proposal is presented in fulfillment of the requirement
the Seminar on Language Teaching Class
Galih Kusuma Mahardika (1420302177)
This chapter provides a brief description of the whole contents of
the research including background, research questions, aim of the research,
clarification of key terms, and organization of paper.
1.1 Background of the Study
Writing is one of language skills that should be learnt by people.
In this case, writing should be learnt by students especially by junior high
school students. As what Applebee (1981) says, an attribute to explore school
subjects is writing that can be a powerful process to discover meaning, not
only to transcribe an idea but also to translate writer’s mind. From writing,
we can share about our feelings, ideas and all of our thought. However, many
people think that writing is the most difficult skill to master. As stated by
Harmer (2001) writing needs hard work because it needs more time to think than
other skills. To improve students’ ability in mastering English, writing skill
should be done every time. Adawiyah (2008) says that it is too hard to have a
good writing for the first time, because there are several steps that should be
mastered. It is supported by Lestari (2010), to face students’ lack in writing
skills, teachers not only teach grammar, vocabularies, spelling, theories of
writing, but also teaches the practice of writing.
However, there are some
challenges and difficulties may be faced by students while learning writing
skills. From those kinds of problem, teachers should find some ways out how to
make students’ writing ability better than before. Some researchers use media as
a technique to make that problem solved. Permono (2010) states that students
can actually write by training their ability and quality. However, Permono says
that students need interesting media to support themselves to make those quality
and ability in writing to become better because media will make students
interested in knowing well about the materials.
Departing from this problem,
this research investigates the use of video as a media to improve students’
writing of procedural text. As stated by Harmer (2001), one of the techniques
to teach writing is by using video. Harmer says that students can get ideas in
writing by watching video. Suhartini (2010) says on the research that film
trailer can be effective in teaching writing narrative texts. Moreover,
Nurmillah (2010) says that the use of fairy-tale movie is effective and can
promote students’ motivations in learning writing skills. In relation with this
research, Derewianka (2004) states that procedural text is an instructional
text which tells us how something is accomplished through sequence of actions
and steps. Procedural text is chosen as a test in this research because this
kind of text is already familiar with people’s daily life.
Therefore, this research is
intended to improve students’ writing skill of procedural text by using video.
One of junior high school in Bandung was selected to be researched. In
addition, the research was conducted to identity students’ perception towards
the use of video as a media to improve their ability to write procedural text.
1.2 Research Questions
In relation with the above phenomenon, there are several questions
to be answered in this research, those are:
Is the use
of video significantly effective to improve students’ writing of procedural text?
What is
the students’ perception toward the use of video to improve their writing of
procedural text?
1.3 Aims of the Research
In general, the purpose of the research is to investigate the
improvement of students’ writing of procedural text by using video.
Specifically, this research is aimed at:
out the effectiveness of using video to improve students’ writing of procedural
out students’ perception toward the use of video to improve their writing of
procedural text.
1.4 Clarification of the Terms
Here they are some clarification of the terms about the title to
make clarified the problem of this research:
Video is the technique
that was given to the students in the experimental group to see a difference
between the control group and experimental group. In this research, the videos
are documentary videos about how to make something.
Writing is a medium of communication
that represents language through the inscription of signs and symbols. In this
research, the writing is in the written form that be made by control group and
experimental group while given the treatment.
Procedural Text is a text
to describe how to make or doing something. In this research, the procedural
text is about how to make banana split, how to make sandwich, etc.
1.5 Organization of the Paper
The organization of the paper is as follows:
Chapter I Introduction
In this chapter,
there are explanations about Background, Research Questions, Aims of the
Research, and Organization of the Paper.
Chapter II Review
of Related Literature
This chapter
consists of teaching writing, video, procedural text, teaching writing of
procedural text using video and related study of the research. These theories
will be taken from experts and writers with related literature that used in
this research.
Chapter III Research
This part shows
the methodology that was in this research. It consists of research design,
variables, research hypothesis, population and sample of the research, research
instrument, data collection process, research procedures, and data analysis.
Chapter IV Research
Findings and Discussions
In this chapter,
the analysis of the finding of the study is elaborated. In addition, the
discussion is also addressed towards the finding.
Chapter V Conclusions
and Suggestions
This chapter
consists of conclusion of the study departing from the finding and discussions.
Furthermore, suggestions are provided in this chapter.
Definition of Writing
Writing is a medium of human communication that represents language
and emotion with signs and symbols. In most languages, writing is a complement
to speech or spoken language. Writing is not a language, but a tool developed
by human society. Within a language system, writing relies on many of the same
structures as speech, such as vocabulary, grammar, and semantics, with the
added dependency of a system of signs or symbols. The result of writing is
called text, and the recipient of text is called a reader. Motivations for
writing include publication, storytelling, correspondence and diary. Writing
has been instrumental in keeping history, maintaining culture, dissemination of
knowledge through the media and the formation of legal systems. As human
societies emerged, the development of writing was driven by pragmatic
exigencies such as exchanging information, maintaining financial accounts,
codifying laws and recording history. Around the 4th millennium BCE, the
complexity of trade and administration in Mesopotamia outgrew human memory, and
writing became a more dependable method of recording and presenting transactions
in a permanent form. In both ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica, writing may have
evolved through calendric and a political necessity for recording historical
and environmental events.
Definition of Video
Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback,
broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for
mechanical television systems, which were quickly replaced by cathode ray tube
(CRT) systems which were later replaced by flat panel displays of several
types. Video systems vary in display resolution, aspect ratio, refresh rate,
color capabilities and other qualities. Analog and video variants exist and
video can be carried on a variety of media, including radio broadcast, tapes,
DVDs, computer files and network streaming.
Definition of Procedural Text
Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something
is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people
perform different processes in a sequence of steps. This text uses simple
present tense, often imperative sentences. It also uses the temporal
conjunction such as first, second, then, next, finally, etc.
The generic structures of procedure text are:
(or title).
(not required for all procedural texts).
Steps (the
actions that must be taken).
Related Study of the Research
the relation of this study, one of the effective or way to improve the students’
achievement in writing procedure text is video. Video is the audio-visual media
featuring motion, it is popular in the community. The messages can be presented
facts. The using of video can motivate, easy, and enjoy. Video motivate the
students to interest, provides realistic listening practice, stimulate language
use, and heightens students’ awareness of particular language points or other
aspects of communication. They can be improved by the way in which the teachers
introduce the video and the activities which the students carry out. In
teaching writing by using video, students watch video about procedure text and
see how procedure text is used in our daily life.
This chapter
describes the design of research methodology applied in the present research.
It covers research design, variables, research hypothesis, population and
sample of the research, research instrument, data collection process, research
procedures and data analysis.
3.1 Research
The content of this part is about
research design and variable of this research that will be described below.
Research Design
The research method used in this
research was quasi-experimental design.
It investigates whether video
could help a
teacher to improve
students’ writing procedural text.
There were two
classes taken as
the subject groups
in this research. The first group was the
experimental group, which was given the
treatment of the research,
while the second
group was the
control group, which
was given general method of teaching, i.e. picture in
the textbook.
According to Hatch and Farhady
(1982), there are two groups in the research as explained in
nonequivalent-groups design; experimental and control group, both groups have
the same level but it is used different method of teaching in the teaching
learning process. Thus, this research focused on nonequivalent-groups design
since both groups were not chosen randomly.
Both groups were given same test;
pretest and posttest but they got different treatments. For the experimental
group, the treatment was given is video technique, while for the control group
was given general method of teaching. The aim of this research was to find out
whether the students who were given the treatments as video could get higher
score than using general method or conventional technique.
There are two variables which were
investigated in this research. They are:
Variable. The independent variable is the variable which influences dependent
variable (Coolidge, 2000). For this research, video technique was chosen as the
independent variable because this technique is the major variable to be
investigated. Besides that, it is selected, manipulated, and its impact will be
measured by the researcher (Hatch and Farhady, 1982).
Variable. The dependent variable is the variable that will be affected by
independent variable (Coolidge, 2000). Students’ procedure text writing ability
will be dependent variable. This
variable is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent
variable (Hatch and Farhady, 1982).
3.2 Research
this research, as
in any other
researches, hypothesis is
one of important aspects. It
is because of its ability
to predict or
temporarily answer the
research problems. According to
Hatch and Farhady
(1982), hypothesis can be described
as the tentative statement about the outcome of the research. For this
research, there are two hypothesis taken which are null hypothesis and
alternative hypothesis.
Null hypothesis is when no
significant difference between the posttest means of control and experimental
group after applying the treatments. Whereas, the alternative hypothesis is
when there is significant difference between the posttest mean of control and
experimental group after applying the treatments.
3.3 Population
and Sample
According to Levine
and Stephen (2005),
population is all
members of a group
from which you
want to get
a conclusion. From
the definition, the
population of this research
was the whole
students of the
first grade in
one SMPN in
Sojokerto. The first grade of this SMPN consisted of 270 students,
spread into 9 classes.
This grade was chosen as population
because procedural text was taught in their second semester of teaching
learning process. Because of the number of population was too large to be
accessed, in this study, the writer took two classes as the sample. According
to Coolidge (2000), sample is a smaller group of scores selected from the
population of scores. The first class consisted of students of 7B which was
chosen as experimental group. During the execution of the research, this class
was given the treatment of video technique. The other class consisted of
students of 7C was chosen as control group which did not receive any
experimental treatments.
These groups were chosen by teacher’s
value which explained that both groups are homogenous and the samples have not
been given any treatments of video in writing procedural text yet. To
anticipate the absence of some students during the study, the researcher only
took 15 students from each class as the sample. Therefore, the total number of
the sample was 30 students.
3.4 Data
order to achieve
a reliable research,
data collection plays
a very important role and to
achieve reliable data proper
instruments were needed. Fraenkel and Wallen (2007) described that
instrumentation is the whole process of collecting data in a research. For this
research, written test and interview were the instruments used.
The purpose of each instrument was
different. Written test consisted of pretest and posttest that were given to
both groups, experimental and control, in written form. The purpose was for
answering the first research question.
Pretest was held in the first
meeting. This test was given to both groups to get the data of the writing
ability before conducting the treatments and the general method of teaching. In
the other hand, the aim of posttest which was held in the last meeting was to
examine if there was any significant difference between the results of the
written test from both groups after one of the group using the treatments.
Moreover, this test was held to find out if the use of video in teaching
writing procedure text was effective or not.
Another instrument was interview
which consisted of 6 questions. It was given to the group who got the
treatment. This instrument was held to investigate the students’ perception about
the treatment given, which is the use of video in teaching procedural text. The
interview was given in the last meeting after the posttest.
3.5 Research
The steps of the research procedures
were as follow. The first was preparing
the lesson plan. The second was
preparing the material. The third was trying out the instruments whether
the test
given was valid
or reliable for
the chosen students
named pilot-test. The fourth was giving the pretest to
experimental and control group. The fifth was giving the treatment
and teaching experimental
group how to
write procedural text
using video, and giving
general method of
teaching to the
control group. The
sixth was giving posttest
to both groups
to get result which
was different or
not. The last was holding the
instrument, interview to strength the result of the posttest.
3.6 Scoring
In this research, the data of pretest
and posttest would be analyzed by scoring sheet because the test was form in
written test document. The criteria of scoring sheet in this research were
developed by Rose (2007). The aimed was to measure the result of pretest and
posttest. The scoring sheet can be seen in the appendix B.
3.7 Data
this case, the
data which was
collected by using
the instruments would
be analyzed. The data that would be processed was conducted on the
pretest and posttest scores. On the other words, there are three kinds of
analyses was carried out. First is test instrument analysis to know the
validity and reliability of the instrument. Second, pretest and
posttest analysis were
used to measure
the normality distribution, homogeneity of
variance and t-test.
Third, effect size calculation is to find out the effect of independent
variable upon the dependent variable.
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