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Wednesday, 21 November 2018

The Effectiveness of Using LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) Technique in Teaching The Narrative Text Writing Skill to The Eleventh Graders of SMAN 2 Magelang in The School Year of 2017/2018

The Effectiveness of Using LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) Technique in Teaching The Narrative Text Writing Skill 
to The Eleventh Graders of SMAN 2 Magelang
in The School Year of 2017/2018
Written by:
Name             :           Antika Esty Septiyani                      
NIM                :          1420302161
Class/Smt       :           E / 6



1.1  The Background of The Study
In the globalization era, English is not only as universal language but also as a tool to communicate in oral and written form to understand and figure out the information, mind, feeling, science, technology and culture. An International language, English has important role in International relation. English is used for communication in the world. As an International language, it has many relationship aspect of life owned by human being. Indonesia is one of developing countries that uses English as the first foreign language to be taught in the school. It is taught to the students of Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School, and All Higher Education Institute in Indonesia. 
Teaching and learning are educational activities. There are interactions between teacher and learners in the classroom. All of learning processes in the classroom depend on teaching process itself, because teaching and learning can not be separated. Teaching is a process of transferring knowledge for someone while learning is processes of the conscious study usually done by the students in the aim at getting knowledge and information. By learning, the learners can understand and comprehend what they learn.
In Indonesia, English is considered as the first foreign language which is taught in every educational level and it has become one of the subjects tested in the National Examination (UN). In Elementary School English is one of the local content subjects, while in Junior High School and Senior High School English acts as a compulsory subject, and in University as a complementary subject.
Based on the 2013 curriculum, the aim of English Teaching and Learning for Senior High School is that the students are expected to be able to communicate using English. An ability to communicate that English has four skills, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. All of them to be mastered by the students.
Writing skill is one of the language skill that taught to students. The students need to learn writing in order able to express their ideas, feeling, and etc on the writing. Based on the standard of graduate competency (Kemendiknas No 23/2006) in the writing skill, the graduate of Senior High School must be able to write short written functional texts and simple essay in the form of recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report, analytical exposition, spoof, explanation, discussion and review in the daily life context. They are several reasons as the bases of the way writing should be mastered by the students.
Writing is very difficult for learners in a foreign language. . Writing is one of the most difficult productive skills that require specialized skills. It is possible that the students have many problems in learning writing language. Richard and Renandya (2002) “state the writing is the most difficult skill for second language learners to master.” It is considered by students as one of the difficult subjects to learn.
The student’s writing is still under the average standard on the teaching learning target. It can be provide by the result of the test of the eleventh year students of SMAN 2 Magelang in School Year of 2017/2018. This result test of the teaching English in Senior High School is still far from being satisfactory. This condition happened because the students find the difficulties to understand of writing in the forms of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, organization, and cohesion. Beside that, they have limited time the student’s motivation in learning process.
Many students of Senior High School have problems in writing text. Based on the writer’s observation on eleventh graders of SMAN 2 Magelang. They are several obstacles that make students are difficult to do writing learned or what they are planning. The researcher tries to apply a way of teaching writing by using LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) technique make students interested in the teaching and learning process.

1.2  The Identification of The Problems
The researcher identifies some problems in teaching narrative text writing skill in Senior High School, they are :
1.      The students are different characteristic and attitude, so some students are active and the others are passive
2.      The students do not motivation in learning writing
3.      The students are lack in vocabulary
4.      The students are confused to think their ideas
5.      The students have difficult to develop their ideas in narrative text
6.      The students have difficult in grammar pattern
7.      The English teacher has little creativity in using teaching technique
8.      The teacher often uses media like whiteboard only, it makes students felt bored.

1.3  The Limitation of The Problems
The students have problems are influenced by some aspects which have been stated in the identification. This condition happened because the students find the difficult to understand the grammatical and capitalization. Other observation of the students, they also have difficult to developing their ideas on writing. Beside that, the limited time also effects the student’s motivation in learning process.
Sometimes, the students do not pay attention to the teacher’s explanation and make noise in the classroom if they have felt bored with the techniques used by the teacher. The teacher do not modify the technique, they just apply what the procedure of the technique that included in English handbook. The teacher also seldom uses media, she usually uses a whiteboard, it makes students do not interested and bored.
The researcher tries to apply a way of teaching writing by using LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read)  technique to make students interested in the teaching and learning process. By using LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) technique the students are expected to create LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) technique to identify clearly and creatively what they have identification of the problems. The researcher has limited time and knowledge. Therefore, the researcher makes limitation of the problems on the effectiveness of using LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read)  technique in teaching narrative text writing skill to the eleventh graders in SMAN 2 Magelang in the School year 2017/2018.

1.4  The Formulation of The Problems
The identification of the problem and limitation of the problem, the researcher formulates the problems to the eleventh graders of SMAN 2 Magelang in the school year 2017/2018  as follow :
1.      Is the use of the LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read)  technique can improve learning achievement of English to the eleventh graders of SMAN 2 Magelang in the School Year of 2017/2018?
2.      How can the effectiveness of student learning in the classroom when teachers teach English using LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read)  technique?

1.5  The Objective of The Study
The researcher at eleventh graders of SMAN 2 Magelang in the school year 2017/2018, the objective of the researcher can be stated follow :
1.      General Objectives
-          To improve the ability of the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 Magelang writing’s students by LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) technique.
-          To improve the ability of the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 Magelang writing’s students in understanding by LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) technique.

2.      Specific Objectives
-          To improve the writing skill of the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 Magelang writing’s students by LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) technique.
-          To know the ability to the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 Magelang writing’s students by LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read)  technique.
-          To do describe the procedure and result of teaching English learning using a technique, especially in writing.

1.6  The Significance of The Study
The final result of the researcher at eleventh graders of SMAN 2 Magelang in the school year 2017/2018 is expected be useful for :
1.      The Teacher
For the English teacher of SMAN 2 Magelang, the research supports the teacher to apply this technique in teaching writing of narrative text. Hopefully, this technique can makes the teacher to be more creative in teaching writing of narrative text.
2.      The Students
For the students of SMAN 2 Magelang are expected to have more attention and interested to learning process in writing skill.
3.      The School
For the school, the result of this research can give contribution to the teaching learning activity especially in English writing skill.
4.      The Researcher
For the researcher, the research can develop her mind through the process of problems and experiences her knowledge, especially on education.

2.1.   Theoretical Background
2.1.1                  Writing   Definition of Writing
There are several definition of writing proposed by some experts. Writing is one way of making meaning from experience for ourselves and for others. According Robert, (2009) writing as an active learning process and it is used to communicate information, to clarify thinking and to learn new concept and information.
Writing is defined as a basic communication skill and unique as set in process of learning and teaching a second or foreign language (Soori, 2001)
Another definition writing is one of the language skill which is defined by Brown (2001) as the graphic representation of spoken language and the writing performance is much like oral performance, the only defference lying in graphic instead of auditory signal.
According to the definitions above, we can see if that writing is primary communication from groups and individual. It also refers expression through their ideas and felling to interaction between someone and others in form of the word.        Process of Writing
Writing is like speaking to others on a paper or on a computer screen. Writing is partly a talent, but it‘s mostly a skill, and like any skill, it improves with practice. Writing is also an action- a process of discovering and organizing the ideas, putting them through a paper, and reshaping then revising them. Furthermore, Kate Grenville says that there are six steps on writing processes:
a. Getting ideas (in no particular order).
b. Choosing (selecting the ideas, think it will be most useful).
c. Outlining (putting these ideas into the best order-making a plan).
d. Drafting (doing a first draft from beginning to end, without going back).
e. Revising (cutting, adding or moving parts of this draft where necessary).
f. Editing (proofreading for grammar, spelling and paragraphs)
According to Harmer (2005) mentioned that there are four main elements of writing process. They are planning, drafting, editing (reflecting and revising), and final version.
a.   Planning
Planning is the first step of writing process. This is the earliest step when people decide to write something. What people must have when they want to start writing is an outline. It is needed as the guidance for the writer to develop their writing but it still defense the clear context. In arranging an outline, people have to consider three main elements. First, the writers have to consider the purpose of the writing. This purpose is very important, because it does not only decide the type of the writing, but also the language use, and also the information they want to include. Second, the writers must also consider the readers of their writing. It will be helpful for the writers to decide the shape of their writing and also the diction of their writing. Third, the writers must consider the content structure of their writing in order to give them guidance to arrange the best sequence of the facts, ideas, and also arguments.
b.   Drafting
Writing is not an absolute activity like counting mathematic which can be decided using formula and its result is exactly true. As we know that writing deals as a draft. In a process of writing, the writers usually need several editing to get their best arrangement writing. It is very seldom, a writer who does not do some revisions. The first writing is usually used as the reference to compose better writing. It is not surprised that a writer usually has several drafts of their writing.
c. Editing (reflecting and revising)
After having many drafts, the next process is evaluating them and select what should be put on the writing and what should not. The process of editing is usually also helped by the readers and also the editor, so that the writer can give appropriate revisions.
d.   Final Versions
Final versions are the last process in writing. In this process the writers have edited the draft. The result of the writing might be different from its plan and the first draft, because everything can happen in editing process. Usually the writers will make some changing based on the readers’ need.

2.1.2                  Narrative Text       Definition of Narrative Text
They are some kind of texts which are learn at school by the eleventh grade of Senior High School and narrative text.
“Narrative text is an English text in which the writer wants to amuse, entertain people, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways” (Sanggam Siahaan and Kisno Shinoda, 2008). Generic Structure of  Narrative Text
In addition, there are steps for constructing a narrative text: orientation, complication, sequence of events, resolution, and coda (Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, 2003).
1)                 Orientation includes who is in the story, when the story is taking place, and where the action is happening.
2)                 Complication sets off a chain of events that influences what will happen in the story.
3)                 Sequence of events tells how the characters react to the complication.
4)                 Resolution shows how the characters solve the problem created in the complication.
5)                 Coda provides a comment or moral based on what has been learned from the story (an optional step)

  The Example of Narrative Text

Once upon time, there was a village live a girl. Her name is Cinderella, but she is usually calld Ella. She has stepmother and two stepsisters. Herstep mother and stepsisters were very evil. They always torture Ella. Everyday they asked Ella to made have breakfast. If they dislike the foods, they would be angry. They asked to Ella to wash their clothes in river and one of Ella’s sister clothes lost. They were very angry to Ella and they gave punishment to her. Every night, Ella often sad and cry. She always accompanied by her cat.

Someday, Ella’s family was invited by prince of kingdom. Ella’s sisters and very happy. They want to dance with prince. They prepared and showed  beautiful. Ella wants to join in party, but her stepmother prohibit to join in party. Ella ran to bedroom, she was sad and cry. Suddently, the beautiful fairy appears. Ella shocked to saw her. The the beautiful fairy used hermagic to change Ella’s fashion. Ella looks beautiful. Then she went to kingdo to join party, but fairy asked before at 12 p.m. Ellas must go home. Ella went to party with driver. When she arrived the party, all people saw her. Her stepsisters were envy saw Ella. Then prince invited her to dance. They were dancing and looked romantic. Exactly at 12 p.m Ella remembered fairy’s intruction, and she run out of the kingdom. The prince was chasing and found her glass shoes. The next day the prince was looking for the owner of the shoes. Then he found that Ella was owner that glass of shoes.
Finally the prince asked to Ella to got marry her. They were got married and happy together forever.

Her stepmother and stepsisters did not have house, because their mother had debt and could not pay. Ella knew it and invited them to stayed with her. Her stepmother and sisters appologized to her and they happy together.

2.1.1        Teaching Writing in Senior High School
One of the goals in teaching learning English at Senior High School is to improve communication skill in English both spoken and written language. Teacher and students should cooperate in teaching learning activity in order to reach the goals. In teaching learning process, teachers have to pay more attention to the students’ progress and the students should practice regularly to improve their ability, especially in writing ability.
In the classroom, teacher as a facilitator in teaching learning process must be able to deliver materials in an appropriate way. Teacher should understand students’ background knowledge and characteristics before teaching learning started, especially teaching writing. It will be a difficult thing for teachers in teaching writing if their students don’t have any knowledge about it. Besides, all elements in writing must be mastered before teaching writing started.
The following are five elements in writing that students should master:
1)                  Organization
It contains reasonable sentences that support the topic of the writing. The ideas of the students are well organized and can be understood by the reader.
2)                  Content
Content refers to the sentences that flow easily and not too hard to understand although a simple writing. The reasonable sentences that arranged into good story here that is meant by the content.
3)                  Grammar
Grammar is connecting with how the words are arranged into good sentences. Good means correct in the tenses and has meaning. Some students got the problem with this. This is because some of them still confuse what verbs that should be used in the sentence.
4)                  Punctuation
When the students write they have to think about the punctuation or spelling that is used in writing. It will make their writing sounds reasonable to read. The pause is also needed when they read a text. The capital letter is also important when they write the first word in a sentence. This ability needs careful practice.
5)                  Style
Style deals with the precise vocabulary usage and the use of parallel structure. Vocabulary takes important role in English. Vocabulary is the basic thing that should be owned by students. Without that, they can not do many kind of English task. The lack of vocabulary means failure in communication. So in writing students must have enough vocabulary to make it succeed.

2.1.1        LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) Technique
In this research, the researcher chose LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) strategy in teaching writing. There are several definition of writing proposed by some experts. According to Stanley (2007) LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) is a strategy for writing by using the simple mnemonic word. This strategy helps some children compose by providing a clear plan of action. It means that the teacher will help students when they list their background knowlege about a topic by giving a clue such as a similiar word to them.
Gallagher (2010) mentions that LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) is a strategy designed to increase the amount of material these students complete in a lesson, thereby increasing the amount of successful practice. It means that, this strategy was designed to improve students knowledge in producing a good text.
Mastropieri and Baker quoted by Westwood (2004) state  that the procedures of LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand, and Read) Strategy consists of:  first step is prewriting strategies, these might involves
a.       the teacher brainstorms topic ideas
b.      the students generating possible subheading in ideas list about the topic
c.       the students organizing their (L) list ideas
d.      the students write their firts draft about the topic
e.       the students seeking more information about the topic.

Next is editing strategy. This requires the writer to:
a.    the students read each paragraph carefully
b.    the students (E) examine each sentence for clarity, accuracy, and punctuation,
c.     the students make sure their main idea is clear and (S) select supporting detail as starting point will be developed,
d.   the students makes a (S) sentence one tells about first idea and provide a transition of sentence
e.    the students (E) expand their first idea into another sentence
f.     Students as volunteer (R) read the work aloud in front of class.

The last is post writing strategies, these might includes:
a. the teacher does proofreading for spelling, mechanics and format
b. the teacher does proofreading for content, clarity and organisation
c. the teacher and students revising and polishing together
d. the teacher sharing the revised draft with a peer to students receive feedback or response.
According to the definitions above, we can see if that benefits of LESSER (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand and Read) that suggest by Baker quoted by Westwood (2004) defines thisstrategy is an effective strategy for students to help them in organizing ideas, revising first draft to improve their clarity, interest and cohesien of their written.

2.2      Previous Study
The writer has found some previous studies which were related to this study. The first study was taken from Miswiria (2007). She also conducted her study related to the using of mind mapping technique. In her research, she used the steps of using mind mapping technique to improve students’ writing narrative text. She used mind mapping as the visual media, the result showed that the mind mapping technique stimulated the students’ for writing.The second was taken from Sheira Ayu Indriani (2014) about “ The effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping in Improving Student’s Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text”. It showe that reading comprehension can improve effectively in writing narrative text. The third study was carried out by Wahyudi (2008). He did an experimental study to prove the effectiveness of mind mapping technique in improving students’ writing in narrative text. The result showed that the students’ ability in writing narrative text improved significantly. The study above has the similarities and differencess with the writer’s study. Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read) as the technique studied is the similarities in this case, the difference place, technique and research design.

2.3       Conceptual Framework
Writing is one of important English aspect which should be mastered by students. Writing skill has kind of text. Narrative text is an English text in which the writer wants to amuse, entertain people, and to deal with the actual experience. This text is taught at eleventh grade of Senior High School. Some students are getting difficult to comprehend the text, it happened at eleventh grade of SMAN 2 Magelang. This case happens because the students are confused to develop their ideas. The others the students have difficult in grammar. Sometimes, the students are bored with the techniques used by the teacher.
Teaching English should be interesting technique because it can attract by the students interest and attention in learning English. By using it, the students won’t get bored and they will be more active and creative.
By implementing Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read) Technique, the teacher can gives students to create their ideas before start of learning, and teacher also can allows all students to respond.
Writing is a process to share the idea into paragraph, and to build the language development. Writing is also a process of thinking which encourages the students‘ English ability. Students often face the problem and difficulties to get the idea while they are learning writing. To create English writing lesson more effective in a classroom, the writer wants to apply Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read) Technique as a tool of teaching writing, especially to teach narrative text writing. The objective of it is to make students more enjoyable and active in learning narrative text writintg. Moreover, it also can help students communicating and sharing each others.
Helping students in writing, especially narrative text, is good as long as the technique used be able to increase students‟achievement writing of narrative text. In line with this, Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read) becomes an alternative way in teaching writing. This technique is choosen because it can stimulate the students‟ pleasure in teaching and learning process of writing; they are free to write and think free ideas to developed become good writing.
If students get in used with this technique, the writer assumes that students get better achievement in writing. Moreover, it can be effective in teaching and learning process of writing in classroom. Therefore, the writer wants to teach writing, especially narrative text, by using Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read).

2.4       Research Hypotheses
The researcher determined the hypotheses of the research at eleventh graders of SMAN 2 Magelang in the school year 2017/2018 as follow :
2.4.1 The writer formulate as follow : There is no significance of the students writing skill of narrative text who is taught using Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read) technique.
2.4.2 The writer formulate as follow : There is significance of the students who is taught using Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read) technique have better on writing skill of narrative text.

3.1 Types of The Research
The researcher carries out this research to know whether there are some significance difference the students writing skill of narrative text between those who is taught using using Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read) technique.
The types of this research is experimental. The researcher gives treatments to the eleventh years students of SMAN 2 Magelang. This research is directed to find out the effect of certain treatment. There are two groups; the first is an experimental group and the second one is a control group. For the experimental group, the researcher teaches using using Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read) technique. On the contrary, the control group is not using using Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read) technique.
After they are given differen tratments, the two groups are given test with the same materials to measure the effectof the treatment towards students’ writing skill of narrative text.

3.2   The Population
Population is the whole object of the researcher. According to Sugiyono (2005) the population is the generalization region consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics defined by the writers to be studied and then drawn conclusions.  The population of the research is eleventh years students of SMAN 2 Magelang in the school year 2017/2018. It is located at Jl. Jend. Urip Sumoharjo, Wates, Magelang Utara, Kota Magelang, Jawa Tengah 51253.
The eleventh years students of SMAN 2 Magelang, there are 32 students of the eleventh grade and the researcher divides them into two groups. Each group consists of 15 students.
The eleventh years students of SMAN 2 Magelang in the school year 2017/2018 are divided into five classes: class A, B, C, D and E. The total number of the eleventh years students of SMAN 2 Magelang in the school year 2017/2018 is 160 students.

3.3   The Sample and Sampling Technique
According Best & Kahn (2006) state that a sample is a small proportion of the population that is selected for observation and analysis. The samples then were taken by using simple random sampling. Ary, Jacobs & Sorensen (2010) state  that the basic characteristic of simple random sampling is that all members of the population have an equal an independent chance of being included in the random sample. The sample in this research is the eleventh year students of SMAN 2 Magelang in the school year 2017/2018. This research will takes 64 students from class A and B students and will prove that the students have the same level of capability in writing skill. The total number of samples is 64 students and they will be divided into two groups, experimental group and control group.
The sampling technique in this research is simple random sampling technique. It means that each student of the population has the same opportunity to be the sample of the research. In this case, the researcher draws all members of the class. She uses the procedure of making list of names of the students. The students who get odd number are classified into the control group. On the other side, the students who get even numbers are classified into the experimental group. Both of them are given different treatments.

3.4   The Technique of Collecting Data
The technique of collecting is a way to collect data as objective as possible. It is regarded as an important step in scientific method. The instrument that is used to collect the data in this research are; documentation and test.
3.4.1        Documentation
Documentation is the technique which is used to collect data and information about the students such as, the list of names and their score.
3.4.2        Test
The instrument that will be used by the researcher is test. The researcher gives the tests of topic. The tests are given to the different groups. There are two kinds of tests, namely:  Pre-test
The test which is given to the both groups before they have a different treatment.  Post-test
The test which is given to the both groups after they have a different treatment.

The test which is given to the both groups after they have a different treatment.

Experiment Group
Teaching writing skill of narrative text after using  Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read) Technique
Control Group
Teaching writing skill of narrative text before using Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read) technique
Opening/ Preliminary Activities
-       The teacher greets the students
-       Teacher checking student attendanc
-       The teacher give motivation (apperception)
-       Teacher explains the purpose of learning
Opening/ Preliminary Activities
-       The teacher greets the students
-       Teacher checking student attendanc
-       The teacher give motivation (apperception)
-       Teacher explains the purpose of learning
Main Activities
-       Teacher explains the materials.
-       Teacher gives a paper of narrative text, and explains the generic structures and language features in narrative text.
-       The teacher conducts “Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read)”
·     The students will get opportunities to organize, examine,develop, and revise their ideas
·     The students examine their choosen word exactly
·     The students will do self-monitoring and self-correction on their what have written
·     Students will get opportunity to know about error in their writing from teacher
·     Use multisensory methods (saying, hearing, seeing, tracing, writing, and checking) to improve retention of difficult words.
·     Teacher asks students to read the words on the come forward in the class several times.
·     Teacher gives the value about students’ writing.
Main Activities
-                                   - Teacher explains the materials
-                                   - Teacher uses no media.
-                                   - In this case, teacher does not use Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read)  technique
·         Teacher gives a paper of narrative text, and explains the generic structures and language features in narrative text.
·         Teacher asks students about the narrative text about their idea.
·         Teacher asks students to read the words on the come forward in the class several times.
·         Teacher erases the blackboard and then asks one by one about the narrative text.

Closing Activities
-       The teacher asks the students’ difficulties
-       The teacher and the students draw the conclusion of the lesson
-       The teacher closes the class
Closing Activities
-       The teacher asks the students’ difficulties
-       The teacher and the students draw the conclusion of the lesson
-       The teacher closes the class

3.5   The Method of Data Analysis
The data analysis method is used in this research is comparative analysis. So, the researcher knows whether or not there is a significant difference in the result between the two groups. In order to know the level of ability of the two groups, they are given pre-test before treatment. In this case, the researcher uses t-test simple randomized as follow:
Ma    : The average of mean of A in pre-test
Mb    : The average of mean of B in pre-test
Xa    : The Standard deviation of Ma
Xb    : The Standard deviation of Mb
Na    : The number of subjects in group A
Nb    : The number of subjects in group B
to      : Coefficient of the mean difference
If the result shows that to is less than or equal with t-table, the hypotheses states the ability level of experiment group and control group is accepted. The researcher also uses the same procedure to know whether there is significant difference of the two groups after giving the treatment.
The acceptance or refusal of those hypotheses is based on the degree of freedom of each test and coefficient is obtained from the calculation of statistics (Na + Nb – 2). The degree of freedom of each t-test in this research is the amount of the groups that is (32+32-2) = 62.
From the table of significance 5% (Ho) the result s accepted if the result of t-test is higher than the figure shown on t-table. However, if the result of t-test is more r equal with the figure on t-table, Ho is refused and Ha is accepted.

3.6   The Statistical Hypothesis
A statistical hypothesis is a hypothesis that is tested through data analysis statistically. The statistical hypotheses in this research are:  
3.6.1   There is no significant of the students difference students writing skill of narrative text between those who are taught using Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read)   technique.
3.6.2   After the students who are taught using Lesser (List, Examine, Select, Sentence, Expand And Read)  technique have better on writing skill of narrative text


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