Sexual assault and sexual abuse of children


Wednesday, 21 November 2018



Aris Nurul Hidayati



A.     Background of Study
B.     Identification of the Problems
C.     Limitation of the Problems
D.     Formulation of the Study
E.      Objective of the Study
F.      Significance of the Problems
A.     Theoretical Background
1.      Writing
a.       The Definition of Writing
b.      The Elements of Writing
c.       The Characteristics of Writing
2.      Text
a.       The Definition of Text
3.      Descriptive Text
a.       The Definition of Descriptive Text
b.      The Social Function of Descriptive Text
c.       Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
4.      Creative Visualization Technique
a.       The Definition of Creative Visualization Technique
b.      The Steps of Creative Visualization Technique
c.       The Advantages of Creative Visualization Technique
d.      The Disadvantages of Creative Visualization Technique
B.     Conceptual Framework
C.     ActionHypothesis
A.     Type of the Research
B.     Subject of the Research
C.     Setting of the Research
D.     The Procedures of Action Research
E.      Technique of Collecting Data
F.      Technique of Data Analyzing


A.     Background of the Study
English as an international language is used as a medium of information flow on science, culture, technology. Learning a foreign language has different aspects and systems, which should be understood by the learners, such as spelling, pronunciation, and the cultural background of the language.
English is also a part of national education. Based on the Competency Based Curriculum of 2006 for senior high schoo;, the purpose of English teaching and learning is that students are able to communicate using the four English skill, there are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. This curriculum also has the purpose of developing skills in understanding and producing various short functional and monologue texts in the form of narrative, recount, descriptive, procedure, news item, report, hortatory exposition, spoof, and analytical exposition text.
Based on the observation, the writing skill of the tenth graders of SMA N 1 DUKUN is not satisfy. Through the interpretation of the data given by the teacher, the result of the test indicates that the average score of writing skill of class X is 67, less than the standard of achievemnt which is 75.
There are some problems found in writing a simple text when the teacher gives the material to the students’ class, especially writing a descriptive text. There are many errors made by students in vocabulary, grammar, and spelling that make the writing is not comprehensible and not organizes well. When they ask to write paragraphs, they do it without providing some clues and the material is usually not interesting, so as the result the students have low motivation to write and difficult to find new ideas.
Other problems are the teacher teaches English writing using monotonously technique so that make them bored to do writing text. The teacher should has little creativity in using teaching technique.
The classroom management is not good. The class is too formal, the students bored and not feel free to express their creativity, especially writing descriptive text. So, the classroom is far away from fun.
From the problems above, the researcher is motivated to carry out a Classroom Action Research (CAR) on the descriptive text writing skill using Creative Visualization Technique. The researcher believes that using Creative Visualization Technique will help the students to develop the writing ideas. Therefore, the researcher wrote a paper entitled “Using Creative Visualization Technique to Improve the Descriptive text Writing Skill of the Tenth Graders of SMA N 1 Dukun in the school year 2017/2018.

B.     The Identification of the Problems
Based on the background of the study, the researcher identifies the following problems:
a.       The students are passive in the class
b.      The students face difficulties to express their ideas
c.       The students cannot organize and develop their ideas
d.      The students have low vocabulary mastery
e.       The teacher has little creativity in using a teaching technique
f.       The class situation far away from fun

C.     The Limitation of the Problems
The researcher realizes that is impossible to conduct a research covering all the factors above because of the limited time and knowledge. Therefore, the researcher only focuses on improving the descriptive text writing skill. So the researcher will help the students in organizing and developing ideas by using Creative Visualization Technique to improve the descriptive text writing skill of the tenth graders of SMA N 1 Dukun.

D.     Formulation of the Problems
Based on the identification and limitation of the problems, the researcher formulates the problems as follow:
1.      Can Creative Visualization Technique increase the learning motivation of thedescriptive text writing skill of the tenth graders of SMA N 1 Dukun in the school year 2017/2018?
2.      How great is the improvement of the descriptive text writing skill of the teth graders of SMA N  1 Dukun in the school year 2017/2018 who are taught using Creative Visualization Tehnique?

E.      Objectives of the Study
Dealing with the problems formulation, the objectves of this classroom action research are as follow:
1.      To know Creative Visualizaton Technique an increase the learning motivation of the descriptive text writing skill of the tenth graders of SMA N 1 Dukun in the school year of 2017/2018.
2.      To know how great is the improvment of the decriptive text writing skill of the tenth graders of SMA N 1 Dukun in the school year of 2017/2018 who are taught using Creative Visualization Technique.

F.      Significance of the Study
The result of this classroom action research is expected to give a lot of benefits in teaching learning process:
1.      The students
The students are expected to be more motivated and interested in learning English especially in developing their writing skill.
2.      The classroom English teacher
Creative Visualization Technique can be used and applied by the teacher in teaching writing of hortatory exposition text. The teacher can be used as an alternative way in teaching writing in order to get better result.


A.  Theoretical Background
1.      Writing
a.       The Definition of Writing
Writing is one activity that improve in our life. Through writing we can share information for each others. Writing include to four language skills, that are very complex and difficult to learn.
In Wordreference (2010), writing is one of the ways to give an idea or message which is form in writing on a piece of paper or the other area. It is an act of making marks on certain surface. Specifically, writing is on kind of expression in language which is created by particular set of symbol, having conventional values for representing the wordings of particular language which is drawn up visually.
Jim A.P (2010:2: Writing skill in second language), explains that writing skill is complex and difficult to learn. Requiring mastery is not only grammatical patterns but also the rule of writing such as high degree of organization in the development of ideas and information and also choosing the appropriate vocabularies and sentence structure to create a style which is appropriate to subject matter.
Based on many definitions of writing from the experts above, writing is a process to produce language. It is a system of communication more precisely a visual representation of spoken language reflecting writer’s way of sharing ideas by the writing language convention.

b.    The Component of Writing
According to Siregar’s opinion in Zaleka (2010:16) decide into five significant components of writing such as:
a.       Content
It means that the ability to think creatively and develop thought, excluding all irrelevant information.
b.      Organization
Fluent expression, ideas clearly stated, well organized, logically sequenced and cohesive. An essay is if it pararaphs are woven together or flow into each other. An essay which lack of unity or orderly movement will not be coherent, since reader can not move easily from one paragraph has no clear relation to the first.
c.       Vocabulary
In writing there should be sophisticated range, effective word idiom, word choice and its usage.
d.      Language use
Grammar of language is description of speaking and writing habits of the people who use it. In composing paragraph or texts, the knowledge of grammar is very important. Without them, writers won’t be able to used it. So, the readers may not catch the point’s of writer’s message.
e.       Mechanics
Essay writing is mechanically good if the writer demonstrates the mastery of conventions, good spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphing and also hand writing.

c.    The Characteristics of Writing
According to Donovan (2013) there are eight characteristic of good writing, as follows:
a.         Clarity and Focus
Everything makes sense and readers do not get lost or have to reread passages to figure out what is going on. Focused writing stick with the plot or core idea without running oo on too many tangents.
b.      Organization
A well organization piece of writing is not clear, it’s presented in way that is logical and aesthetically pleasing. You can tell non-linear stories or place your thesis t th end of an essay and get away with it as long as your scenes or ideas are well ordered.
c.       Ideas and Themes
Is the topic of your paper relevant? Does your story come complete with themes? Can the reader visualize your poem? For piece of the writing to be considered well crafted, it has to contain clearly identifiable ideas and themes.
d.      Voice
This is what sets you apart from all other writers. It’s your unique way of stringing words together, formulating ideas, and relating scenes or images to the reader. In any piece of writing, the voice should be consistent and identifiable.
e.       Language
The writers can never understimate or fail to appreciate our most valuable tools words. Goo writing includes precise and accurate word choices and well crafted sentences.
f.       Grammar and Style
Many writers would wish this one away, but for a piece of writing to be considered good, it hasto follow the rules of grammar. Style is also important in ensuring that a piece of writing is clear and consistent. Make sure you keep your grammar book and style guide handy.
g.       Credibility or believability
Nothing says bad writing ike getting the facts wrong or misrepresenting oneself. In fiction, the story must be believable, and in nonfiction, accurate research can make or break writer.
h.      Thought-provoking or emotionally inspiring
Perhaps the most impoertant quality of good writing is how the reader responds to it. Does she comes away with a fresh perspective and new ideas? Does he close the cover with tears in his eyes of sense of victory? How readers react to your work will fully determine your success as writer.

2.      Text
a.       The Definition of Text
Text is a unit of meaning which is coherent and appropriate for its context (Hartono, 2005:11). While according to Carter’s and McCarthy’s opinion (2006) text is stretch of language, either in speech or in writing that is semantically and pragmatically coherent in its real word context.
From above explanations, definition of the text is unity of meaning and stretch of language that coherent.

3.      Descriptive Text
a.       The Definition of Descriptive Text
According to Corbett (1983), descriptive text is one of the expository writing. The description draws a picture, tries to convey the sound, taste and smell of things or objects.
Tomkins (1994) and Stanley (988) define that descriptive text is as painting picture with words. By reading a descriptive text, readers feel that they see the description just like they see pictures. Descriptive text has the purpose to describe an object or a person that the writer is interested in.
Friedman (2010), descriptive details mean to grab the reader’s attention. A descriptive text is considered as the simplest and easiest writing from compared to narrative, recount, or procedure, particularly for the beginning writers.
Based on definition descriptive text from expert above, it can conclude that descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. The purpose of descriptive text is to describe a particular person, place, or thing.

b.      The Social Function of Descriptive text
Gerot and Wignell (1994) state that the social function of descriptive text is to describe a particular person, place or thing. On the other hand, Knap and Watkins (1994) state that the social function of descriptive text is to describe a special place and explain why it is special, describe the most important person your life, describe the animal’s habitat in your life.

c.       Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
Based on Coollerson (1989), the generic structure of descriptive text consist of:
a.       Title
It labels the name of the topic to be informed. The title can be short but has the some information about what will be described which can make the reader image it is of it can be long.
b.      Identification
It introduces the definition of the things or person. It gives some short information about something, place or person which is being described.
c.       Description
It describes and classifies the things or person. It gives some detail information such as what it is, who is she/he, what type it is, how look like, etc.

4.      Creative Visualization Technique
a.       The Definition of Creative Visualization
The Creative Visualization technique is done in this research is as a part of creative learning technique in solution for the problems.
According to McFadzean and Key (2002), they say that creative visualization is a technique using imagination to create and visualize scenario in the mind’s eye. By using creative visualization techniques, can create a mental picture of something and the focus on this image or scenario for periods of time. The main belief with creative visualization is that by changing ones thoughts and perception, and also can change the outer world. Many successful, wealthy and influential people in the world believe that by visualizing specific behaviors or scenarios can change energy patterns to bring goals and desire more quickly. (McFadzean and Key, 2002)
        Foster and Kaplan (2001) say that creative visualization is the technique of using one’s imagination to visualize specific behaviors or events occurring in one’s life. Advocates suggest creating a detailed schema of what one desires and then visualizing it over and over again with all of the senses.
      Based on the above explanation, the creative visualization technique is a technique of using imagination of something to create free from their mind or to explore their mind for everything they want to express in their writing.

b.      The Teaching Steps of Creative Visualization Technique
McFadzean and Key (2002) show the process of writing using Creative Visualization. They are:
1.      Set the goal by setting on the aim, target, reason, etc. This can be related to job, relationship, family, home, etc.
2.      Generate a concise idea or picture of the situation exactly as would like it to be.
3.      Thinking of it as already in existence. Incorporate as much details as imagination allows.
4.      Concentrate on the goal regularly.
5.      Pursue the ideas into the good paragraph.

c.       The Advantages of Creative Visualization Technique
According to McFadzean and Key (2002), they say that there are many strengths of Creative Visualization technique that can be summarized as follows:
1.      It helps the students to develop their ideas.
2.      It uses imagination. The situation will be easy to understand because they can describe anything by using their visualization.
3.      It is a great way to help students put any ideas to create a simple paragraph easier.
4.      The students feel fun by using creative visualization technique.

d.      The Disadvantages of Creative Visualization Technique
The Creative Visualization Technique also has disadvantages (McFadzean and Key: 2002), which are:
1.      Need a lot of time.
2.      It only can be applied in descriptive text.
3.      Students shy to express their ideas.

B.   Conceptual Framework
Based on the English curriculum 2006 of senior high school, the students are expected to master the four language skills including writing. Writing is the ability to express ideas in writing symbols. The students are provided to be able to understand and create various text. One kind of text that the students learn is descriptive text. Descriptive text is a factual text used to put forward a point of view, or argument/ recommendation to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.
In writing text, the students have to understand the social function, generic structure, and language features but the students still get difficulties to produce a good written text. Therefore, the researcher only focuses on improving the descriptive text writing skill. So the researcher will help the students learning motivation and improve their writing skill of descriptive text by using Creative Visualization Technique to improve the descriptive text writing skill of the tenth graders of SMA N 1 Dukun in the school year 2017/2018.
In reality the teacher and students find writing class is not interesting because the technique is not meet the need of the class’ expectation so the students’ writing is not satisfactory since they do not know about how to start, draft, organize, and the other process of writing.

C.  Action Hypothesis
The above theories and framework lead to this action hypothesis as follows:
1.      Creative Visualization Technique can increase the learning motivation of the descriptive text writing skill of the tenth graders of SMA N 1 Dukun in the school year of 2017/2018.
2.      The improvement of the descriptive text writing skill who are taught using Creative Visualization Technique of the tenth graders of SMA N 1 Dukun in the school year of 2017/2018.


A.     Type of the Research
The type of the research is designed as a classroom action research (CAR. It is a kind of research having function to improve the quality of something. The principle of carrying out this research is to collect and interpret data that involves a clear, repeated in cycle of procedure. It means that classroom action research is carried out to improve and make up the learning condition and situation on order to make something better that before.

B.     Subject of the Researcher
Subject of the researcher is the tenth graders of SMA N 1 Dukun in the school year 2017/2018. There are 29 students consist of 15 girls and 14 boys.

C.     Setting of the Research
      The research is carried out in SMA N 1 Dukun. It is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The research will be held on June 22th, 2017 until June 27 th, 2017.

D.     Procedure of Classroom Action Research
1.      Pre-cycle
The researcher gave pre-cycle test of descriptive text writing skill and gave the pre-cycle questionnaire to the students. The researcher also held an observation of the classroom teaching and learning process.
The result of the above condition would be then become high motivation for the researcher to continue the research with the coming cycles of research for the purpose of improving the descriptive text writing skill using Creative Visualization technique. That would be then encourage the researcher to apply Creative Visualization Technique in the Classroom Action Research.

2.      Cycle one
Cycle one focused on improving students’ organization, content and mechanics.
a.       Planning
In planning stage, the researcher did the following things:
1.      Creating the teaching material in a lesson plan,
2.      Setting up observation and questionnaire sheet,
3.      Making a post test of descriptive text writing skill,
4.      Doing documentation.
b.      Acting
This stage was essential for the implementation of the Creative Visualization technique for improving the descriptive text writing skill and their writing. This stage consisted of following detail:
1.      Pre-activity
Teacher’s greeting, attendance list checking, motivating students to learn English through writing descriptive text.
2.      Whilst activity
This stage consisted of exploration, elaboration and confirmation of the classroom teaching and learning process.
3.      Post activity
This phase teacher would check the students’ understanding by giving summary.
c.       Observing
This stage engaged the writer to see through the classroom activity in their descriptive text writing teaching and learning. Then the researcher observed the classroom situation through observation and questionnaire sheet. The post test of this cycle will be used to complete the observation.
d.      Reflecting
In the end of the cycle was the analysis of all stages in cycle one. The observation and questionnaire sheet would be discussed further, so would the post test result. If the result from the first cycle had not been satisfactory yet, the researcher would be revised or modified the steps to continue the next cycle.

3.      Cycle two
This stage focused on the quality of expression and grammar.
a.       Planning
In planning stage, the writer did the following things:
1.      Creating the teaching material in a lesson plan,
2.      Setting up observation and questionnaire sheet,
3.      Making a post test of descriptive text writing skill,
4.      Doing documentation
b.      Acting
Acting in cycle I would be different from cycle ii. In this cycle, the researcher would present new topic. Before conducting the lesson in this cycle, the researcher would review what they had already learned in the previous cycle. But the procedure of activities in the second cycle is almost similar with the first cycle.
c.       Observing
This stage engaged the writer to see through the classroom activity in their description text writing teaching and learning. Then the writer would observe the classroom situation through observation and questionnaire sheet. The post test of this cycle was used to complete the observation.
d.      Reflecting
In the end of the cycle was the analysis of all the stages in cycle two. The observation and questionnaire sheet would be discussed further, so would the post test result.
E.      Technique of Collecting Data
1.      Non-test
a.       Observation
The researcher observed the process of teaching and learning of writing descriptive text using observation sheet. The observation was constructed during the class, the area were the students’ learning behavior and attitude.

Table 3.1
Sheet of Observation

Behavioral type
Observation guidance
Percentage (%)
Activity of students in listening to the explanation
1.   Pay attention to teacher’s explanation.
2.   Raise question about the material.
3.   Give comments about the material.
4.   Respond teacher’s questions.
5.   Makes note.






Students’ class participant during descriptive text writing process
1. Have motivation to learning writing descriptive text.
2.Involving in learning how to write descriptive text.
3.Raise discussion of descriptive text writing.




Student’s participation for assignment
1.  Complete the task of descriptive text writing.
2.Finish all the assignments within the given period of time.




b.      Questionnaire
The students were asked to answer the question based on their experience during the process of descriptive text writing process. Here was the questionnaire sheet:

Table 3.2
Questionnaire Sheet of Pre Cycle
Do you like studying English?

Do you think that writing is important?

Do you think that writing English text is difficult?

Does your teacher explain the material clearly?

Are you able to understand the teacher explanation well?

Are you bored with the teacher’s explanation?

Do you know descriptive text?

Do you know social function of descriptive text?

Do you find difficulties in writing descriptive text?


Table 3.3
Questionnaire Sheet of Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
Do you like studying English?

Do you think that writing is important?

Do you think that writing English is difficult?

Does your teacher explain the material clearly?

Are you able to understand the teacher explanation well?

Are you bored with the teacher’s explanation?

Are you able to understand the material after the teacher uses creative Visualization Technique?

Do you like Creative Visualization Technique?

In this research, do you feel that this technique can improve your writing skill?

Do you have high motivation after the teacher uses Creative Visualization Technique?

c.       Documentation
The researcher would need to take some photographs of the process of teaching and learning. This was to support the data in visualized forms of evidence.
3.      Text
The action research is carried out in two cycles. There is a test in each cycle. The purpose of the test is to measure the students’ progress and the result of teaching learning activities. The formulation of the test material above were as follow:

The writing assessment of the research as follow (Brown,2004):

Writing elements

Use clearly appropriate details to support or illustrate ideas.
Use details to support or illustrate an idea.
Use some details to support or illustrate an idea.
Inappropriate or insufficient details to support or illustrate generalization.
Little disorganized or irrelevant specifics.
Well organized and well developed.
Generally well organized and developed.
Adequately organized and developed.
Inadequate organized and developed.
Serious disorganization and development.
Demonstrate variety and appropriate word choice.
Demonstrate some variety and range vocabulary.
May contain some errors that occasionally obscure meaning.
Noticeably inappropriate choices of words form.
Serious problems with focus.


Display consistency facility in the use of language.
Display facility the use of language.
Demonstrate adequate but possibly inconsistent facility with usage.
An accumulation of error in sentences structure and/or usage.
Serious and frequent error in sentences structure or usage.

Effectively address the writing tasks.
Address some parts of the task more effectively than others.
Address the writing topic adequately but may slight part of the task.
Error in sentence punctuation.
Severe spelling problems.

a.       Total maximum score: 100
b.      Total minimum score: 5
Based on the test score assessment, it would be understood how far the students’ learning improvement to the English lesson. According to Brown’s concept (2004:224-225), the result of the test can be classifies into five categories as follows:

1.      85-100 : very good
2.      70-84   : good
3.      60-69   : fair
4.      50-59   : poor
5.      Less than 50    : very poor

F.      Technique of Analyzing Data
1.      Quantitative Data
After collecting the data, the quantitative data analyses were done by summarizing obtained students; score calculating the mean score and calculating percentages. To calculate the percentages of scores, the calculating researcher uses a formula as follows:

CP =  x 100 %

CP : Class percentage
CF : Class Frequency
NR : Number of Respondents

While the average of the students’ result was counted by using the following formula:

A =

A: the average of the students’ test result
S: the total of score
N: the total number of students

The data analysis was compared with the score of pre-cycle, cycle 1, cycle 2 tests. The result of this research gave description about the percentage of improving the students in writing after teaching using Creative Visualization Technique.

2. Qualitative Data
The data are taken from the observation, questionnaire and documentation which are discussed using the model of Miles and Huberman (1994). The result were used to show the students’ changing behavior and attitude in the teaching and learning process of writing descriptive text through all the cycles. Here was the brief description of those process of analyzing the data.
a.       Data Reduction
Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting and transforming the data that appear in written up field notes or transcriptions.
b.      Data Display
A display is organized, compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action. In designing the display what to make is the rows and columns of a matrix of a qualitative data and deciding which data, in which form, should be entered in the cells.
c.       Conclusion drawing and verification
Conclusion are also verified as the analyst proceeds. Verification may be as brief as a fleeting second thought crossing the analyst’s mind during writing, with a short excursion back to field notes.


Figure 3
The Process of Analyzing the Qualitative Data
G.     Performance Indicator
1.      At least 75% of the students have good motivation in learning process.
2.      At least 75% of the students had score at least  75 of the descriptive text in writing.


Hartono, Rudi.2005.Genres of Text. Semarang : English Department Faculty of Language and Art, Semarang State University.


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