Using Conversational Storytelling Technique
to Improve Narrative Text Speaking Skill
of Tenth Graders of SMA N 3 Magelang in The School
Year 2017/2018

Written by :
Name : Eka
NIM : 1420302189
Class : 5
Background of the study
English language is the most used
language in the world. And four of the biggest country in the world use English
language as their national language, they are United States, United Kingdom,
Canada and Australia. Besides, there are so many countries that use English
language as their second language. It is a fact that English language is so
Indonesia government absolutely
realizes with that situation. So they decide to make English language as a
subject to learn in formal school. Since 1994, English has been decided as one
of local-content subject at the elementary school in the fourth, fifth and
sixth graders. English language concentrates on the four skills, they are
listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Those four skills can be
categorized into two main skills, receptive skills and productive skills.
Listening and reading belong to receptive skills, while speaking and writing
belong to productive skills. There are some differences between those two
skills. The main difference is that in receptive skills, students do not need
to produce language but they just receive and comprehend it. Sometimes,
receptive skills are also called as passive skills. Meanwhile, in productive
skills, students must produce language whether spoken or written. As for that
reason, productive skills are sometimes called as active skills.
One of the four skiils above that
has a very significant role in mastering English is speaking. Speaking is the
most used skill by the peole rather than the three other skills. According to
Jack C. Richards, learners often evaluate their success in language learning as
well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how well they
feel they have improved in their spoken proficiency. From that statement, the writer can say that
almost all of the learners study English in order to improve their proviciency
in speaking.
Although peole already know the
importance of speaking skill, the teaching learning process in the classs
somehow does not run smoothly. As the result, it does not show a successful
achievement at the end of teaching and learning speaking. Based on writter’s
observation in SMA N 3 Magelang, it was found that almost all of the students
understand what speaker said when they have a conversation. But they still have
difficulties to produce oral expression in English to reply. Besides, some of
them are still shy to reply, they are also afraid that what they say is wrong.
Based on the problem above, the
writer proposed and examined conversational storytelling to improve students’ speaking skills. These technique was
choosen because they can make students get used to produce oral expression in
English, and also improve their self confident to use English without worried
whether their oral expression is right or wrong. In addition, conversational
storytelling will make the class more fun, the students will enjoy it and can
improve their passion in English language. An effort to improve speaking skills
on daily speking using these technique was necessary to be done.
Identification of the problem
Based on the observation, the
problems relate to this research come from some factors. Those problems can be
identified as the following :
1. The
The first problem is related to the
students. Actually, almost all of the students in SMA N 3 Magelang understand
what the speaker say when they have a direct conversation. But they have
difficulties to arrange sentences and express it to reply the speaker when they
have a direct conversation. Some of the students are also shy to express their
tought in English even they had something to say. They are afraid that they
will make mistakes in their sentences such as the grammar or the
pronounciation, because their friends will laugh if someone make mistakes.
2. The
Based on the observation, there are
limited media that are used during English class in SMA N 3 Magelang. They have
language laboratory but they do not use the medias maximally. Moreover, LCD is
rarely used in English class. So, the media that the English teacher mainly
used were board marker, whiteboard, and text book.
3. The
English teacher
role of the teacher also influences the students learning and the whole teaching
and learning process. The teacher technique in teaching also contributes a
successful learning. Based on observation, the English teacher in this school
explains too much and just wants her students to listen her. The students become
passive and rarely got involved during the discussion. As the result, the
classroom interaction is only from the teacher to students.
She also rarely uses some interesting
techniques such as playing games, asked their students to make conversations in
English, or using some medias such as videos or songs. However, sometimes, the
teacher also uses some pictures for some topics but they are rarely and are not
maximally used. She only give the explanation and some examples from book or
from the internet then asks the students to write or sometimes she uses the
whiteboard and board marker. This kind of condition makes the students not
interested with the learning process.
sum up, the problems on writing class are caused by three factors. Those are
related with the students, the media that used, and also the English teacher.
Limitation of the problem
of the limitation in terms of time, human resource, and also finance, in this
research, the researcher narrowed down the problem into the effort to examined
the effectiveness of using conversational storytelling to improve speaking
skills of tenth grade students SMA N 3 Magelang. Applying too many techniques
could be so complicated. The study focuses
on these technique because they are easy to applied.
D. Formulation
of the problem
on the observation and explanation above, the problem of this research can be
formulated as the following :
there any development of usingconversational story telling technique to
increase students’ speaking skills?
effective is conversational story telling technique to increase students’
speaking skills?
are the strength and the weakness of conversational story telling technique?
E. Objective
of the research
to the formulation above, the objective of the research is to examine the conversational
storytelling to improve speaking skills of tenth grade students of SMA N 3
F. Significance
of the research
This research are expected to be usefull
for :
The use of conversational storytelling can
help the students to produce oral expression in English and also make them
confident in theirselves to express their taught without afraid of the
The English teacher
The result of this research can be used as a
reference and an information to improve students speaking skills. Also, can
make the teaching learning activities in the class more fun and improve the
passion of the students in mastering English language.
The Researcher
For the researcher,
the research can develop his/her mind through the process of problems and experiences his/her knowledge, especially on education.
Point of
view of speaking
There are
many definitions of speaking that have been proposed by some experts in
language learning.
to Brown (2000:263) stated that “Speaking is an interactive process of
constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing
information”. It means that in speaking we have to express our opinion; feeling
and ideas correctly in order to every single person can understand the massage.
In addition, speaking as one of the important skill has to be used directly
when there are some persons meet the others. So, speaking involves responding
to what has been heard.
(2000; 8) defined speaking as “the spoken exchange of ideas and opinions with
other”. It means that speaking is an exchange of ideas and opinions from the
speaker to the listener in a direct conversation.
( Tarigan 1990:4) added that “speaking is a conversation between two more
persons directly and also called face to face communication”.
some definitions above, speaking is an interactive between two or more persons,
that produce, receive and process something by oral communication directly. It
also refers to conversation between two or more persons, that exchance
something orally in face to face communication.
2. Elements of Speaking
In English, there are many important
elements that related in speaking. According to David (1986:81), there are five
elements used in speaking ability such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,
fluency, and comprehension.
a. Pronunciation
Pronunciation refers to the standard of
correctness and regional differences. It means that if the pronunciation is
wrong, it will create misunderstanding toward listeners invited to speak and
the massage will be conveyed, will lose and difficult to be comprehended.
Harmer (1991:11) said that users of the language must know how to say a word
that is how to pronounce it. This knowledge is made up of three areas; sounds,
stress and intonation.
b. Grammar
is one of speaking abilities to support and help students to have a good
communication skill. Grammar is common in both the written and spoken form of
the language, so its existence is strongly needed in learning and speaking
explanation above shows that grammar is focuses on some roles to from words
that can be easily understood and match with the rules. In addition, it also
focuses on how to make good sentences and easily comprehended.
c. Vocabulary
According to Lines (2006:121)
vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual knows. In addition,
according to Richards (1995:370) vocabulary is a set of lexemes, including
single words, compounds words and idioms. When we only know the form and
meaning and do not know the implementation of vocabulary in sentences, our
vocabulary will be useless.
d. Fluency
The students can be called master of
English if they can speak fluently. It means that, the students’ fluency in
English as a sign that they are master of English. To know about fluency, Haris
(1986:81) says,” Fluency is the easy and speed of the flow of speech”.
e. Comprehension
opinion is based on a lot of consideration in evaluating something, for
instance in speaking English skill. He also considers that speech and fluency
are rather strongly erected by language problem. It means the people will
understand about other people speaking if the pattern or grammar of the
language are correct. Even though their speaking can be understood and
comprehended by their opponent of speaking consequently; they will confused
just because of their errors of using their language pattern.
of Speaking
According to Brown and Yule there
are three functions of speaking, “…three part version of Brown and Yule’s
framework (after Jones 1996 and Burns 1998): talks as interaction: talk as
transaction: talk as performance. Each of these speech activities is
quite distinct in term of form and function and requires different teaching
1) Talk as interaction
Our daily
communication remains interactional with other people. This refers to what we
said as conversation. It is an
interactive communication which done spontaneous by two or more person. This is
about how people try to convey his message to other people. Therefore, they
must use speaking skill to communicate to other person. The main intention in
this function is social relationship.
2) Talk as transaction
In talk as
transaction is more focus on message that conveyed and making others person
understand what we want convey, by clearly and accurately. In this type of
spoken language, students and teacher usually focus on meaning or talking what
their way to understanding.
3) Talk as performance
In this case, speaking activities is
more focus on monolog better than dialog. Function of speaking as performance
happened at speeches, public talks, public announcements, retell story, teling
story and so on.
There are some kind of texts, and of them is narrative
text. “Narrative text is an
English text in which the writer wants to amuse, entertain people, and to deal
with actual or vicarious experience in different ways” (Sanggam Siahaan and
Kisno Shinoda, 2008).
In this research, narrative used to make students able to
retell, enterteint, and have conversation about a story, their experience, that
happen in the past.
There are some structures of narrative text, they are :
1) Orientation : the introduction of the
characters who involve in the story, time and the place where the story takes place.
2) Complication : a series of events in which the main
character attempts to solve the problem.
3) Resolution : the ending of the story
containing the problem solution.
Vacation in London
2 months ago, my family and I got
vacation in london. I was with my parents to go to London during the school
holidays. We looked at travel agents and booked tickets. Arriving there, we
went to the British Embassy to obtain a visa in order to enter the UK. We had
booked a fourteen day tour. This included accommodation, roads and traveling
tours around London. We went to London with large Boeing plane. We were in the
plane about 14 hours for the trip.
On the plane, the flight attendants
were very friendly. They gave newspapers and magazines so that we could read
and not easily bored. They also gave us food and drink and not to forget the
movie for entertainment as well. They provided a very pleasant flight services.
We were able to fall asleep when we were in the plane.
when we arrived at Heathrow airport,
we had to go to the Customs and Immigration. The officials are very kind. They
checked our documents carefully and serve us with a very polite and friendly.
my family and I should collect our bags and went to London. Our bags were
already set to be transferred to the hotel.
Hotel which we live were the famous
four-star hotel. We got a perfect view of the park. The room had bathroom and
toilet too. On the third floor, there were a restaurant that has a wide variety
of foods. they were able to present the Asian and European food.
Two weeks in London passed quickly.
At the end of 14-days, we were pretty tired but we feel very happy.
The Point
of View of Conversational Storytelling
According to
Handayani (2013, p.1), storytelling can encourage students to explore their
unique expressiveness and can heighten a students’ ability to communicate
thoughts and feelings in an articulate, lucid manner.
writer do not considers the narrative as a myth, legend, fable or another kinds
of narrative text, but as a "specific, affirmative, past time narratives
which tell about a series of events which did take place at specific unique
moments in a unique past time world" and which are told to others to make
a point or transmit a message (Polanyi 1985). In casual conversation, stories
are often used to relate interesting events or humor and thus contribute to the
rapport-building function.
believe conversational storytelling should be an integral part of an agent’s
small talk capability. (Cheepen 1988, actually characterizes most of the
exchanges in small talk as story contributions.) One of the tricks that
chatterbot programs use to convey the illusion of intelligence is to tell
stories whenever possible in the course of the conversation (Mauldin 1994), a
technique that is also espoused in several popular press books on
conversational skills (e.g., RoAne 1997). There are two possible reasons why
this is successful. First, people try to establish relevancy relationships
among conversational contributions whenever possible and multi-utterance
narratives may give listeners more material to work with. Second, a story
contribution that is irrelevant to an ongoing conversation may be tolerated if
the entertainment or information content is high enough. This may be why most
books on conversational skills suggest that speakers should always have several
interesting stories ready to contribute to any social occasion.
stories must be locally occasioned and recipient designed (Sacks 1970-71).
Speakers must take care to tell stories which are relevant to their listeners (locally
occasioned) otherwise they suffer a loss of face due to their wasting the time
of their audience (Labov, 1972). One general rule of story relevance presented
by Polanyi (1982) is that whatever is "close" to the listener (in
terms of space, time or relationship) is relevant.
some experts explanation above, the writer believes that conversational storytelling
can be used to improve speaking especially in English language. Small talk is
good to start a conversation between people who never met, and conversational
storytelling can be used to make the conversation deeper.
students of SMA N 3 Magelang are still shy and afraid to open a conversation,
so the small talk increase their confidence by opening casual and easy talk
someone they never met especially native speaker. Also, conversational
storytelling is a nice technique to make the students have a lot material to
say in the middle of conversation. So, conversational storytelling is an
effective way in teaching speaking.
this research, the writer will asked the students to create some conversation
and small talk and practice it in front of the class. Practice is more
efficient than just listening and writing explanation from the teacher. It can
trains them especially in the elements of speaking, increase their
self-confidence, and also, the students will understand how to create a good
conversation with native speaker.
Speaking in Senior High School
of the goals in teaching learning English at Senior High School is to improve
communication skill in English both spoken and written language. Teacher and
students should be active in teaching learning activity in order to reach the
goals. In teaching learning process, teachers have to pay more attention to the
students’ progress and the students should practice regularly to improve their
ability, especially in speaking ability.
In the classroom, teacher as a
facilitator in teaching learning process must be able to deliver materials in
an appropriate way. Teacher should understand students’ background knowledge
and characteristics before teaching learning started, especially teaching
speaking. It will be a difficult thing for teachers in teaching speaking if
their students do not have any knowledge about it and a chance to practice it.
of Competence and Basic Competence of Writing Skill for Senior High School
Students Grade X Semester 2
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pembelajaran yang Termuat di KI
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
3.3 Menerapkan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
niat melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan
unsur kebahasaan be going to, would
like to)
·Fungsi Sosial
rencana, menyarankan, dsb.
·Struktur Teks
(diharapkan atau di luar dugaan)
·Unsur Kebahasaan
- Ungkapan pernyataan niat yang sesuai, dengan modalbe going to, would like to
singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a,
the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
beberapa contoh interaksi terkait niat melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan dalam/dengan
tampilan visual(gambar, video)
menyebutkan persamaan dan perbedaan dan dari contoh-contoh yang ada dalam
video tersebut, dilihat dari isi dan cara pengungkapannya
Bertanya jawab
tentang pernyataan beberapa tokoh tentang rencana melakukan perbaikan
Bermain game
terkait dengan niat mengatasi masalah
menerapkan yang sedang dipelajari. dalam interaksi dengan guru dan teman
secara alami di dalam dan di luar kelas.
refleksi tentang proses dan hasil belajar.
Conceptual Framework
Based on reviews above, speaking is
one of the four skills of English language that must be mastered. As
explanation of definition of speaking, speaking is an interactive between two or more persons, that
produce, receive and process something by oral communication directly. It also
refers to conversation between two or more persons, that exchance something
orally in face to face communication.
teaching the teacher must give the students of SMA N 3 Magelang times to
practice, especially in speaking. They have to trained to get used to speak in
English without worry about the mistakes. Also, asked the students to go to in
front of the class and practice conversation will increase their
storytelling is a way that make the speaker speaks a lot of things, and make
them get used to have a conversation in English. The researcher do not
considers the narrative text that used are such as myth, legend, or the other
types of narrative, but a kind of story that happened in the past to make the
conversation of the students deeper and relaxing. By using this technique, the
teacher will understand the ability of the students clearly especially in the
elements of speaking. Also, give them some chances to practice.
Type of
the Research
research has an aim to improve the students’ writing skills on narrative text.
So, this research can be categorized as action research study. According to Bassey
(1998) in Koshy (2005:8), action research is a research in which the purpose is
to evaluate and then to change something in order to improve the educational
practice. Action research is also a form of inquiry undertaken by participants
in social situations in order to improve both social and educational practice,
as well as the understanding of these practices and the situations in which practice
is carried out (Carr and Kemmis: 1986) in Burns (1999:30).
research was conducted in a particular setting, that is, in the classroom situations.
For that reason, the researcher collaborated with the English teacher to carry
out the research. In order to be able to improve the writing skills in
narrative text of tenth grade students, there were some steps to be followed. There
are many different models of action research from many experts. The researcher
usedone from Kemmis and McTaggart’s model. Those steps are namely planning,
action, observation, and reflection (Kemmis and McTaggart in Burns 1999:32).
The figure of those steps is represented as below:

Figure 1: The Spiral Model by Kemmis
and McTaggart
setting of this study is in SMA N 3 Magelang which located in Jl. Medang No.17,
Rejowinangun Utara, Magelang Tengah, Kota Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56117,
Subject of
subject of the research is tenth year students of SMA N 3 Magelang in the
school year 2017/2018. There are 32 students in the tenth year students of SMA
N 3 Magelang. The researcher also collaborated with the English teacher and her
classmate in English Education Department. The English teacher helped the researcher
in the observation, interview, and assessment process. Meanwhile, another
collaborator also helpedher take some photographs and additional information
during the research.
part consists of the types of data, techniques of data collection, research
instruments, and data analysis used in the research.
Types of
This research have two types of
data. The data of this research are categorized as qualitative data and they
were also supported by quantitative data. The qualitative data are in the form
of words or descriptions of the teaching and learning process. These data are
gained through some means such as interviews, tests, and observations. Moreover,
this research also uses quantitative data. The quantitative data are in the
form of students’ score. These supporting data are gained through conducting
some tests.
of Data Collection
gain both of qualitative and quantitative data, the researcher used three techniques
of collecting data. To collect qualitative data, interview and observation are
conducted. Meanwhile, to collect quantitative data testing technique is used.
Furthermore, those techniques are explained as the following:
1) Interview
researcher interviews the English teacher in SMA N 3 Magelang about the process
of the teaching and learning. This interview is also used to get the deeper information
about the characteristics of the class in which the researcher carried out the
research. In addition, some interviews with some of the students of tenth class
is also conducted in order to get the information about their learning
experience and their comments about the learning process. During the interview,
the researcher will record it by using a mobile phone and also by making some
notes to highlight some important points. This kind of interview is conducted
in every cycle in order to get the important information that the researcher needed
to make a decision on his research.
2) Classroom observation
observation is conducted in order to see the real situation of teaching and
learning in the classroom. The points that are observed are the students and
their behaviors during the process. The researcher also asks for help of the
English teacher as her collaborator to observe the whole process.
3) Testing and evaluating students’ speaking
last technique is by testing the students’ ability in speaking by conducting
some tests called pretest and posttest. The results of the students speaking in
those two tests then assessed by the researcher and her collaborator. The
results of those tests become one of the indicators to decide the next plan and
to draw a conclusion of the research.
getting all of the data needed in the research, the researcher analyzed the
data. There are five stages that were followed in data analysis. Those are elaborated
as follow:
1) Assembling the Data
all of the data gained through interview, observation, and students’ speaking were
assembled. The purpose of this step is to see the patterns of the collected
2) Coding the Data
this stage, the large amounts of the data are reduced into more manageable
categories. The purpose of coding the data is to be able to identify the
patterns more specifically.
3) Comparing the Data
the data have been categorized in some way, comparisons can be made to see whether
themes or patterns are repeated or developed across different data gathering
techniques (Burns: 1999). So, in this step, the researcher compared the data in
order to identify the relationship and connection between different sources of
4) Building Interpretations
this stage, the meaning of the data is interpreted by involving the creative
thinking. The researcher also reflected to the data several times to pose
question, rethink the connections and develop explanation of the data.
5) Reporting the Outcomes
last stage is to present the report of the research. The researcher make a
report contained the major processes of the research and showed the findings
with the supporting data.
Steps of
the Study
conduct the research, some steps were followed. Those steps were namely;
reconnaissance, planning, action, observation, and reflection.
those are discussed as follows:
1) Reconnaissance
first step is reconnaissance. In this stage, the researcher identify the
problems which occurred in the classroom where the researcher is conducted. To
identify the problem, an interview with the English teacher about the obstacles
which happened during the teaching and learning process is conducted. Some observations
during the teaching and learning process are also carried out. After that, the researcher
identify and made lists of problems which are feasible to be solved
collaboratively with the English teacher.
2) Planning
this stage, the results of the observation and interview were used as
reference. Based on that data, the researcher started to prepare all of the actions
and the materials for teaching speaking on narrative text by using conversational
storytelling. The preparation covered preparing the lesson plan, preparing the
materials, preparing the media, and also preparing the scoring rubric and other
3) Action
researcher will ask the students to make a direct conversation in front of the
class. They will talk about their holiday (narrative) in pair. Every student
must give questions and answers during the conversation.
4) Observation
the action, the collaborator and the researcher observed the teaching and
learning process including the students’ writing. The things to be focused on
this stage were observing the effectiveness of using conversational
storytelling, the students’ behavior in the class, and their speaking products.
5) Reflection
researcher and the collaborator made a reflection and evaluated the actions
that were carried out. The focus was on the implementation of conversational
storytelling in teaching speaking whether it was successful or not. If it had not
been successful yet, another cycle should be continued.
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