Sexual assault and sexual abuse of children


Wednesday, 21 November 2018


Written by
Name    Ibnul Chusna Abdul Hamid A
NIM    1420302173
Class/ Smt  E/6


A.     Background of the Study
Language as a means of communication. Language can not be separated from human beings because it plays an important role in communication. “This has been a time of the “Global Village” and “World Wide Web” when communication between people has been expanded way beyond their local speech communication” (Rod Ellis, 1993:3). Thus, it goes without saying that we have to understand the language which is used in international level. English is one of international language which is used many people in the world to develop science, arts, and technology. Consequently, the large number of people have to master English language including Indonesia people. Because of those reasons, the mastering English also will be the main focus in education program.
Teaching and learning English is not the same as learning any other subjects. It should cover four language skills; those are listening, speaking, reading and writing. According to communicative approach, those skills should not be ignored since they are essential to support the achievement of learning English. So, the four language skills have to be mastered well. But, writing is one of the four skills which is difficult to be mastered. According to Paul (2003:96), “writing is generally as the most difficult of the four skills”. Therefore, it is not easy for teacher to teach writing to the students.
As we know, that the process of teaching and learning in Indonesia are commonly still using traditional method so that the achievement of the students are still low. Ramelan (1992:4) states that “the teaching of English in Senior High School in Indonesia is not successful”. One of the problems is in writing problem.
                        The student’s writting is still under the average standard on the teaching learning target. It can be provide by the result of the test of the tenth year students of SMA N 1 BANDONGAN in the school year of 2017/2018.
B.    Identification of the Problems
          Based on the background of the study, the researcher/the writer identifies the following problems that influence the students’ writing skill, they are:
1.      The teacher still using traditional method.
2.      The achievement of the students still low.
3.      They have not enough writing practice.
C.    Limitation of the Problems
This study is an action research which flying slowly learning strategy. This study is purposed to know the flying slowly learning strategy technique to improve students‟ achievement in writing narrative text and the difficulties of students have in flying slowly learning strategy. writing narrative text for tenth grade students of SMA N 1 BANDONGAN in the academic year 2016/2017.
D.    Formulation of the Problems
Based on the identification and limitation of the problems, the formulation of the problems are as follow.
1)   How well does the flying slowly learning strategy give contribution to improve students‟ achievement in writingnarrative text ?
2)   What problems do students of SMA N 1 BANDONGAN   in writing narrative text?

E.    Objective of the Study
              Dealing with the formulation of the problems, the objectives of the study can be described as follows.
1)   to investigate whether the flying slowly learning strategy gives contribution to improve students‟ achievement in writing narrative text .
2)   to discover whether difficulties students of SMA N 1 BANDONGAN  have in writing narrative text..
F.     Significances of the Study
The significance of the research is to give many advantages for the teachers and the students. They are:
1.      For  Teacher
a.       Teachers will be encouraged to always develop their creativity to improve the teaching and learning process.
b.      The result of the research will give guidance for teacher to improve their ability to conduct the teaching learning activity more effectively.
c.       The result of the research also provide a clear illustration on how to facilitate, control, and monitor students’ writing activity properly
d.      To give benefit for teachers to improve methods and strategies in writing learning program.

2.      For  Students
a.       Students can be motivated and interested in learning writing narrative exposition text by the flying slowly learning strategy.
b.      Students can improve their ability to write well by flying slowly learning strategy.

A.    Theoretical Background
1 Writing
A.    Definition of Writing
There are several definitions of writing that can be studied, Meyers (2005:2) states that “writing is an action, a process of discovering and organizing our ideas, putting them on the paper and reshaping also revising them”. While Harmer (2001:154) states that “writing is a process when we write is often heavily influenced by the constraints of genres, then this elements have to be presented in learning activities”. Moreover, Oshima and Hogue (2006:2) have the opinion “writing is a progressive activity; it means that when we first writing something down, we have already been thinking about what we are going to say and how we are going to say it”.
Based on the definition above, it can be said that writing is process transferring idea into paper; it is a progressive activity; it is an important skill to be learnt and should be mastered by students.
B.     The Importance of Writing
Writing is very important. The importance of writing, especially writing English is very great. As stated by Pillai (2000), “writing is very essential for many field such as; education, business, government, and scientific”. For example, in business world, the importance of the writing is used for appointment letter, memos, and application letters.
In education, writing English is one of four skills that have to be achieved by students at secondary, high schools, and universities. In addition, students who like to have overseas pen-palls have to be able to write a letter in English too.
This condition forces them to learn how to make and compose letters into words, then words into meaningful sentences into paragraphs. By doing it, students can improve their English writing skill. That is why everyone should be able to write in English.
C.    Aspects of Good Writing
In writing, learners must concern at least five aspects of good writing are: content, organization, grammar, word choice, and mechanics. The English would be good if these components of writing are good too. It goes without saying that the English writer has to master and pay attention with them. The components are:
First aspect of good writing is unity. A writing text should have an excellent support so that it is attractive to be read. Moreover, it should have unity and coherence in order to make the readers exactly know about what the writers want to tell in their writings. Oshima and Hongue (1999:31) have the opinion “unity is very important element of a text”. In short, if a text is about a thing or certain object, all the sentences in the paragraph should talk about that object, so the paragraph expresses relevant meaning.
The second aspect of good writing is organization. In making a text, it must use three basic parts: introductory, body, and concluding paragraph. Oshima and Hongue (1999:3) state that “a text or essay has three main parts: an introductory paragraph, a body (at least one, but usually two or more paragraphs), and concluding paragraph”. In this part, I concern with organization of hortatory exposition text which consists of thesis, arguments, and recommendation.
            Grammar is the third important aspect in writing. Good writing must show correct basic grammar pattern. In this case, I focus on grammar that is used in writing hortatory exposition text that is included in significant grammatical patterns
            Then, the next important aspect in writing is word choice. Word choice should have the correct idiomatic vocabularies and correct word forms. Students have to choose appropriate dictions to express ideas or mind in their writings.
The last important aspect in writing is mechanics. They consist of punctuation marks, indentation, and capitalization of letter. When writing a paragraph, we must use correct punctuation marks. In order to use the correct punctuation marks, learners must concern with sentence structure. They also must concern with the indentation and capital letters. For example, indentation is used when making new paragraph and a capital letter is used to start a sentence.
As stated by Boardman (2004: 10-11) there are five points to be concerned in
writing paragraph:
(1.) The first paragraph is started from five aspects to the right or called indentation
(2.) Next, sentences are always started with a capital letter and ended with a period, a question mark, or exclamation.
(3.) Each sentence begins where the previous sentence ends, a new sentence does not automatically begin on the next line.
(4.) Another important point is to write on every other line. This is called double spacing.
(5.) Finally, there should be margins around a paragraph. There should be about one inch of space on each side of paper.
Briefly, those five aspects of good writing should be learnt, mastered, and practiced by the learners for arranging words into sentences and good sentences into good writings.
D.       Components Influencing Writing
Writing does not deal only with developing words into sentences, but it also deals with how to communicate idea through written text. And if the writer wants to write a good paragraph of hortatory exposition text, he has to pay attention in all components of writing, for example the topic sentences, supporting sentences and also cohesion, coherence, unity, and completeness of the paragraph.
The first component in influencing writing is cohesion.Boardman (2004:36) quotes that “one of the components of a good paragraph is cohesion. A paragraph has cohesion when all the supporting sentences “stick together” in their support of the topic sentence. The methods of connecting sentences to each other are called cohesive devices. Five important cohesive devices are linking words, personal pronouns, definite articles, demonstrative pronouns, and synonyms.
“Another component of paragraph is coherence. In order to have coherence in writing, the sentences must hold together; that is, the movement from one sentence to the next must be logical and smooth. There must be no sudden jumps. There are four ways to achieve coherence.
The first two ways involve repeating key nouns and using pronouns that refer back to key nouns. The third way is to use transition signals to show how one idea is related to the text. The last way to achieve coherence is to arrange your sentences in logical order “(Oshima, 1999:40).
The third component in influencing writing is unity. Boardman (2004:44) states ”a paragraph has unity, when all the supporting sentences relate to the topic sentence”. By unity, the product of writing will easier to understand because from the beginning to end it only talks about one topic.
Another component of paragraph is completeness. “A paragraph is complete when it has all the major supporting sentences it needs to fully explain the topic sentence and all the minor supporting sentences” (Boardman, 2004:47).
E.     The Process of Writing
Oshima and Hongue (2006: 5-7) have the opinion “Writings is a way to explore materials and discover insights into subjects. It is a process of discovering andorganizing ideas, putting them on the papers, reshaping, and the revising them”.
Based on Harmer (2004: 4-5) suggests that the process of writing has four
main elements:

(1)     Planning
In this point, the writers have to think about three main issues: the purpose of writing, the readers or audience of writing, and the content structure of the writing.
(2)     Drafting
This is the first version of a piece of writing and it will produce final version.
(3)  Editing
This stage needs some revising to make it better.
(4) Final Version
After editing the draft and making the changes that are considered before, the writers can produce their final versions.
The purposes of English in senior high school are to increase the students‟ communication ability both in spoken and written to reach informational level, to realize the importance of English to compete in global era and to improve the students‟ understanding about the relevancy between language and culture. To reach all the purposes the materials that are given to the students are some kinds of short functional texts and also some text types.
There are many text types taught in senior High School. Especially for tenth grade; they are narrative, report, spoof, analytical exposition, and hortatory exposition. Through those text types students are forced to think scientifically and logically when they represent their ideas. Then, each of text type has their own characteristics and purposes to stimulate students in achieving informational level.
Then, the general introductory, generic structures, and lexico grammatical features of hortatory exposition text will be discussed below:
Then, the second task of the teaching writing is motivating. Students often find themselves “lost for words”, especially in creative writing tasks. This is where the teacher can help, provoking the students into having ideas, enthusing them with the value of the task, and persuading them what fun it can be.
The third task of the teaching writing is supporting. Students need a lot of help and reassurance once they get going, both with ideas and with the means to carry them out. Teachers need to be extremely supportive when students are writing in class, always available (except during exam writing of course), and prepared to help students overcome difficulties.
The next task of the teaching writing is responding. When responding, the teacher reacts to the content and construction of a piece supportively and often makes suggestions for its improvement. In responding, the teacher will not be grading to the work or judging it as a finished product. However, telling the student how well it is going so far.
The last task of the teaching writing is evaluating. When evaluate the students‟ writing, the teacher can indicate where they wrote well and where they made mistakes and may award grades.

2.      Cooperative Learning
            This part discusses a general introductory of cooperative learning, the advantages using cooperative learning, and techniques of cooperative learning. The descriptions of them will be presented below:
A.    A General Introductory of Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy by using discussing in small teams. Each team consists of students with different levels of ability. Cooperative learning technique uses a variety of learning activities to improve the students‟ understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement. Students work through the assignment until all group members successfully understand and complete it.
According to Johnson & Johnson (1993:9) quoted in George Jacobs, “cooperative learning as the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other‟s learning”. Jacobs, Power, and Loh (2002:1) quoted in George Jacobs state “cooperative learning is principles and techniques for helping students work together more effectively”. So, the point is that cooperative learning involves more than just asking students to work together in group. Instead, conscious thought go in to helping students make the experienceas successful as possible.
According to Roger and Johnson (1997) states that “cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups which students work together to achieve their shared goals”. Rita Rani Mandal (2009:97) poins out “cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn, thus creating atmosphere of achievement”.
In cooperative learning, students work with their peers to accomplish a
shared or common goal. The goal is reached through interdependence among all
group members rather than working alone. Each member is responsible for the
outcome of the shared goal.
B.     The Advantages Using Cooperative Learning
According  to  Rita  Rani  Mandal  (2009:  98),  there  are  five  advantages  using Cooperative Learning Strategy that are:
(1.) Cooperative learning develops higher level thinking skills.
(2.) Skill building and practice can be enhanced and made less  tediousthough cooperative learning activities in and out the classroom.
(3.) It creates an environment for active, involved and exploratory learning.
(4.) It improves the performance of the weaker students when grouped with higher achieving students.
(5.) It ad dresses learning style differences among students.
C. Techniques of Cooperative Learning
Moreover, cooperative learning has some techniques that can be used in learning especially writing.

These techniques are as follows:
The first technique of cooperative learning is “think pair share”. In this technique, we can do some steps that are; students think the answers while a question is posed. Thinking of a response and pairing with their neighbours to discuss the responses, and share their responses with the whole class. Time limits and transition help discussion move smoothly. Students are able to rehearse responses mentally and verbally, and all students have an opportunity for talking.
The next technique of cooperative learning is “three-step interview”. In this technique, students make groups of two or more. They use interview or listening techniques that have been repeated. One of student interviews another about an announced topic. When time is up, students switch roles as interviewers and interviewee. Then, students in pairs join to form groups of four. Students take turns for introducing their pair partners and sharing what the pair partner had to say. This structure can be used as team builder, and also for opinion questions, predicting, evaluations, and sharing book reports.
The third technique of cooperative learning is “roundtable”. This technique can be used for brainstorming, reviewing, practicing, and serving as a team builder. Students are divided into three or four members of each group. The teacher asks a qusetion which has multiple answers. Students take turns writing member‟s answer on the paper, then pass the paper and pencil to the next person.
After all of them have done taking turn, they submit their answers or ideas. Another technique of cooperative learning is “numbered head together”. This technique is useful for quickly reviewing objective material in a fun way. The students in each team are numbered. Students are trained to be mastered the material that is posed for them based on each number. Only the students with the number are eligible to answer and earn points for their teams.
The next technique of cooperative learning is “pairs check”.The first step in this technique is students are grouped into four members. Then, students work in teams of four with two sets of partners. Half of each team is given an assignment to master the material. After mastering the material, each of the half team shares with other teams and back to their teams for answering the questions of materials.
The last technique of cooperative learning is “send a problem”. Each student on a team writes a review problem on a flash card. When agreement of the answer is reached, teams write them on the backs of the cards.
In this study, I concern with my research on using Roundtable Technique because some considerations are; by using Roundtable Technique, each member of group has equal chance to participate in their group, the students can express their ideas freely without having ashamedly, students will active in teaching and learning process because they are given same chance to share their ideas. Not to mentioned, they can learn from their friends because their friends will help the one who has difficulties in answering the questions. If they can not solve the problems, they can ask to their teacher in whole class discussion time. Therefore, students will know what they have learnt in that day.
A.    Flying Slowly Learning Strategy
B.     The Definition of Flying Slowly Learning Strategy
Flying slowly strategy  is one of cooperative learning technique in which each student in turn writes one answer in a paper and a pencil which are passed around the group. According to George M. Jacobs (SEAMEO Regional Language Centre Singapore), Gan Siowck Lee (Universiti Pertanian Malaysia), and Jessica Ball (University of Victorian Canada) state that “Roundtable is cooperative learning technique in which each person writes on idea for a multiple ability task and passes their paper to the person on the right. The paper circulates around the entire group at least once. Each time a person receives the paper, they should write a different task then whole class discussion should follow”.
C.    Procedures for Flying Slowly Learning Strategy
The process of in the classroom deals with preparation and schedule of activities as an implementation of the roundtable technique process.
The first procedure in applying roundtable technique in the teaching learning process is preparation. In order to make the teaching learning process run successfully, we need to do some preparations include preparing
the material, assignment and score. For the material, the teacher should provide students with an interesting topic that is still happened at that time.
In assigning the students, teacher should assign them individually, although they work in group. In this case, the students in each group should have equal participation in the discussion, so teacher should pay attention with the students‟ activities during the discussion. Students are assessed based on their answer and opinion of the questions that they should answer. Then, the teacher can assign the students‟ product in writing narrative text by their own self. After finishing the assignment, students are given score based on their performance using some criteria.

The second procedure in applying Flying slowly strategy  is scheduling activity. In this activity, the teacher should group the students first .Students are divided into several groups. Each group consists of four members. Teacher had to group students by giving numbers for each student. Then, the teacher distributes the paper Iike plane  for each group. Each group only gets one paper.After that, teacher gives students an interesting and up to date issue, topic, or question to the students. Next, students are gotten the interesting topic, idea, or issue. After getting the interesting and up to date issue, topic, or question, students are asked to discuss with their friends about it. They can share their opinion about the interesting and up to date issue, topic, or question. The next step is applying Flying slowly strategy  . In here a student in every group writes his or her opinion about the issue or answers the question and then passes it to his or her right friend. His or her friend has to write the other opinion of question. After it, he or she passes the paper to his or her right friend. Then, his or her friend writes his or her own opinion or answer the question that differ from the answer of students above. All of students have to participate by writing his or her own opinion or answer the question which is different from one student to another.
D.     Advantages of Flying slowly strategy 
The advantages of Flying slowly strategy  are:
1)   Building knowedges of the studenty
2)   Improve students in understanding the kinds of text
3)   Make all students are active in classroom
From the information above, it can be stated that Flying slowly strategy  will give many advantages in teaching learning process.
B.      Previous Study
Rakhmawati (2008) in her final project entitled the effectiveness of using cooperative learning in reading news item texts. She found out there was an improvement of the students‟ achievement in SMA N 3 Pati in reading news item texts after being engaged in cooperative learning. She said that there was significant progress on the students‟ reading before and after using this method. It was supported by the significant result of the pre-test that was lower (62.19%) than the post-test (80.48%).
Furthermore, Novitarini (2009) in her final project entitled the use of STAD (Students‟ Team Achievement Divisions) to improve the students‟ skill in writing descriptive texts. In her study, she found outt the result of the students‟ progress during the teaching and learning process by using STAD was good.
Not to mention, Ratnawati (2009) in her final project entitled the use of writing process in roundtable brainstorming cooperative learning in writing news item text. In her research, she found that there was significant progress on the students‟ writing before and after using roundtable brainstorming cooperative
learning. It was supported by significant result of pre-test that was lower (59.02%) than the post-test (76.44%). It is increased 17.42% from the pre-test so that the result of the students‟ progress during teaching learning process by using roundtable brainstorming cooperative learning was good.
From the above previous research findings, I would like to use Roundtable Technique of Cooperative Learning Method in writing hortatory exposition text with the eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan.
C.    Conceptual Framework
In this research, I conducted to investigate whether the Flying slowly strategy  gives contribution to improve students‟ achievement in writing narrative text. In addition, I would like to discover the dificulties that students have in applying roundtable technique in writing hortatory exposition text.
This study concerns on the implementation of roundtable technique. Roundtable technique is considered as an interesting alternative technique in writing hortatory exposition text which can increase students‟ enthusiasm and interests during the teaching learning process. The activities in Flying slowly strategy  can help students improve their writing skill.
. It states that a cycle consists of four phases. There are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Therefore, I decide to do two cycles in my study.
I did the research for tenth grade of senior high school students at SMA N 1 BANDONGAN . I took X IPS 4 students as the subject of the research.

D .Research Hypothesis
Based on the review of related literatures and rationale above, the hypotheses can be formulated as:
1.      The students motivation in learning writing narrative text taught using Flying slowly strategy  is improve.
2.      Flying slowly strategy  can improve students’ writing skill in narrative text.

A.    The Type of Research
There are some definitions of action research stated by some experts. Mills (2000:6) states that “action research is any systematic inquiry conducted by teacher researchers, principals, school counselors, or other stake holders in teaching learning environment to gather information about the ways that their particular schools operate how they teach, and how well their students learn”.
Wallace (1998:13) states that “it is a kind of research which is done systematically in collecting the data on the lesson and analyzing it in order to come to some decision about what the future lesson should be”. The research began with the problems that arose in the teaching cycle, and with the recognition of finding a new strategy to overcome those problems by giving treatment to a group of students who face the problems.
      From the definitions above, I conclude that action research is an action in a research which is done by the teacher, researcher, and the teacher with his/ hercolleague, etc in his/ her classroom systematically through his/her reflection tosolve the problem faced by the students and which involves a group of students with the purpose of improving teaching learning process so that the result of the students improve as well.
              Some phases need to be taken in doing this research. The phases in action research mean discussing the way to conduct an action research. According to Mills (2000:35), “A cycle consists of four phases.
They are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting”. The phases which are carried out are presented as follows:
(1.) Planning
Plan means to identify the problem area. It is conducted before the researcher starts her action research. This plan is used during the research in every cycle and revised based on the improvement of the students.
(2.) Acting
This phase is the implementation of the planning. It means that the researcher implemented the plan that he/she has made to solve the problems. In this case, the implementation is in the form of treatment, which is given to the students in every cycle.
(3.) Observing
The observation is done during the research in purpose of getting any data to show students‟ condition while research is conducted to analyze whether the solution was successful or not.
(4.) Reflecting
The next step is assessing the result of the action (treatment and observation) for the purpose of revising and implementing it in the next cycle. In one cycle of an action research there are four phases that have to be done, they are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In this study, I planned to conduct two cycles. It means that if the target was not achieved yet in cycle 1, the next cycle must be conducted after revising plan.
B.     Setting of the Study
This research will be conducted at SMA  1 BANDONGAN in JIn Kyai A’rof in Bandongan City. There are some facilities at this school such as a headmaster room, a teacher’s room, a room for guidance and counseling room, an aula, an administration room, a school head unit, a parking lot, a mosque, basketball field, a library, a language laboratory, a computer laboratory, a science laboratory, a storehouse, 2 canteens, and 18 classrooms.
The study will be focused on the grade X IPS 4 students. The classroom of the X IPS 4 had a blackboard, a whiteboard, a wall magazine, an LCD, an attendance board, 16 tables, and 32 chairs. The data will be collected from  that school began from November 7th, 2017 until November 28th, 2017.
C.    Subject of the Research
The subjects of the research will be the X grade IPS 4 students of SMA N 1 BANDONGAN . There are 30 students in the class, which are 18 male students and 12 female students. They are chosen as the subjects of the research because the researcher found out that the students have problem in their writing skill.
D.    Procedure of the Research
Researcher conducted this action research in two cycles, in which every cycle consists of four phases, i.e. planning, action, observing, and reflecting. Before making the plan of this research, the researcher has made the syllabus of teaching learning process which was based on the competence standard and basic competence for Senior High School set by the government.
1.      First Cycle
a.       Planning
Before giving the action in this research, the researcher made a plan that will be the foundation for the next steps. The plan was described as follows:
1.      The researcher provides lesson plan which was being the guideline of teaching learning process.
2.   The researcher provides PowerPoint to explain the lesson about hortatory exposition text.
3.The researcher provides the pictures.
4.   The researcher provides the example of hortatory exposition text which the title was “Should not Bring Mobile Phone to School”.
5.   The researcher prepares some blank papers that were used in teaching learning process.
6.The researcher prepares some pens that were used in the teaching learning process.
b.      Action
The action of this research will be done through these activities:
1.      Researcher greets students and checked the attendance list.
2.   Researcher asks the students to choose the topic discussion.
3.   Researcher gives some questions related to the topic which would be discussion in the meeting.
4.   Researcher distributes the example of hortatory exposition text which the title was “Should not Bring Mobile Phone to School”.
5.   Researcher asks the students to guess what kind of the text was..
6.   Researcher explains the steps in correct and good writing.
7.   Researcher asks the students some questions related to the material that had been explained before in order to check the students‟ understanding of the material.
8.   Researcher asks the students to change the positive simple present sentences into negative one to check the students‟ mastering of simple present tense.
9. Researcher gives opprtunities the students to ask some questions related to the material that had been explained before.
10.   Researcher explains about the Flying slowly strategy  .
11.   Reseacher asks students to answers some questions related to the conten of the hortatory exposition text which had been distributed before used roundtable technique.
12.   Researcher asks the students to write their own simple present sentences used roundtable technique.
13.   Researcher asks the students to do the whole class discussion.
14.   Researcher asks the students to write their arguments to support the topic discussion used flying slowly learning strategy.
15.   Researcher asks the students to do the whole class discussion.
16.  Phone to School”
17.   Researcher sums up the material.
c.       Observing
The researcher observed and took notes of the students‟ activities and participations during the teaching learning process in cycle one using the observation sheet and teaching journal.
d.      Reflecting
The researcher evaluated the result of the first cycle. This was useful for doing the second cycle, so that the second cycle would be better.
2.      Second Cycle
a.       Planning
The plan of this second cycle was similar with the first cycle, but it was added with the solution of the problems faced in the first cycle. The plan was like these:
(1)         The researcher provides PowerPoint slide containing punctuation and spelling material.
(2)         The researcher prepares the example of narrative text
(3)         The researcher prepares some pictures.
(4)         The researcher prepares some papers and some pens.
(5)         The researcher prepares some vocabularies which were related to the topic discussion.
b.      Action
(1)         Researcher greets students and checked the attendance list.
(2)         Researcher asks the previous material which had been discussed.
(3)         Researcher asks the students to choose the topic discussion.
(4)         Researcher shows students some pictures related to the topic discussion.
(5)         Researcher asks some questions related to the pictures
(6)         Researcher asks the students to answer some questions related to the content of the text which had been distributed before used roundtable technique.
(9)         Researcher conducts the whole class discussion.
(10)     Researcher explains the use of punctuation clearly.
(11)     Researcher gives opportunities the students to ask questions related to the punctuation.
(12)     Researcher conducts the whole class discussion by asking the students to write their vocabularies on the board and trying to find the meaning.
(13)     Researcher conducts the whole class discussion.

c.      Observing
The researcher observed and took notes of the students‟ activities and participations during the teaching learning process in cycle two using the observation sheet and teaching journal. These notes were the supporting data for the second cycle.
d.     Reflecting
The researcher evaluated the result of the second cycle. The researcher then observed and compared the second cycle with the first one. This was useful for measuring the improvements and behavioral changes of students during this study. The discussion of these all forms of data collection was done to draw a conclusion.
3 Interview
After the researcher finished conducting the cycles of this action research, guided interview was given to the object of the study. This interview was useful for giving the description of teacher‟ and students‟ responses toward the implementation roundtable technique to improve students‟ achievement in writing hortatory exposition text.
E.     Technique of Data Collection
1.   Observation Sheet
Observation sheet was used to know the students‟ activities, attention, and responses during the teaching and learning process and to record events happen in the class for example, how the students‟ responses toward the lesson and the teacher.
2. Interview
The interview is used to get the information about the students‟ interest; what they like and dislike about the teaching and learning process. This interview was also given to the teacher to get the information about his opinion toward the teaching and learning process. The students and teacher answer some questions that have been prepared by researcher.
F.     Technique of Data Analysis
In knowing whether the students writing of narrative  text is improve or not, the researcher use the steps which are done by the researcher in analyzing the result of students’ writing in narrative text. The researcher will use the criteria of assessment, that is since the content of students’ writing cover the generic structures, they are generic struckture of narrative .


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