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Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Using Hangman Game To Improve Speaking Skills To The First Graders Of SMA N 1 Pringsurat In The School Year 2017 / 2018


A.    The Background of the Study
English is one of the most used language in the world. It has an important role in becoming a second language or foreign language. In Indonesia, English becomes  a foreign language. It is to introduce the language to students as the first foreign language and to prepare the students in mastering the four language skills.It is taught in school started from kindergarten. The government has already understood that citizens will be faced by new era that forces people to speak English, so they bring it in school’s curriculum as a subject.
Basically, teachers in Senior High School provide materials by including four language skills. They are : listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those four language skills are the basic competences in english. They are inserted in the materials. Ideally, they are taught by teachers in the same duration so the students can train their skills by good time management in the class.
The four language skills force teachers to be creative in teaching. Students usually get bored by traditional strategy, because they just sitting down and listening to the teacher’s explanation. Freire ( 1999 ) gave term to that kind of teaching as a “bank style” education because it was seen as an information giving activity that must be “swallowed” by the students and must be remembered and memorized.
By considering that thing, Students can not have full mastery in those four language skills especially in speaking skills. Speaking skills need students to have full mastery in certain vocabulary. In studying english, speaking is the most scarying. They are still confused in speaking, and the students mostly they are shy to speak English.
In the classroom, bassically students do not have ability in comprehending the materials. Speaking is the most confusing because they have difficulties in memorizing words and also pronuncing that. Those difficulties make students lazy in studying english. On the other hand, teacher’s explanation can not easily accepted by the students. It is a big factor that makes students get difficulties in learning english. Ocasionally teachers of Senior High School still use traditional strategy that just make them get bored.The teachers do not modify it, they just apply what the procedure of the strategy that included in English handbook. Sometimes, the students do not pay attention to the teacher’s explanation and make noise in the classroom if they have felt bored with the technique that used by the teacher.They need special teaching method that attracts them to study english.
To solve that problems, teachers should provide special treatment to attract students in studying. One of the strategy is by using a game because it also helps the students create contexts, in which the language is useful and meaningful (Wright, 1984). Furthermore, those games should be highly motivating because they are amusing and interesting. In this case, the researcher uses Hangman game. Teaching english by using Hangman game is a funny strategy, so it is expected that students will be more enthusias to learn new vocabulary to make them easier to improve their speaking skills.
To start the research, the researcher chooses SMA N 1 Pringsurat grade X because most of the students are from village so they just know little bit of english. The grade X is choosen because the students just moved from Junior High School and they need to be guided in studying english.

  1. The Identification of the problems
Based on the background of the study above, the researcher tries to identify the problems in teaching english in junior high school, they are :
1.      The students are bored with traditional strategy
2.      The students are confused to speak english
3.      The students are shy to speak english
4.      The gap of the students’ ability in comprehending the materials
5.      The teachers do not have creativity in attracting the students to study
6.      The students have difficulties in memorizing the words

  1. The Limitation of the Problems
To make the time more effective, and because of the limited knowledge of the researcher, the researcher makes limitation of the problem on “Using Hangman Game To Improve Speaking Skills To The First Graders Of SMA N 1 Pringsurat In The School Year 2017 / 2018”.

  1. The Formulation of the Problems
Based on the identification and limitation of the problems, the researcher formulates the problem as :
1.      Is there any significant differences of students’ speaking skills before and after they are taught by using hangman game strategy ?
2.      How big is the significant differences of students’ speaking skills before and after they are taught by using hangman game strategy ?

  1. The Objective of the Study
The objective of the study canbe stated as :
1.      To know whether there is a significant difference of students’ speaking skills before and after they are taught by using hangman game strategy or not
2.      To know whether students have good speaking skills after they are taught by using hangman game strategy

  1. The Significant of the Study
The result of the research is expected to be useful for :
1.      The teachers
The research supports the teachers to apply the trategy in teaching english. This strategy can also make the teachers to be more creative in teaching english.
2.      The Students
The students are expected to be more enthusias and interested in developing their english speaking skills.

A.    Theoritical Background
1.      Speaking Skills
a.       The Point of View of Speaking Skills
Tarigan (1990 : 3 – 4) defines that speaking is a language skill that is developed in child life, which is produced by listening skill, and at that period speaking skill is learned.
According to Ladouse (in Nunan, 1991 : 23) speaking is described as the activity as the ability to express oneself in the situation, or the activity to report acts, or situation in precise words or the ability to converse or to express a sequence of ideas fluently.
Based on the Competence Based Curriculum, speaking is one of the four basic competences that the students should gain well. It has an important role in communication.
Furthermore, Wilson (1983:5) defines speaking as development of the relationship between speaker and listener. It means that the main objective of speaking is for communication. When someone speaks to other person, there will be a relationship. The relationship itself is communication. From the explanation can be concluded that speaking skill is an ability to express feeling or idea to gain a relation between the speaker and the listener.
b.      Kinds of  Speaking Skill
According to Brown (2003:141) there are several types of speaking performances, they are :
1)      Imitative
At one end of a continum of types of speaking performance is the ability to simply parrot back (imitate) a word or phrase or possibly a sentence. While this is purely phonetic level of oral production, a number of prosodic, lexical and grammatical properties of  language may be concluded in the criterion performance.
2)      Intensive
A second type of speaking frequently employed in assessment contexts is the production of short stretches of oral language designed to demonstrate
competence in narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical of phonological relationship (such as prosodic element intonation, stress, rhythm, juncture). Examples of extensive assessment tasks include directed response tasks, reading aloud, sentence and dialogue completion limited picture – cued task including simple sequnces and relationship up to the simple sentence level.
3)      Responsive
Responsive assessment tasks included interaction and test comprehension but at somewhat limited level of very short conversations, standard greetings and a small talk, simple  request and comments and the like.
c.       Technique of  Teaching Speaking
Harmer (in Tarigan, 1990:13) writes that when teaching speaking or producing skill, we can apply three major stages, those are :
1)      Introducing new language
2)      Practice
3)      Communicative activities
2. Teaching English Speaking Skill in Senior High School
As stated in Standard Competence and Basic Competence, English is aimed to improve four language skills in order to make the students able to communicate and discourse in order to make students able to communicate and discourse in english in certain stage of literacy.
The literacy stage includes performative, functional, information, and epistemic. At the performative stage, sstudents are able to read, write, listen, and speak by certain symbols. At the functional stage, students are able to use language to fulfil daily life like reading newspaper, manual or instruction. At the informational stage, students are able to access knowledge by language ability, while at the epistemic stage students are able to express knowledge in target language (Wells,1987). So, english is needed to equip the students in their daily life.
1)      Purposes
English in Senbior High School is aimed to make students to be able to improve competence in communicating orally and written to reach the functional stage.
2)      The Scope
The scope of english in Senior High School including ability in discourse or to comprehend and / or to produce spoken text and / or written text which is stated in four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) integrately to reach functional stage.
3)      Students Psychology
The students of Senior High School grade X are different from the other because in this grade, they are in the shift between Junior High School and Senior High School. So, simple materials and the way to deliver the materials should be interesting to get their attention fully.
4)      Time Allotment
This lesson is given once a week in 2 x 45 minutes based on the school’s policy. While the teaching method by using english song just takes 1 x 45 minutes or one lesson hour.
3. Hangman Strategy
Hangman teaching strategy is an interactive way to teach speaking skills. This step is efficient and can help students to remember vocabularies in a funny way.
Hangman strategy steps :
Write a word in a piece of paper, then hide it.
Make line same as the words  .
Write a letter of the word in a line.
The position of the letter must be same with the real word.
Ask a student of the group to guess the letter (first, second, etc) from the word.
Then, ask another student to guess fill the other line.
If the student guess wrong, so the student of the group must draw a pole; for other mistake cross; the next will be rope, then head, etc.
If a group makes much mistakes so they will get a man who is hanged.
The group that gets that drawing will be lost.

A.    Research Design
The researcher conducts this research by applying Classroom Action Research. Classroom Action Research is a method of finding out what works best in your own classroom so that you can improve student learning.
Classroom Action Research flow
Early Reflection, original plan in doing research or first thought occurs in arranging a research. The researcher also considers the results or effects of actions later.
Field introduction, The step after getting the plan the researcher analyzes the target field includes where the school is, what grades, what the problem occurs in the field, and all needed data for the research.
Problem Formulation, researcher decides the problem occurs in the classroom that will be analyzed its solution.
First action, the researcher applies the method they choose for the target students.
First Observation, the researcher does the observation after applying the first action
First Reflection, the researcher analyzes the result of the first action includes the success and effectiveness of her first action.
Re planning, the researcher makes a revised draft for the next cycle.
B. The Place, Time And Subject Of Study
1. Place of Research: The place for getting the desired data. The research is held at SMA N 1 Pringsurat
2. Time Research is the time course of study or research when the research take place. This study is conducted in semester 2017/2018.
3. Subjects were students of class X SMA N 1 Pringsurat on the understanding and mastery of vocabulary.
C. Data Collection Techniques
The data needed in this study are obtained through observation in Hangman strategy  process learning, teacher observation of student motivation, interview, and test
D. The Data Collection Instruments
The instrument used in this study consisted of:
1. Syllabus
It is a set of plans and regulations on administration of classroom learning activities, and assessment of learning outcomes.
2. Lesson Plan (RPP)
That is a learning device for guiding teachers in teaching and prepared for each round. Each RPP contains basic competences, indicators of achievement of learning outcomes, specific learning objectives and learning activities.
3. Formative tests
Formative test is a test for assessing the students achievement after getting lesson using the researcher new teaching method. From the formative test we will know the success and the effectiveness of the researcher’ method.
E. Data Analysis Techniques
The researcher does an analyzes to measure the success and effectivenees of the method. Qualitative descriptive techniques are used in this research. It measures the result of the research by describing the fact or fact in order to determine student achievement, to obtain the response of the students to the learning process and activities of the student is the learning process. To analyze success rate or percentage of student success after the learning process every round is done by giving an evaluation form about the written test at the end of each round.
This analysis was calculated using a formula below
1. To assess the test or tests formative
The researcher sums all of the mark students got and the it ia divided with the number of the students. So that we will get the average value. We can formulate by.
By: = average mark
Σ X = Total all marks of students
Σ N = Number of students
2. For mastery learning
The mastery learning of the students is divided into two types, first is individually and the second is by group. To measure the students individual mastery we can see the student achieve the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) individually. Then, to measure the class achievement we can do by analyzing the class achievement by class average mark, more than the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) or not.


Larsen & Freeman. 1986. Technique and Principle in Language Teaching. Oxford University Press, Inc. English
Harmer, J. 1983. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: William Cloves Limited, Beccles and London
Cameron, Lynne. 1990. Teaching Language to Young Learners. The Edinburgh Building. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press.


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