Sexual assault and sexual abuse of children


Wednesday, 21 November 2018


YEAR OF 2017/2018

This proposal is presented in fulfillment of the requirement
for Seminar On Language Testing class

Written by :
Shafira Adhelia (1420302179/ Class 5)


A.    Background of The Study
            These days, English is a necessary for international community, including  Indonesia. In education, English has been introduced to students in elementary school, even some kindergartens already teach English to their students. There are four language skills that students have to master in learning English. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
             From those four skills, the ability to speak (speaking skill) is a very important basic. It is the most important indicator for students to succeed in learning English. Speaking helps students to express their ideas and feelings. In other words, it can help students to interact and communicate with others. Besides, it also helps students become active in the class.
            In fact, the tenth graders of SMAN 3 Magelang in the school year of 2017/2018 find the difficulties in  speaking activity. It is caused by some factors, such as their lack in grammar, pronounciation, vocabulary and etc. Besides, some of students tend to be passive because they are not confident to speak English in front of others. The students do not have self motivation to speak in English. As a result, the active students will become more active and the passive students will become more quiet.
            Also, the teachers are lack of creativity or innovation in teaching speaking. All of teachers want to their students become active in speaking in the class, but their techniques in teaching speaking are not creative. There are many teachers that still teaching English by using conventional methods, so that the learning process tend to be monotonous and boring. The students will feel bored and they do not enjoy the subject.
            Teaching methods in English teaching process is needed to attract and help the students in learning English, especially the speaking skill. It is the important factor to improve students’ ability in speaking. The teacher should choose the appropriate method in order to improve the students’ speaking skills.
            Based on the 2013 curriculum, there are some types of texts which have to be mastered by the students at senior high school. One of them is narrative text. Narrative text is a text that entertain or informs the reader or listener. Some example of narrative text are fantasy novels, legend, myth and etc. There are many problems in speaking of narrative text, such as the lack of students’ convidence, grammar, vocabulary, pronounciation and etc. In addition, the students also find the difficulties to arrange the sentences.
            To solve these problems, it needs the creativity of teachers to use the suitable technique in teaching speaking of narrative text. There are a lot of techniques and methods in teaching- learning process that can motivate the students and the teachers. One of the techniques is by using Time Token Arends technique.
            Time Token Arends technique was introduced by Arends. Time Token Arends technique is a cooperative learning model used to develop the skills of participation of learners. According to Istarani (2011), Time Token Arends technique is very useful to promote students social skill. It is used to promote students’ social skill to avoid the active students dominate the class while the passive students quiet. It means that, by using Time Token Arends, there will be time of talking which have been set and the chance for each student to speak.
            Based on those explanations, the writer try to apply Time Token Arends technique in teaching speaking of narrative text to make the students interested in the teaching learning process. This study will be a challenge and an opportunity for writer to prove the effectiveness of using Time Token Arends technique in teaching speaking of narrative text. In this case, the writer will compare the two techniques in teaching speaking skill of narrative text, they are Time Token Arends Technique and Think Pair Share.
B.     Identification of The Problem
            Based on the background of the study, the writer identifies the following problems in teaching speaking of narrative text in senior high school, they are :
1.      The lack of students’ motivation to speaking in  English.
2.      The students find difficulties in speaking English.
3.      The English teacher has little creativity in using a teaching technique.
4.      The students are not confident in speaking English..

C.    Limitation of The Problem
            The writer makes limitation of the problems on the effectiveness of using Time Token Arends technique in teaching speaking of narrative text to the tenth graders of SMAN 3 Magelang in the school year 2017/2018.

D.    Formulation of The Problem
            Based on the identification and limitation of the problems, the writer formulates the problems as follow:
1.      Is there any significant difference of speaking skills mastery in learning narrative text of tenth graders of SMAN 3 Magelang in the school year of 2017/ 2018 between those who are taught using Time Token Arends technique and those who are taught using Think Pair Share?
2.      How great is the significant difference of speaking skills mastery in learning narrative text of tenth graders of SMAN 3 Magelang in the school year of 2017/ 2018 between those who  are taught using Time Token Arends technique and those who are taught using Think Pair Share?

E.     Objective of The Study
The objectives of the research can be stated as follow:
1.      To know whether there is significant difference of speaking skills mastery in learning narrative text of tenth graders of SMAN 3 Magelang in the school year of 2017/ 2018 between those who  are taught using Time Token Arends technique and those who are taught using Think Pair Share.
2.       To know whether tenth graders of SMAN 3 Magelang in the school year of 2017/ 2018  who are taught using Time Token Arends technique have better speaking skills mastery in learning narrative text than those who are taught using Think Pair Share.

F.     Significance of The Study
The final result of the research is expected to be useful for :
1.      The teachers
The result of this study will inform the teachers that Time Token Arends technique is able to increase the students’ ability in speaking.
2.      The students
The result of this study will give an input to the students to improve their ability in speaking.
3.      The writer
It can give an experience in teaching speaking by using Time Token Arends technique which is appropriate and effective in teaching speaking skill.
4.      The other writer
It can give the view to the other writer that the research has contribution in teaching speaking.


A.      Theoritical Description
1.      Definition of Speaking
            Speaking is the most natural way to communicate. It is also used for interacting between two people in daily life, such as: at school, at home or some other places. Besides, speaking is a tool for human being. It is used to communicate and express their ideas. Based on Competence Based Curriculum, speaking is one of the four basic competences that the students should master well. There are many definitions of speaking that have been proposed by some experts in language learning. Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information (Brown, 1994).
            While Clark and Clark define that speaking is fundamentally an instrument act. Speakers talk in order to have some effect on their listener. It is the result of teaching learning process. Students’ skill in conversation is core aspect in teaching speaking, it becomes vitally aspect in language teaching learning success if language function as a system for expression meaning, as Nunan (1991) states that the successful in speaking is measured through someone ability to carry out a conversation in the language.
            Based on some definitions above, it can be said that speaking is always related to communication. Speaking is communicative activity to produce some words or sentence to express the feelings, ideas, wish, etc. Then it’s delivered to listener for achieving information. As human beings, especially social creature we need to express our thoughts, opinions, or feelings in order to be accepted in social life. So that, it is important that you say is conveyed in the most effective way. How you say something can be as important as what you say in getting meaning across.
2.      Teaching Speaking
            Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued and English language teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues. However, today's world requires that the goal of teaching speaking should improve students' communicative skills, because, only in that way, students can express themselves and learn how to follow the social and cultural rules appropriate in each communicative circumstance.
a.      What is Teaching Speaking?
      What is meant by teaching speaking is to teach English language learners to:
1.      Produce the English speech sounds and sounds patterns.
2.      Use words and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the second language.
3.      Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting, audience, situation and subject matter.
4.      Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence.
5.      Use language as a means of expressing values and judgments.
6.      Use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which is called fluency. (Nunan : 2003)
b.      How to Teach Speaking?
      When teaching young learners we constantly have to keep in mind the fact that what we have in front of us is a mixed class with varied abilities, expectations, motivation level, knowledge and last but not least, different learning styles. Thus, we need to vary our approaches and offer as much opportunity as possible to make the whole class find a little something to hold on to, expand and grow.
      Young learners are like sponges, they soak up everything we say and how we say it. Thus clear and correct pronunciation is of vital importance, since young learners repeat exactly what they hear. What has been learned at an early stage is difficult to change later on. One rule that applied here is slowly and steadily through constant revision and recycling. With the help of mixed activities, such as dialogues, choral revision, chants, songs, poems and rhymes, students speaking abilities grow, their pronunciation gets better and their awareness of the language improves.
      When applying the above-mentioned tools into the teaching practice, what should be kept in mind is that interaction is an important way of learning. Therefore, increased oral emphasis should be included in our teaching to give the students as much speaking time as possible.  In brief, teachers should create a classroom environment where students have real-life communication, authentic activities, and meaningful tasks that promote oral language. This can occur when students collaborate in groups to achieve a goal or to complete a task.

c.       Teaching Speaking in Senior High School
            The teaching and learning process at senior high schools in Indonesia is based on the regulation as stated in Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Permendikbud) Number 103 Year 2014 (Depdikbud 2014). In that regulation it is said that the teaching and learning process should be done according to certain teaching guidelines. The teaching should be based on scientific approach with five activities, namely observing, questioning, collecting information, associating and communicating. In implementing this approach, the teacher chooses three alternative methods, that is, problem-based learning, discovery-based learning and project-based learning. These three methods are done under cooperative learning model. It means that the teaching and learning process is done through discussion in the form of pair work and group work.
            English teaching and learning process in senior high school has three goals to be achieved. The first goal is the students are expected to develop their communication competencies in spoken and written form to reach the functional literacy. Second, the students are expected to have awareness about the importance of English in improving the competitiveness of nation in the global community. Third, the students are expected to develop the comprehensible about the relation between language and culture.
            Furthermore, in language teaching, the teacher is required to integrate among four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. In teaching speaking, the teacher should begin their teaching with listening. The teaching of listening is done by following scientific approach; observing, questioning, collecting information and associating. The students are expected to get concept of the materials in association stage. When the teacher is already sure that his/her students have got knowledge, then he/she continue to communicating stage. In this stage, the teacher asks the students to communicate the knowledge they have got. To know whether the students are able to communicate, the teacher can ask them to explain again the lesson by their own words or to practice in front of the classroom.
            To know whether the students have already got the competence in speaking, the teacher should observe the characters needed in real communication outside the classroom. The real life situation is taken as indicators of the success in speaking. This is necessary because the language is not only used in the classroom, but the majority of communication happens in the students’ real life. That is why, the teacher needs to know whether the students already achieve this speaking skill. To help the students to get the speaking skill, the teacher should be able to choose appropriate activities in teaching speaking.
3.      The Elements of Speaking
            Speaking is very important for student to acquire the ability to express their ideas and opinions. Consequently, this competency should be mastered by learners‟ language. According Jeremy Harmer, there are two elements of speaking. First, language features, consists of:
a.              Connected speech is the modifying in sound production or utterances such as assimilation, omission, addition, and weakened (through contraction and stress pattering)
b.             Expressive devices are the alteration of speed, volume, and stress of utterances to show the feeling. The use of device contributes the ability to convey meaning.
c.              Lexis and grammar related to the ability to use number common lexical phrases, especially in the performance of certain language functions.
d.             Negotiation language is the ability to gets benefits from negotiators language we use to seek clarification and to show of structure of what we are saying.
The second element of speaking is mental or social processing, consists of:
a.              Language processing: the ability to process language in their own heads and put it into coherent order so that it comes out it forms that are not only comprehensible, but also convey the meanings that are intended.
b.             Interacting with others. Its means that speaking also involves a good deal of listening, and understanding of how the other participants are feeling.
c.              Information processing: the ability to process the information the moment we get it.
                        In a conclusion, the elements of speaking are language features; which includes pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension, and mental or social processing.
4.        Types of Classroom Speaking Performance
           Brown offered six similar categories apply to the kinds of oral production that students are expected to carry out in the classroom:
a.       Imitative
                 A very limited portion of classroom speaking time may legitimately be spent generating “human tape recorder” speech, where, for example, learners practice an intonation contour or try to pinpoint a certain vowel sound. Imitation of this kind is carried out not for the purpose of meaningful interaction, but for focusing on some particular element of language form.
b.      Intensive
                 Intensive spekaing goes one step beyond imitativee to include any speaking performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of language. Intensive speaking can be self-initiated or it can even form part of some pair activity, where learners are “going over” certain forms of language.
c.       Responsive
                 A good deal of students speech in the classroom is responsive; short replies to teacher or student-initiated questions or comments.
d.      Transactional
                 Transactional language, carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging specific information, is an extended form of responsive language.
e.       Interpersonal (dialogue)
                Interpersonal dialogue carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social relationships than for the transmission of facts and information.

f.       Extensive (monologue)
                Finally, students at intermediate to advanced levels are called on to give extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps short speeches. Here the register is more formal and deliberative. These monologues can be planned or impromptu.
5.      Micro and Macro Skills of Speaking
            Speakers need to master some skills in speaking to succeed an oral communication. The skills are macro and micro skills. The micro skills refer to producing the smaller chunks of language such as phonemes, morphemes, words, collocations, and phrasal units. Whereas the macro skills imply the speaker‟s focus on the larger elements: fluency, discourse, function, style, cohesion, nonverbal communication, and strategic options (Brown, 2004).
            In this regard, the students should be able to see language as a whole and the small parts of the language that make up the whole. Thus, micro skills are something that should not be taken lightly since they are as important as macro skills in oral production. The micro and macro skills of speaking, according to Brown (2004), are presented below.
Micro skills
·         Produce differences among English phonemes and allophonic variants.
·         Produce chunks of language of different lengths.
·         Produce English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed positions rhythmic structure and intonation contours.
·         Produce reduce forms of words and phrases.
·         Use an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish pragmatic purposes.
·         Produce fluent speech at different rate of delivery.
·         Monitor one’s own and production and use various strategic devices-pauses, fillers, self-corrections, backtracking-to enhance the clarity of the message.
·         Use grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc.), systems (e.g., tense, agreement, pluralization), word order, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.
·         Produce speech in natural constituents: in appropriate phrases, pause groups, and sentence constituents.
·         Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.
·         Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.
 Macro skills
·       Appropriately accomplish communicative functions according to situations, participants and goals.
·      Use appropriate styles, registers, implicature, redundancies, pragmatic conventions, conversation rules, floor-keeping and –yielding, interrupting and other sociolinguistic features in face-to-face conversations.
·      Convey links and connections between events and communicate such relations as focal and peripheral ideas, events and feelings, new information and given information, generalization and exemplification.
·      Convey facial features, kinesics, body language and other nonverbal cues along with verbal language.
·      Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing key words, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of sounds, appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is understanding you.
6.      Narrative
a.      The Definition of Narrative Text
      Narrative text is a text that entertain or informs the reader or listener. Percy in Permana and Zuhri (2013:2 ) defines that narrative is a type of essay that tells a story or a series of events in which they occur. Its purpose is to give meaning to an event or a series of events by telling story.
      In addition,  Ayres (2008) defines that narrative text is a form of discourse that has been fixed by writing. Meanwhile, Parera (1993:5) states that a narrative is one of the forms of developing writing, for example characters told the history of something based on the development of writing from time to time.
       From those definitions, it can be said that a narrative text is usually a product of writing which is developed and tied together to become a story which happened in a certain time in the past.    
b.    The Features of Narrative Text
1)      Purpose
Narrative text is a text which contains a story ordered chronologically. In order that the text can be enjoyed by the readers, the writer should arrange the text interestingly. The purpose of telling the story is to give meaning, and to entertain the readers.

2)      Generic Structure
The generic structures of narrative text are :
a)      Orientation/ exposition
      The readers are introduced to the main characters and possibly some minor characters. Some indication is generally given of where the action is located and when it is taking place.
b)      Complication/ rising action
      The complication is pushed along by a serious of events, during which we usually expect some sort of complication or problem to arise. It just would not be so interesting if something unexpected did not happen. This complication will involve tha main charcters and oven serves to (temporally) toward them from reaching their goal.
c)      Sequence of event/ Climax
      This is where the narrator tells how the character reacts to the complication. It includes their feeling and what they do. The event can be told in chronological order (the order in which they happen) or with flashback. The audience is given the narrator’s poiunt of view.
d)     Resolution/ falling action
In this part, the implication may be resolved for better or worse, but it is rarely left completely unresolved (although this is of course possible in certain types of narrative which leaves us wondering ‘How did it end”?).

e)      Reorientation
It is an optional closure of event.

7.      The Importance of Teaching Narrative Text
            In Indonesia curriculum English subject of high school, narrative is the most exposed genre. Narrative is exposed mostly because of its social function and its simplicity. Students have already been introduced to narrative text since they were children.
            Using stories or narrative text is a better way to convey teachers’ point or the meaning of what they are trying to teach. Stories afford a more interesting way of getting students information and stories allow the teacher to have something to talk about with the students.
            Narrative text also tightens the connection between teacher and students in the classroom.
Stories also show students that we all have similar life experiences. It promotes growth and trust between teacher and student, building rapport. Narrative texts or stories are an excellent group dynamic, bringing people together. It was also stated that stories keep the classroom lively for the teacher - when there is laughter, and then the students are engaged in learning. Stories also expose students to literature and teach vocabulary (Butcher, 2006).

            Considering on the explanation above, teaching narrative text in the classroom will give a lot of benefit to the students. Hence, a good or creative teaching and learning process is needed to influence the students in getting the best achievement in learning narrative.

8.      Cooperative Learning
a.      Definitions of Cooperative Learning
      As a learner-centered method, cooperative learning is a teaching method by which learners study by helping one another in small groups in their learning process in order to achieve a common objective. Slavin (1988) defines cooperative learning as a concept consists of several instructional methods in which learners study a language in small groups of 4-6, and group performance is rewarded in several different ways.
      Meanwhile, Gomleksiz (1993) defines cooperative learning is an in class learning approach which is used to help learners develop a positive image both for themselves and their peers, and to improve problem soling and critical thinking skills in order to encourage learners in terms of social skills based on cooperation.
      There are differences between learners’ studying in groups and cooperative learning method. In group-work, learners can sit around a table while studying, but they cannot communicate with each other independently while studying together. Therefore, small study groups cannot affect each other positively. That’s why, their communication can be considered to be individual learning. Then, in cooperative learning, learners’ efforts are rewarded as a group.
      In cooperative learning groups, sense of responsibility means that group members should know that materials prepared by all group members are for the sake of the success of the group. The learners in these groups do not need to learn how to cooperate since teachers manages the organization and the structure of the groups.
      In order for a group work to be a cooperative one, learners should be aware of the fact that they need to study so as to maximize the learning of both their own and their friends. In these groups, learners make an effort to maximize their own and other group members’ learning since the performance of cooperative learning groups is possible only when each individual struggles for the benefit of all group members.
      For a group work to be considered a cooperative learning process, following components and conditions should be taken into consideration:
1.      Group reward: In order for members of a group to succeed, it is necessary for the group itself to become successful.
2.      Positive interdependence: It creates a situation in which individuals make a common effort for the reward and their common goal which can in fact be possible via positive dependence, positive product dependence, and positive process dependence.
3.      Individual accountability: It means that group success depends on the learning of each and every individual. Every learner has the responsibility to learn the subject and do whatever must be done.
4.      Face-to-face promotive interaction: It means that group members motivate one another.
5.      Social skills: It is about teaching learners how to build relations among individuals and encouraging them to use this.
6.      Group processing: It is about identifying which behavior of the members benefit to the success of the group, and also which behaviors should continue and which ones should be modified.
7.      The opportunity for equal success: It is about benefitting to the success of the group by developing their own behaviors and this can be achieved through a specific grading method.
b.      The Types of Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning may be used in various ways, which include formal cooperative learning, informal cooperative learning, cooperative base groups, and cooperative structures.
1)      Formal cooperative learning
Formal cooperative learning is students work together, for one class period to several weeks, to achieve shared learning goals and to complete specific tasks and assignments.
2)      Informal cooperative learning
This types consists of having students work together to achieve a joint learning goal in temporary, ad hoc groups that last from a few minutes to one class period. During direct teaching, the instructional challenge for the teacher is to ensure that students do the intellectual work of organizing material, explaining it, summarizing it, and integrating it into existing conceptual structures.
3)      Cooperative base groups
These are long-term, heterogenous cooperative learning groups with stable membership. The purpose of the base groups are to give the support, help, encouragement, and assistance each member needs to make academic progress (attend class, complete all assignment, learn) and develop cognitively and socially in healthy ways.
4)      Cooperative learning structures
These are used to organize course routines and generic lessons that repeat over and over again. These repetitive cooperative lessons provide a base on which the cooperative classroom may be built. Some examples are checking homework, preparing for reviewing a test, drill review of facts and events, reading of textbooks and reference materials, writing report and essay, giving presentations, learning vocabulary, learning concepts, doing projects such as surveys, and problem solving.
c.       The Principles of Cooperative Learning
For implementing cooperative learning the teacher should have known and understood some principles in cooperative learning, they are:
1)      Students are encouraged to think of positive interdependence which means that the students are not thinking competitively and individualistically and in terms of the group.
2)      In cooperative learning, students often stay together in the same groups for a period of time so they can learn how to work better together. The teacher usually assigns students to the groups so that the groups are mixed.
3)      The efforts of an individual help not only the individual to be awarded, but also others in the class.
4)      Social skills such as acknowledging another‘s contribution, asking others to contribute and keeping the conversation calm need to be explicitly taught.
5)      Language acquisition is facilitated by students interacting in the target language
6)      Although students work together, each student is individually accountable.
7)      Responsibility and accountability for each other‘s learning is shaved.

9.      Time Token Arends Technique
a.     The Definition of Time Token Arends Technique
      Time Token Arends Technique is one of cooperative learning developed by Arends in 1998. In this technique, students do cooperative activities and help each other in understanding particular topics. Arends states if the teacher has cooperative learning groups in which a few people dominate the conversation and a few are shy and never say anything, time tokens can help distribute participation more equitably.
      Morover, Istarani (2011:194) defines Time Token Technique as a structure that can be used to teach social skills, to avoid talking domination of particular students or to avoid the students silence during class activities. This is due to the reason that by arranging the time for speaking and the giving of time for each student to speak, the teacher can create a comfortable situation for the students to speak. In addition, Suprijono (2013:133) suggests several steps of how a time token activity can be administered. It starts by arranging the students' seating arrangement into a discussion form. Then each student is given talking tokens. Each student will be given points depending on the time they spend in speaking or expressing opinion.          
b.      The Procedures of Time Token Arends Technique
Steps of Time Token Arends on the speaking skills that stated by Suprijono (2012: 133) :
1)      Conduct the class to do group discussions.
2)      Students is given speaking coupon for 30 seconds of speaking. Each students are given a number of coupon according to the time.
3)      When finished speaking, the coupons held by the students are handed over. One coupon for speaking once.
4)      Students who does not have the coupon can not speak anymore. Students that still have the coupon must talk until the coupon runs out.
      In the application of learning time token arends technique, each group is divided to 5-6 people in one group.
c.       The Advantages of Time Token Arends Technique
The advantages of this technique are :
1.      Encourage students to improve their initiative and participation.
2.      Students are not  dominate the conversation or silence.
3.      Students become active in the learning activities.
4.      Improving students' ability to communicate (speaking aspect).
5.      Students can express their opinions.
6.      Teach students to respect the opinions of others.
7.      It does not require a lot of learning medias.
d.      The Disadvantages of Time Token Arends Technique
The advantages of this technique are :
1.      Require a lot of time  in the learning process, because all students must speak one by one according to the number of coupons they have.
2.      Active students could not dominate in learning activities.

10.  Think Pair Share
a.      Definition of Think Pair Share
      According to Kagan (1994), Think-Pair-Share is a cooperative learning strategy that can promote and support higher level thinking. The teacher asks students to think about a specific topic, pair with another student to discuss their thinking and share their ideas with the group. In addition, Nur (2008) cited in Mondolang (2013: 206) states that TPS is a cooperative learning structure that is very useful, the point is when the teacher presenting a lesson, asking students to think the question teacher, and pairing with partner discussion to reach consensus on the question. Finally, the teacher asks students to share the discussion. Think-Pair-Share provides students with the opportunity to carefully think and talk about what they have learned. The strategy requires a minimal effort on the part of the teacher yet encourages a great deal of participation from students, even reluctant students.
      From the above definitions, it can be said that Think-Pair-Share refers to one of the cooperative learning strategy that sets students to work in pairs. Students have to think about a topic and share their idea with pairs. Therefore, they have opportunities to convey their idea and share the idea in whole class or in a group.
b.      The Procedures of Think Pair Share
      According to Yerigan (2008), there are three stages in implementing Think-Pair-Share technique. It is described as follows.
1)      Think- Individually
Each student thinks about the given task. They will be given time to think their own ideas or response before discussing it with their pair. Then, the response should be submitted to the teacher before continue working with pair.
2)      Pair- with partner
The learners need to form pairs. The teacher needs to cue students to share their response with the partner. In this stage, each pair of students discusses their ideas about the task. From the result of the discussion, each pair concludes and produces their final answer.
3)      Share- to the whole class
The teacher asks pairs to share the result of discussion or student responses, within learning team, with the rest of the class, or with the entire class during a follow-up discussion. In the stage, the large discussion happens in which each pair facilitates class discussion in order to find similarities or differences towards the response or opinions from various pairs.

c.       The Advantages of Think Pair Share
      According to Lie, Think Pair Share has several advantages. They are:
1)      Think Pair Share can increase active participation of learners.
2)       It is suitable for simple task.
3)      More opportunities for the contribution of each member of the group.
4)      Interaction easier.
5)      Giving many times the students to think, answer and also help another one.
6)       A student can study from the other students and share own idea to discuss before perform in front of class.
7)      Students can develop the thinking skills.

d.      The Disadvantages of Think Pair Share
 Think Pair Share has several disadvantages. They are:
1)      Many groups are reported and need to be monitored.
2)      If there is a dispute, there is no mediator.
3)      Many groups.
B.     Previous Research
            This section is devoted to the previous research especially those deal with the teaching of speaking using Time Token Arends  technique at two different schools.
            Muhammad Kristiawan (2016) has analyzed and evaluated two aspects in teaching speaking of science through Time Token Arends technique at eleventh graders of Senior High School 1 Pariaman. Firstly, he clarified that the use of Time Token Arends technique in learning science can improve the students’ speaking skill where the study has already conducted at the school.
            Another aspects, he informed that the students found some problems in speaking, such as: (1) they were not confident or shy, (2) difficult to arrange the sentence, (3) confused to pronounce the words, (4) worried to be laughed and mocked and (5) lack of vocabularies.
            In line with Kristiawan’s findings, Sukmayati (2013) who also explained in her research that teaching speaking of English through time token arends technique at SMA Laboratorium Unsyiah Banda Aceh can improve the students’ scores in speaking.
            Different with the previous research that have been explained above, this research focuses on using time token arends technique in teaching speaking of narrative text.

C.    Conceptual Framework
            As discussed above, speaking in English as a foreign language is considered as a difficult skill to learn by the students. That is why many students are not really interested to the speaking activity. Therefore, many of the students can not speak in English, even the simplest one. They find it difficult to speak in English.
            The tenth graders’ speaking skill mastery of SMAN 3 Magelang is still lack. This case happens because the students find the difficulties and afraid to speak in English. The other is the students get bored with the techniques used by the teachers because it tends to be monotonous in teaching speaking. Teaching English should use interesting techniques because it can attract the students’ interest and attention in learning English. By using it, the students will enjoy and be more active and creative.
            Therefore, the writer offered a teaching technique as the solution to solve the problems. Using Time Token Arends technique is expected to be able solve the problems in teaching speaking. It is also expected to able to increase their motivation to exercise their speaking skills.

D.    Research Hypothesis
The writer determines the hypotheses of the research as follows :
1.      There is significant difference of speaking skills mastery in learning narrative text of  tenth graders of SMAN 3 Magelang in the school year of 2017/ 2018 between those who are taught using Time Token Arends technique and those who are taught using Think Pair Share.
2.      The tenth graders of SMAN 3 Magelang in the school year of 2017/ 2018 who are taught using Time Token Arends technique have better speaking skills mastery in learning narrative text than those who are taught using Think Pair Share.


A.    Type of The Research
            The writer carries out this research to know whether there are some significant differences of speaking skills mastery in learning narrative text of  tenth graders of SMAN 3 Magelang in the school year of 2017/ 2018 between those who are taught using Time Token Arends technique and those who are taught using Think Pair Share.
            The type of this research is quantitative research experimental study. An experimental study focuses on treatment and outcome. The writer gives treatments to the tenth graders of SMA N 3 Magelang. This research is directed to find out the effect of certain treatments. There are two groups; the first is an experimental group and the second one is a control group. For the experimental group, the writer teaches using Time Token Arends technique. On the contrary, the control group is taught by using Think Pair Share.
            After they are given different treatments, the two groups are given test with the same materials to measure the effect of the treatment towards students’ speaking skills mastery.

B.     The Population
            Population is the whole object of the research. In other words, population is the big research group chosen to represent all members of group. The population of the study was the tenth graders of SMA N 3 Magelang in the school year 2017/2018. The tenth graders of SMA N 3 Magelang is divided into six classes. There are class X.1, X.2, X.3, X.4, X.5 and X.6.
List of Population
Number Of Students

203 students

C.      The Sample And Sampling Technique
            The sample in this research is the tenth graders of SMA N 3 Magelang in the school year 2017/2018. Sample in this research is class X.2 as control class, X.3 as experimental class. In this research, the writer used simple random sampling technique. It means that each student of the population has the same opportunity to be the sample of the research. The writer chooses two classes as sample in this research, they are class X.2 as the control class and X.3 as the experiment class.
            In getting sample of the research, the writer took some procedures. Because there are six classes at tenth grade of SMA N 3 Magelang, the writer wrote down number 1 to 6 on small piece of paper. The small piece of paper was placed in a box and well mixed. The last, the writer got class X.2, and X.3  as  samples. X.3  got the paper with the word “experimental”, while class X.2 got the paper with the word “control”.

D.      The Group of Data
            The writer will label the two class by using the table. The following table will give further clarification.
Group A          : Class X.2
Group B          : Class X.3

Total Sample
Type of Data
The students who are taught using Time Token Arends technique.
The students who are taught using Think Pair Share.

E.     The Technique of Collecting  Data
            The technique of collecting is a way to collect data as objective as possible. It is regarded as an important step in scientific method. The instrument that is used to collect the data in this research are; documentation and test.
1.      Documentation
            Documentation is the technique which is used to collect data and information about the students such as, the list of names and their score.

2.      Test
            The instrument that will be used by the writer is test. The writer gives the tests of speaking. The tests are given to the different groups. There are two kinds of tests, namely:
a.       Pre-test
       Before the teacher taught the material by using “What Is It?” technique, the teacher gave a test to the students. Pre-test was given to the experiment class and the control class.
b.      Post-test
       The test which is given to the both groups after they have a different treatment. The test was given in order to know the improvement of students’ speaking skills of narrative text.
The research is to know the differences between the students who are taught by Time Token Arends technique and the students who are taught by Think Pair Share (TPS). To make data more complete, the researcher describes the experimental design of activities as follows:
Experimental Design
Experiment Group
Teaching speaking of narrative text by using Time Token Arends
Control Group
Teaching speaking of narrative text by using Think Pair Share (TPS)
I.     Opening
a.    Greeting
b.    Teacher gives motivation and aperception to the students.
II.  Main activity
a.    Teacher explains the materials.
b.      The teacher conducts Time Token Arends technique.
c.       The teacher conducts the class to do group discussions.
d.      Students is given speaking coupon for 30 seconds of speaking. Each students are given a number of coupon according to the time.
e.       When finished speaking, the coupons held by the students are handed over. One coupon for speaking once.
f.       Students who does not have the coupon can not speak anymore. Students that still have the coupon must talk until the coupon runs out.
III.             Closing
a.                The teacher gives the students a chance to ask questions.
b.               Teacher concludes and does reinforcement of the materials.
c.                Teacher closes the meeting.
I.    Opening
a.       Greeting
b.      Teacher gives motivation and aperception to the students.
II. Main activity
a.      Teacher explains the materials.
b.     Teacher conducts Think Pair Share strategy to the students.
c.      Think, teacher gives task to the students.
d.     Each student thinks their own ideas/ response about the given task.
e.      Then, the response should be submitted to the teacher before continue working with pair.
f.      The students need to form pairs.
g.     The teacher needs to cue students to share their response with the partner.
h.     Each pair of students discusses their ideas about the task. From the result of the discussion, each pair concludes and produces their final answer.
i.       The teacher asks pairs to share the result of discussion or student responses, within learning team, with the rest of the class, or with the entire class during a follow-up discussion.
j.       The large discussion happens in which each pair facilitates class discussion in order to find similarities or differences towards the response or opinions from various pairs.
III.           Closing
a.       The teacher gives the students a chance to ask questions.
b.      Teacher concludes and does reinforcement of the materials.
c.       Teacher closes the meeting.

F.     The Method of Data Analysis
            The data analysis method is used in this research is comparative analysis. So, the writer knows whether or not there is a significant difference in the result between the two groups. In order to know the level of ability of the two groups, they are given pre-test before treatment. In this case, the writer uses t-test simple randomized as follow:
Ma       : The average of mean of A in pre-test or post-test
Mb       : The average of mean of B in pre-test or post-test
Xa       : The Standard deviation of Ma
Xb       : The Standard deviation of Mb
Na       : The number of subjects in group A
Nb       : The number of subjects in group B
to         : Coefficient of the mean difference
            If the result shows that to is less than or equal with t-table, the hypotheses states the ability level of experiment group and control group is accepted. The writer also uses the same procedure to know whether there is significant difference of the two groups after giving the treatment.
            The acceptance or refusal of those hypotheses is based on the degree of freedom of each test and coefficient is obtained from the calculation of statistics (Na + Nb – 2). The degree of freedom of each t-test in this research is the amount of the groups that is (33 + 33 – 2) = 64.
            From the table of significance 5% (Ho) the result is accepted if the result of t-test is higher than the figure shown on t-table. However, if the result of t-test is more r equal with the figure on t-table, Ho is refused and Ha is accepted.

G.    The Statistical Hypothesis
            A statistical hypothesis is a hypothesis that is tested through data analysis statistically. The statistical hypotheses in this research are:           
1.      There is significant difference of speaking skills mastery in learning narrative text of  tenth graders of SMAN 3 Magelang in the school year of 2017/ 2018 between those who are taught using Time Token Arends technique and those who are taught using Think Pair Share.
2.       The tenth graders of SMAN 3 Magelang in the school year of 2017/ 2018 who  are taught using Time Token Arends technique have better speaking skills mastery in learning narrative text than those who are taught using Think Pair Share.

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