of the Study
is an introduction language spoken in international event and is used as the
medium of information flow on science, technology, and culture as well . English
knowledge as one of widely use language for people in order to be able to
communicate with other people from different countries because english is the
most can not be denied that in the competitive era of globalization. The
ability to communicate in english is prefious value because in international
realtionship english speaking ability is very important to be able to
participate in the wider world of work.On the other hand, we can face the
competition in the global era.
mastering English, it is easier for us to make a good relationship with other
konteks pendidikan, bahasa Inggris berfungsi sebagai alat untuk berkomunikasi
dalam rangka memenuhi komunikasi sehari-hari, memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan, alat
untuk membina hubungan antar pribadi, bertukar informasi serta menikmati estetika
bahasa dalam budaya Inggris.” (Depdikbud, 2003: 6) (“in education context,
English has funtion as a means to communicate in the daily communication, to
get knowledge, to make interpersonal communication, to share information and to
enjoy language lesson in English culture).
Indonesia, English is taught in junior high school and senior high school, even
in elementry school. Studying English is not a new thing for the students of
senior high school before. Although English is not the new thing for Senior
high school students, in fact they still have many difficulties in studying
English. As I know that English is not the Indonesian native language. It is
difficult for the students to
remember all the words in English and to understand when someone speaking
English. The language skill to be achieved are divided in to two parts of
language function, namely, oral and written English as a means of
this case listening and speaking are oral language; reading and writing are
written language. However for the students the speaking one is the most
difficult skill of language. So, students have to develop their communicative
skill and students able to use english language early. Speaking skill used for
many different purposes. Each purpose may be to make social contact with people
to express their opinion, to persuade someone about something, or clarify
information. Almost,all learners in the other countries even Indonesian
learners study english in order to develop profiency in speaking.
on the syllabs of 2013 Curriculum, there are several kinds of text which must
be taught the students of junior, senior and also vocational high school are
narrative text, procedure text, exposition text,descripttve text, etc. Those
texts have to be mastered by the students especially in speaking them. The
students are expected to be able to speak those text correctly.
important subject, English become frightening subject. Most of sate that
English is difficult. The condition is strengthened by the result of final test
of speaking in the first graders of SMP Japah the writer found that the
students are poor in english speaking skill. Commanly, when they speak in english
they have no idea about what they are to say then they take so much time to
think. Some of them did not say anything because having less confidance of
their own skill, they were worry about getting wrongthen they were laughed by
others. The condition of teaching learning were not activeand especially the
students look less enthusiatic in learning english further in speaking.
factors can cause the problem of the student speaking skill. One of the factor
is the tehnique in teaching english. As far
I know in SMP Japah the english teacher teaches the students use traditional
teachnique (teacher centered) which make teacher more active than students,
becaise the students just sit on their chair and listen to their teacher. Thus
this teachnique made the teaching learning process less communicate. It can
make the students are bored fast and uninterested to the lesson.
other to minimize those problem the writer consider that it isnecessary to find
out an alternative technique to create suitable and interesting teaching. According
to Silberman (1996), there are many strategies to do active learning. One of
them is “ exchanging viewpoint”. Based on him,”Exchanging Viewpoint” can be
apllied to help students acquire knowladge, skill, and also attitude. Then the
second teachnique is “ cue
card”. This teachnique is one teaching strategies to make learning
unforgaettable. Considering this terms, the writer try to combine those
strategies become a new teaching strategies named “exvipocueca strategies”. Hopefully, using
this strategy the students can speak about describing something easly and make
them uforgettable about it. It is extremely important to emphasize that using “exvipocueca” is one of teachnique to
encourage students to use english, especially to be master in speaking english.
this case, the writerwill compare two techniques in teaching speaking, between
exchanging viewpoint technique and cue card techniqueat
the first grade SMP Japah because in this school the students look less
enthuistic in learning english further in speaking skill.
The writer chooses SMP 1 Japah because their studentsdo not have English astheir habit. Probably,
this research can be a consideration to the students especially the students
are measured in speaking understandingin descriptive text.
Considering the
background above, the writer tries to apply a way of teaching descriptive text by using exvipocueca technique to make
the students interested, especially in speaking descriptive text. By using it, the students are expected
to be encouraged to speak descriptive text in English as
their habit. Therefore, they will not feel strange of English anymore and they
can speak descriptive text in English correctly.
In this case, the writer will compare two techniques in teaching speaking descriptive text between exchanging viewpoint technique and story telling technique. Finally the writer will conduct an experimental
research with a title “The Effectiveness
of Using Exvipocueca Technique in
Teaching Speaking Skill of Descriptive Text to the First Graders of SMPN1JAPAH in the
SCHOOL YEAR 2017/2018”
of the problams
on the background of the study, the writer identifies some problems in teaching
speaking of descriptive text they are:
1. Most
of the students are still poor in english speaking skill
2. Most
of students are looked less enthusiatic in learning speaking
3. Most
of students afraid that the pronunciation is wrong
4. The
teacher is still using traditional technique in teaching speaking
5. The
lack of students’ motivation to learn speaking english
of the study
on the identification of the problems, the writer realized that it is
impossible for the writer to carry out an experimental resarch based on all
those problems. Therefore the writer limits the problems on the students’
difficulties in speaking descriptive text.
of the study
on the identification and the lmitation of the problems, the writer formulates
the problems as follow:
1. Is
there any significant differences of the first graders of SMP 1 Japah in school year
2017/2018 ability in speaking descriptive text who are taught using exvipocueca strategy and those who are
taught using story telling strategy?
2. What
are the significant differences of first graders of SMP 1 Japah in school year
2017/2018 ability in speaking descriptive text who are taught using exvipocueca strategy and those who
are taught using story telling strategy?
of the study
objectives of the study can be stated as follow:
1. To
know whether there is significant difference of first graders of SMP 1 Japah in the
school year 2017/2018 ability in applying speaking especially in descriptive text
who are taught using exvipocueca
strategy and those who are taught using story telling strategy.
- To
know whether the first graders of SMP 1 Japah in the school year 2017/2018
who are taught using exvpocueca strategy have better ablity in
applying speaking descriptive text and those who are taught using stor
telling strategy.
of the study
writer expects the result of the research can give contribution for:
1. For
English Teacher
a) It
can be an inspiration or alternative teaching method to be applied in teaching
speaking of descriptive text.
b) It
can give contribution to the English teacher to teach speaking descriptve text
using exvipocueca
2. For
a) It
can help the students to express their ideas in speaking descriptive text.
b) It
can help the students to try their ability speaking descriptive text easly and
skill as one of the basic language skill that has important role than the other
skill due to as significant and its use for communication . To know how
important speaking is it needes to know what the definition of speaking, how to
teach speaking and the type of activities to promoto speaking. It will be
disscussed in following point.
of Speaking
is labeled oral production. Speaking is used by someone for communication in
daily life at school, at home and also some other places. Speaking is
significant to an invidual living process and experiences. Without speaking
people must remain in almost total isolation from any kind of society. There
are several resourches that explain speaking.
(1990:3-4) defines that speaking is a language skill that is developed in child
life, which is produced by listening skill, and at that period speaking skill
is learned.Based on Competence Based Curriculum speaking is one of the four
basic competences that the students should gain well. It has an important role
in communication. Speaking can find in spoken cycle especially in Joint
Construction of Text stage (Departmen Pendidikan Nasional, 2004). In carrying
out speaking, students face some difficulties one of them is about language its
self. In fact, most of students get difficulties to speak even though they have
a lot of vocabularies and have written them well. The problems are afraid for
students to make mistakes.
1.2 Point of View Speaking
Speaking is
the productive skill. It could not be separated from listening. When we speak
we produce the text and it should be meaningful. In the nature of
communication, we can find the speaker, the listener, the message and the
feedback. Speaking could not be separated from pronunciation as it encourages
learners to learn the English sounds.
Harmer, (in
Tarigan, 1990: 12) writes that when teaching speaking or producing skill, we
can apply three major stages, those are:
1) Introducing
new language
2) Practice
3) Communicative
Speaking has
been regarded as merely implementation and variation, outside the domain of
language and linguistic proper. Linguistic theory has mostly developed in
abstraction from context of use and source of diversity. Therefore, Clark and
Clark (in Nunan, 1991: 23) said that speaking is fundamentally an instrument
act. Speakers talk in order to have some effect on their listener. It is the
result of teaching learning process. Students’ skill in conversation is core
aspect in teaching speaking, it becomes vitally aspect in language teaching
learning success if language function as a system for expression meaning, as
Nunan (1991:39) states that the successful in speaking is measured through
someone ability to carry out a conversation in the language. We confess that
there are many proponent factors that influence teaching speaking success and
there are many obstacle factors why it is not running well.
According to
Ladouse (in Nunan, 1991: 23) speaking is described as the activity as the
ability to express oneself in the situation, or the activity to report acts, or
situation in precise words or the ability to converse or to express a sequence
of ideas fluently. Furthermore, Tarigan (1990: 8) said that “Berbicara
adalah cara untuk berkomunikasi yang berpengaruh hidup kita sehari-hari”.
It means that speaking as the way of communication influences our individual
life strongly.
From the
explanation above, the researcher concludes that speaking is what we say to
what we see, feel and think. When we feel something, we want someone can hear
us. So, in this process we can call it is an interaction between two sides.
When someone
speak to other person, there will be a relationship. The relationship itself is
communication. Furthermore, Wilson (1983:5) defines speaking as development of
the relationship between speaker and listener. In addition speaking determining
which logical linguistic, psychological a physical rules should be applied in a
given communicate situation”. It means that the main objective of speaking is
for communication. In order to express effectively, the speaker should know
exactly what he/she wants to speak or to communicate, he/she has to be able to
evaluate the effects of his/her communication to his/her listener, he/she has
to understand any principle that based his speaking either in general or in
Based on the
statements above the researcher infers that if someone speaks, he/she should
understand what is he/she about. In this section, the writer should develop
ideas or build some topics to be talked and to make other responds to what
speakers says.
Stern (in
Risnadedi, 2001: 56-57) said watch a small child’s speech development. First he
listens, then he speaks, understanding always produces speaking. Therefore this
must be the right order of presenting the skills in a foreign language. In this
learning of language included speaking, there is an activity of speaker or
learner and it has to have an effect to build speaker’s or learner’s desires
and express how his/her feeling and acting out his/her attitudes through
speaking. Thus the learning of speaking can not be separated from language.
On the other
hand, speaking can be called as oral communication and speaking is one of
skills in English learning. This become one important subject that teacher
should given. That is why the teachers have big challenge to enable their
students to master English well, especially speaking English in class or out of
the class.
(1978:98) stated that oral practice (speaking) becomes meaningful to students
when they have to pay attention what they are saying. Thus, the
students can learn better on how to require the ability to converse or to
express their ideas fluently with precise vocabularies and good or acceptable
ability is the students’ ability in expressing their ideas orally which is
represented by the scores of speaking. Speaking is only an oral trail of
abilities that it got from structure and vocabulary, Freeman (in Risnadedi,
2001: 56-57) stated that speaking ability more complex and difficult than
people assume, and speaking study like study other cases in study of language,
naturalize many case to language teachers.
of Teaching Speaking
Harmer (in
Tarigan, 1990: 13) writes that when teaching speaking or producing skill, we
can apply three major stage, those are:
1. introducing
new language
2. practice
3. communicative
introducing new language, the teacher should find out the genre or the text,
which is meaningful. In this stage teacher can ask students to pronounce the
unfamiliar words, find out the meaning of the expression used in the text.
technique used for teaching speaking:
1. information
gap by using pictures
2. by
using photographs
3. by
using song
4. by
using mysterious thing
5. Educational
drama which covers miming, role play, the empty chair, simulation.
6. Story Telling
2. The Aspect
of Speaking Skill
Darmodihardjo in Fauzi (2012, p. 7) states about the aspects of speaking
that is “the requirements of effective speaking such as: intonation, phonetic
transcription and environment expression”
The opinion above describes that, to able communicate effectively, it must
be considered that situation of sound utterance, pronunciation and physical. On
the other hand, Valetto in Fauzi (2012, p. 7) says that “The elements which are
in speaking cover phonetic transcription, grammar, vocabulary, the effective
and speaking”. Meanwhile, Haris in Fauzi
(2012, p. 7) clarifies as follows:
“Like writing speaking is complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of
number of the different abilities which often developed of different rates
either four of five components are generally recognized in analyze of the speak
process: (a) pronunciation concluding the segmental
features vowel, and consonants, vocabulary, stress and intonation pattern the
flow speech, (b) grammar, (c) vocabulary, (d) fluency (the case and speed of
the flow speech).
The solve probably be added, (e) comprehension for oral communication
certainly requires a subject the response to speak as well as imitation.
Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that
the aspects of the speaking ability in this research are: (a) pronunciation
competence, (b) grammatical ability, (c) vocabulary mastery, (d) the fluently
of speaking, and (e) the understanding of the topic of speaking.
3. Macro and Micro of
Speaking Skill
a) Macro Skills of Speaking
(Sharma, 2010, P. 5). Here are the skills
that should be implemented in speaking activities:
- Appropriately accomplish communicative functions according to
situations, participants, and goals.
- Use appropriate styles, registers, implicative, redundancies,
pragmatic conventions, conversion rules, floor keeping and yielding, interrupting,
and other sociolinguistic features in face-to-face conversations.
- Convey links and connections between events and communicate such
relations as focal and peripheral ideas, events and feeling, new
information and given information, generalisation and exemplification.
- Convey facial features, kinesics, body language, and other
nonverbal cues along with verbal language.
- Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as
emphasizing key words, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting
the meaning of words, appealing for help, and accurately assessing
how well your interlocutor is understanding you.
b) Micro Skill of Speaking
Here are some of the micro skills
involved in speaking. The speaker has to:
4.1 Definition of Exchanging Viewpoints
Learning or Active learning is a unified source of the learning strategies that
comprehensively. Active learning includes a variety of ways to make learners
active since the beginning through activities that build teamwork and in a
short time to make them think about the subject matter (Silberman, 2009: xxii).
4.2Exchanging Technique Viewpoint (exchange of views)
This activity can be
used to stimulate student involvement in lessons that will extend. This
activity also remind students to listen carefully and opening up to a variety
of opinions. (Silberman, 2009: 92)
a. Procedure Exchanging
Viewpoints Teachnique
The procedure of exchanging viewpoints are
Give a name tag for each
student. Instruct students to write their name on the label and put it on.
Instruct students to
pair up and introduce yourself to other students. Then commanded the pairs
share their opinions about the answers to questions or provocative statements
that provoke their opinion on issues concerning the material you teach.
a. Example question is "what immigration restrictions for foreigners?
b. Example of a statement is the "gospel of the Holy Scriptures.
Say, "do it
now", and direct students to exchange label their name or identification
with her partner and then meet other students. Instruct the students, rather
than to introduce himself, but rather share the opinion of a student who is a
previous partner (ie students who label / badge he was wearing now.)
Next, instruct students
to change the label name again and find other students to talk to, and share
opinions and find other students to talk and share opinions of students that
badge he was wearing now.
Continue the process
until most of the students have found each other. Then say to each student to
regain his own name label.
b. Variation
There are many variation can be used in
exchanging viewpoints :
Use the process of
exchanging label's name as an introduction to the association by instructing
students to exchange information on their own background, instead of an
exchange of opinions on questions or provocative statements.
Remove exchange
nameplate. Instead, instruct students to continue to meet other students, and
always listen to questions and statements you provided.
4.3Definition of Cue Card
There are many kinds of media that
are commonly used in English teaching and learning process. One of them is cue
cards. Teachers can use picture cards as the media to help students in their
speaking skills abilities. According to some experts, cue cards can be defined
as teaching media that help students when they deal with speaking activities.
Mora (1994) defines picture cue as a medium with pictures or words
that contains clues. It is useful when students do some speaking activities
such as describing someone or something from the pictures orally.
The similar definition is also stated by Harmer (2007), assessing
that cue cards are cards with words and pictures on them. He adds that students
can use this kind of media in a pair or group work. He argues that cue cards
will help students to speak up easily in the form of words or phrases even
sentences when they are involved in a conversation.
In another way, Bazo
(2007) states that cue cards are small photos or pictures that are stucked onto
the cards. It is kind of flashcards with images. Both teachers and students can
make the cards by themselves or modify the cards by adding some pictures,
photos even words.
TKT glossary of ELT (2011), cue card is defined as words or pictures that are
used to prompt or encourage learners to produce particular language during a
controlled practice activity or drill.
Cue cards as supportive
media in teaching and learning process can be used in some different ways;
individually, pair work, and group work. Cue cards can also be functioned as
small cards that have pictures or photos completed by words as the cues.
4.4 Cue Card
Since English is considered as the second language,
there are many difficulties that are faced by students during the learning
process. In speaking, for example, students usually have problems in
pronouncing correctly, organizing their idea and being reluctant when they
speak in front of other people. To solve those problems, applying appropriate
media is mostly recommended. Similarly, Hamalik (1986) in Azhar (2009) states
that the purpose of using media is to motivate students during the learning
a) Procedure
of Cue Card
Bazo (2007) lists some
pair or group work activities in using cue cards that can stimulate students in
improving their speaking ability.
The first
activity is “guessing the picture”. This activity can be done in pairs.
Teachers prepare 20 cards. Each pair takes a card with pictures of something or
someone. One student takes and looks at it, without showing it to his or her
partner. By asking “yes or no” questions, another student has to guess which
picture it is. As the example, “is it an animal?”
The second
activity is “do you remember”. This activity is similar to the previous one
that is pair work activity. Teachers prepare 10 cards belonging to one or more semantic
categories. Teachers need to write the instructions on cards, for example, and
then the students have to follow those instructions. Both students have to do
their own job that is one student holds the ten cue cards while another student
tries to remember all the cards.
The third
activity is “fast”. It is a kind of pair or small group activity. For this
activity teachers prepare 20 cards. The students should take the prepared cards
and place them face down in a heap. They have to pick a card up and look at it
before they say the appropriate English words. They are supposed to give the
right answer within three seconds. Students that get most points will be the
The fourth
activity is “lucky you”. This activity is a pair work activity. Each pair needs
at least 30 cards put in a non-transparent bag. The cue cards should belong to
two semantic categories with 15 pictures each. The procedure is each student in
a pair chooses one of semantic categories first. One student puts his or her
hand in the bags and takes a card out. She or he will get luck and can continue
to play if the card that he or she takes belongs to the semantic category that
she or he have chosen, and if the student can pronounce the appropriate English
word for the card. However, if he or she makes mistake, her or his partner gets
the next turn. The first student that collects all the fifteen cards for his or
her choosen semantic category will be the winner. Teachers can also do
variation to this play.
that exvipocueca technique is combination of exchanging viewpoint strategy and
cue card strategy, the writer concludes that exvipocueca technique is an active
teaching technique that enables the students to reflect what they have see from
the picture or word that can reflect them to speak.
5.1 The procedure exvipocueca
The procedures of
exvipocueca strategy are:
1) The teacher explai
the rule of exvipocueca strategy
2) The teacher gives a
card that has picture and word
3) One of the students
are asked to take the card in front of class and look it without showing it to
her partner
4) The partner should
be guessing the card and mention the characteristic
5) After that, the
students can describe the picture or word that has in card
6) The next partner, should
be change the card with other group until he or she can describe all the
picture or word that has on card
7) Each group walks
around to checking other friends speaking description about the card that he or
she get the first time and give the correction.
8) The teacher post
some question and review the teaching lerning process
6. Story Telling
6.1 Definition of Story
telling, as part
of speaking activities
in class, is
an effective teaching tool that enables students to focus
on story structure.
telling is a
procedure that enables
a child to
play a large
role in reconstructing stories.
It underlines both social and academic development. When they tell a
story, they use
language for an
extended period of
time. They construct the story.
This activity increases their language development.
narrating stories, the
speaker uses the
language for an extended
period of time.
This active participation
with stories results in increased
language development, comprehension and an
interest in books
and in learning
to read. Telling
after reading provides another
opportunity for the
reader to reconstruct the text.
Telling story is an active process that encourages
children to reconstruct the text; it also allows for interaction between tutor
and child. When necessary, teacher can help the child reconstruct the meaning
of the text by using open-ended questions and lead-in to facilitate. For
example, if a child pauses and seems confused, ask, What happened next? If a
child needs help detailing a main character, say, Tell me more about this
character (Gibson, 2003:1).
Here, students are required to do most of the
talking, consider what they have
read, and formulate
their thoughts to
express a true
understanding of what they have read.
6.2 A Variety of Story
Students need experience telling familiar stories (e.g., The Three
Little Pigs) or stories with predictable patterns (e.g., Brown Bear, Brown
Bear, What Do You See?) (Morrow: 1989). Older students can begin with stories
and texts that have more complex plots and settings. Telling story can be done
individually or in small groups, but tutors should always model the activity
first. The following examples present a range of telling story activities.
a. Five-finger telling story—prompts for stories
A simple five-finger technique can help guide students through
tellingstory. Each finger represents one of the following questions:
Who were the characters in
the story?
What happened in the story?
Where did the story take place?
When did the story take place?
Why did the action happen
the way it did?
Oral tellingstory using props
Visual prompts help students organize their thoughts when telling
a story. Props such as finger puppets and felt boards provide a concrete
structure to frame the story (Owocki, 1999). Make simple puppets by
photocopying or drawing the main characters from a story and gluing them to
craft sticks. You can also use these with a felt board—a small board covered in
felt—using adhesive or Velcro.
c. Chalk talk
Morrow (1989) describes chalk talks as retellings in which
students draw aspects of a story while telling about it. This technique is
great for older students, and works with both fiction and nonfiction texts.
Chalk talks are most effective when students have enough room to see how their
retelling is evolving as they draw. Using chalk (on a chalkboard or the
sidewalk) allows students to erase and redo elements of the retelling as
needed. You can also use mural or chart paper with markers.
d. Dramatizations
love dramatic play, and this vehicle provides them with a natural way to
recreate a story. Choose read-aloud texts with simple story structure and a
limited number of characters. Do this activity with a small group of students ,
each taking on a different character from the story. Older students , who might
be reading more complex stories, can choose a particular part of the story to
act out, such as the emotions of a particular character or what a character
might have been thinking and why.
of study
are some researchers that conducted a research which is similar to ours :
1. “The Effectiveness of Role Play Method in Improving
Students Speaking Skill”by Fitri Ayu
This researcher focuses
on teaching speaking but it uses media and also long time
2. “Increasing Studen Speaking Ability through Board
Game” by Fauzan Bachri
This researcher focuses
on teaching speaking but it used interactive in game.
3. “Increasing Students Speaking Ability Through
Videos” by Erita Budi P
This researcher focuses
on teaching speaking but it also uses videos as media. It done in Speaking.
four skill, speaking are important in second language to communicate with other
people. However in Indonesia, it is very difficult of the students communicate
with other people in english effectively. Ordinarly students must or
communicate in english but they can not perfom the task succesfullydue to such
as possible reasons. Therefore being able to speak english effectelly the
teacher must be generate a need to speak , to make students practice. In order
development the writer behaves that exvipocueca can more active in their speaking ability. In this activities
students must be work together to develop a description to complate the task.
can help students became more interest and involve in classroom learning by
addressing description material and also intergrating the knowladge learned in
action. In exvipocueca the simulation of real lie put in classroom asthe result
students can upgrade their communication skill over being the language
function. Exvipocueca can benefit both of teacher and students. Teacher
encourage the students to incrase their motivation and encourage them to
engange in speaking fireely and creatively.
on the statement above the writer assumed that the combination between
exchanging viewpoint and cue card that call named exvipocueca may reserve for
helping the students to their oral ability. Exvipocueca present in real life
situation and make available the interesting lesson in order to students can
speak fireely and confidently in front of their friends in classroom. With
exvipocueca teacher can make students more actively, enjoylable secure in the
Research hypothesis
researcher determines the hypotheses of the research as follows:
There is
significant difference of first graders of SMP 1 Japah in school year 2017/2018
between those who are taught using exvipocueca technique and those who are
taught using story telling.
The first
graders of SMP 1 Japah in the school year 201/2018 who are taught using
exvipocueca technique have better ability speaking especially in descriptive
text than taught using story telling.
of The Research
conducted this study to determine whether there are some significant
differences between the retention of students speaking English teachers use the
technique to exvipocueca in teaching speaking and their English teachers uses story
telling teahnique.
type of this research is experimental. The researcher gives treatments to the
first year students of SMP N 1 Japah. This research is directed to find out the
effect of certain treatments. There are two groups; the first is an
experimental group and the second one is a control group. For the experimental
group, the researcher teaches using exvipocueca technique. On the contrary, the
control group is treated using story telling.
know if there is any significant influence of exvipocueca on the students
speaking skill, the research used comperative teachnique in order to analyze
and compare the students score of exvipocueca and using story telling of the
first grade students of Junior High school N 1 Japah.
Population is the whole object of the
research. The population of the research is first grade students of SMP N 1
Japah in the school year 2017/2018 which is divide into five classes. In This
grade, the amount of students are 125. The research choses VII-5 class with 32
students as the experiment group and class VII-6 as the control group to
observe by using purposive sampling.
and Sampling Technique
Sample is the small group that is
observed and it is a portion of a population (Donald Ary, Lucy Chese J, and
Asghar; 1990). The sample in this research is the first grade students of SMP N
1 Japah in the school year 2017/2018. This research takes 32 students and will
prove that the students have the same level of capability in speaking mastery.
The sampling technique in this research is simple random sampling technique. It
means that each student of the population has the same opportunity to be the
sample of the research. In this case, the researcher draws all members of the
class. He uses the procedure of making list of names of the class. The class who
get VII-5 class are classified into the
experiment group. On the other side, the students who VII-6 class are classified
into the control group. Both of them are given different treatments.
Group of Data
researcher will label the two groups as group VII-5 and group VII-6. The
following table will give further clarification.
Type of
The studentstaught using exvipocueca technique.
The students taught using story telling tecahnique.
Technique of Collecting Data
Data collecting method is
writing document describing the specific procedure to gathering the
evaluation information (Johnson center, 2008). The document described who
collection the information when and where it was collected, and how was
obtained. The data used in this study are: number from students’ speaking score.
(2006; 231) states, documentation is used to observe written data such as
books, magazines, document, etc. In this study the writer uses
documentation method to find the data of
students’ names and score.
instrument that will be used by the researcher is test. The researcher gives
the tests of speaking. The tests are given to the different groups. There are
two kinds of tests, namely:
a. Pre-test
test which is given to the both groups before they have a different treatment.
b. Post-test
test which is given to the both groups after they have a different treatment.
Test is a set of exercise or other instrument. It can be concluded that the
test is a series of question or other instrument to reinforce learning to raise
students‘ performance in language (Arikunto 2006: 150). Based on the statement
the researcher uses oral speaking test to measure the student‘s ability of
English speaking. The students‘ test is done to recognize their speaking skill.
The researcher gives speaking test on pre test and post test for each group. The
speaking test on the experiment group is intended to know how well the student
have ability the speaking skill being
taught by exvipocueca.
research uses multitest items in this research
with 5 alternative assessment. The test consist of fifteen score. Each
item test in structural give score maximum, so the teacher can give score on
medium or bad score if the students get wrong assessment. The time allocation
for the test is 60 minutes.
this paper, the researcher quoted the one that used by Harris as it is the most
applicable to our speaking class rating system, since we would have 1-10 or 10-
100 range of point as stated in the guidelines of scoring speaking skill in
2004 curriculum. According to Harris, speaking is a complex skill requiring the
simultaneous use of different ability which often develops at different rates.
Five components are generally recognized in analyses of speech process that are
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency (the ease and speed of the flow of
the speech) and comprehension (an understanding of what both the tester and the
tested are talking about or the ability to respond to speech as well as to
initiate it). Harris presented the sample of an oral English rating scale that
used 1-5 points. Below is the frame of Harris’s oral English rating scale:
3.1 Harris’s oral English rating scale
Has few traces
of foreign language
intelligible, thought one is conscious of a definite accent
problem necessities concentrated listening and occasionally lead to
hard to understand because of pronunciation problem, most frequently be asked
to repeat
problem to serve as to make speech virtually unintelligible
few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar and word order
makes grammatical and or word
errors that do not, however obscure
frequent errors of grammar and word
which occasionally obscure meaning
and word order errors make comprehension difficult, must often rephrases
and or rest rich himself to basic pattern
Errors in grammar and
word order, so, severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible
Use of vocabulary and
idioms is virtually that of native speaker
Sometimes uses
inappropriate terms and must
rephrases ideas
because of lexical and equities
Frequently uses the
wrong words conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary
Misuse of words and
very limited vocabulary
makes comprehension
quite difficult
Vocabulary limitation
so extreme as to make
virtually impossible
Speech as fluent and
efforts less as that of native speaker
Speed of speech seems
to be slightly affected by language problem
Speed and fluency are
rather strongly affected by language problem
Usually hesitant,
often forced into silence by
language limitation
Speech is so halting
and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible
Appears to understand
everything without difficulty
Understand nearly
everything at normal speed although occasionally repetition may be necessary
Understand most of
what is said at slower than normal speed without repetition
Has great difficulty
following what is said, can comprehend only social conversation. Spoken
slowly and with frequent repetition
Not understand about
The research is
done to know the difference between the students those who are taught using
exvipocueca teachnique anda those who are taught using story telling teachnique.
The researcher make detail experiment activities to get more complate data as
Teaching speaking by
using exchanging viewpoint technique
Teaching speaking by using story telling technique
Preliminary Activities
a) the teacher greets the students
b) the teacher give motivation (apperception)
c) the teacher give some questions related to the
Preliminary Activities
a) the teacher greets the students
b) the teacher give motivation (apperception)
c) the teacher give some questions related to the materials
II. Main Activities
The teacher explains
the exvipoceca rules.
The teacher gives a card that has
picture and word
One of the students are asked to take
the card in front of class and look it without showing it to her partner
The partner should be guessing the card
and mention the characteristic
After that, the students can describe
the picture or word that has in card
The next partner, should be change the
card with other group until he or she can describe all the picture or word
that has on card
Each group walks around to checking
other friends speaking description about the card that he or she get the
first time and give the correction.
The teacher post some question and
review the teaching lerning process
II. Main Activities
a) Choose a topic will be discussed, for example
about issue.The students can argue about that.
b) Let students to discuss about the issue.
c) After that, form groups consist of each members of the first
arrangement group.
d) Ask each person to retell about their group
III. Closing
a) The teacher asks the students’ difficulties
b) The teacher and the students draw the conclusion
of the lesson
c) The teacher closes the class
III. Closing
a) The teacher asks the students’ difficulties
b) The teacher and the students draw the conclusion
of the lesson
c) The teacher closes the class
method of data analysis
data analysis method is used in this research is comparative analysis. So, the
researcher knows whether or not there is a significant difference in the result
between the two groups. In order to know the level of ability of the two
groups, they are given pre-test before treatment. In this case, the researcher
uses t-test simple randomized as follow:
Ma : The average of mean of A in pre-test
Mb : The average of mean of B in pre-test
Xa : The Standard deviation of Ma
Xb : The Standard deviation of Mb
Na : The number of subjects in group A
Nb : The number of subjects in group B
to : Coefficient of the mean difference
the result shows that to is less than or equal with t-table, the hypotheses
states the ability level of experiment group and control group is accepted. The
researcher also uses the same procedure to know whether there is significant
difference of the two groups after giving the treatment.
The acceptance or refusal of those
hypotheses is based on the degree of freedom of each test and coefficient is
obtained from the calculation of statistics (Na + Nb – 2). The degree of
freedom of each t-test in this research is the amount of the groups that is (32
+ 32 – 2) = 62.
If the result of t-test is higher than
the result on t-table, it is accepted. However from the table of Ho significance, the result is higher
than t-table result. So, Ho is
refused and Ha is accepted.
statistical hypothesis
A statistical hypothesis is a hypothesis
that is tested through data analysis statistically. The statistical hypotheses
in this research are:
There is no
significant difference of first graders of SMP 1 Japah in school year 2017/2018
between those who are taught using exvipocueca technique and those who are
taught using story telling.
The first
graders of SMP 1 Japah in the school year 201/2018 who are taught using
exvipocueca technique have better ability speaking especially in descriptive
text than taught using story telling.
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Submitted as a Project of Seminar on Language Teaching
First and foremost
the researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude to Allah SWT for the
give, blessing, health and inspiration leading to complete this final project
paper entitled "The Effectiveness of Using Exvipocueca(Exchanging
Viewpoint and Cue Card) Strategy inn Teaching Speaking Skillof Descriptive Text
to The First Graders of SMP N 1 Japahin The School Year 2017/2018”
This paper is arranged as the fulfillment
of Seminar on Language Teaching Final Semester Project. In this paper writing
process, the researcher got many inputs, advices, and suggestions from the
lectures and her friends. So that the researcher would also like to express her
gratitude to those who are directly or indirectly involved in completing this
paper, they are:
Dr. Farikah, M.Pd. the lecturer of Seminar
on Language Teaching Subject for her guidance, suggestion, and useful
correction explanation.
My beloved family for their support and
prays for the researcher. You are the researcher’s best supporter an motivator.
The researcher’s best friends, Umi Setya
Rini, Nur Halimah, and Aryani Mawadah, for their helps and support for the
researcher until finishing this paper.
The researcher realizes that this paper is far from the perfection.
So that, the researcher expects all building critics and suggestions for the
next better paper. Hopefully, this research can be useful for all readers.
The Researcher
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