability. In this
research, the writer used oral test. It involves two classes, an experiment
class and control class. The experiment class means the students who are given
the treatment by using Critical Incident Technique, while the control class is
a group of students who are not given Critical Incident Technique.
The Research Design Simply Schematized as Follow.

X = represents an
exposure of a group to an experimental variable or event, the
effects of which are to be measured.
O = represent
an observation or measurement.
X’s and O’s in
a given row are applied to the same specific persons. X’s and
O’s vertical to one another are simultaneous. The left-to-right dimension indicates the temporal order
(sometimes indicated with an arrow).
In conducting this research, the researcher takes two classes; one
class is as an experimental class taught by critical incident technique and one
other is as a control class taught by conventional technique. In the
experimental class, the students is administered by giving pre-test at the
beginning of the teaching learning in order to know students speaking ability.
Then there is a treatment at the middle. During treatment, the writer
corporates with the observer, and post-test at the end of the teaching and
learning processes in order to find out the effect of using critical incident
technique towards students’ speaking ability.
Table 3.1
The Table of Experiment
and Contol Class
Pre Test
Post Test
Control Class
Pre Test
Post Test
The Subject of this research was the ten grade students of SMA
Negeri 4 Temanggung in the academic year of 2017/2018. The research will
conducted in social class. The research will conduct in first semester.
Tis research will done at SMA N 4 Temanggung . The writers choose
this school to try critical incidents technique to increase English speaking
ability of students.
research will start on the first semester of 2017/2018 in Augustus and
September. The writer will choose basic competence in English are speaking and
express the meaning in a conversation.
In any scientific research, instrument for collecting data was
absolutely important. The accuracy of the result of research was mostly dependent
on how accurate the use of instrument. Before research carried out, the
instrument for the data collection should be well prepared.
Related to the research problems, the writer used speaking test as
an instrument. Ary (1979: 216) states that a test is a set of stimuli present
to an individual in order to elicit responses on the basic of which a numerical
score can be designed. Moreover, Heaton (1975: 89) states that the test used
must be appropriate in term of our object, the dependable in the evidence provides,
and applicable to our particular situation. In this case, the researcher gave
the students speaking test in using communicative approach.
study aimed at knowing the students achievement in speaking, where the students
was asked to tell by using communicative approach was used to make the students
achievement in speaking achievement in a language (Nurgiantoro, 1995: 229).
The observation
was conducted to monitor the teaching-learning process before, during, and
after the actions were implemented. By using this kind of technique, the
researcher observed the teaching-learning process directly. The instrument to
collect the data by using this techniques is observation checklists. The result
of the observations is in the form of vignette.
The way to get
some data in this research has three steps. They are pretest, giving material
and posttest.
Pretest is used to
know the students’ ability before the writer gives the material for
In this step,
the class is divided into 2 groups. The first group is using socio drama method
and the control group is not using socio drama method.
Post- test
means, that after the writer has presented the material to the students, they
measure the students’ ability how well they understand the material by using
socio drama method.
They were used
to measure the students’ speaking skills on the topics taught. Then the
researcher and the raters assessed the students speaking performances using
speaking rubric. The data of the pre-test and the post-test were collected in
the form of students’ score. The result of the post-test were calculated and
compared with the result of the pre-test.
The speaking
result was evaluated by concerning five components and each component had score
or level. Each component had 20 the highest score and the total of all
components was 100. The specification of the test is as folllow:
Table 2
The Specification of The Test
Speaking Skill
The Highest Score
Hughey states that the mean score is classification
of students’ score as follow:
Students Final Score
– 100
Good to Excellent
– 84
to Good
– 64
to Fair
This technique provides data in the form
of photographs and videos. The photographs and the videos were collected by
using a digital camera as the instrument. They support the main data of this
This analysis was used
to find out the improvement of students’ speaking ability that occurred before
and after learning process that was calculated by D factor (Different Score).
It is the difference between the pretest and posttest.
D = different
score between pre-test and post-test
The results of
calculation of the N-Gain then interpreted using the classification of Hake in
N-Gain (g)
G scale
> 0,7
≤ g ≤ 0,7
< 0,3
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