Sexual assault and sexual abuse of children


Thursday 5 May 2016

Antika Esty Septiyani (1420302161/ Class E)_CAUSE EFFECT ESSAY

Social Issues in Indonesia
Indonesia is one of the developing countries in the world. It has some island and cultures, and also it has a natural resources adequate. From the explanation that all can be said that Indonesia is a rich country, but it has some problems. One of the occurred in Indonesia is about social issues. It’s all include about poverty, growing up in poverty, and homelessness.
The poverty becomes one of the problem that occurrs in a society. The cause of poverty in Indonesia are education and unemployment. The education is still low cause of the society of indonesia can not thrive  because the knowledge of the society still less. In the absence of potential they are easy affected by other countries, so that they would fall in poverty continuously. In addition to the level of high unemployment. The jobs narrow in Indonesia led to a society difficult to obtain a decent job. The habit that don’t want to hard work and accept can make people to be lazy and finally they will be a beggar and asked on the road. Sometimes unemployment can cause violence because they can get income.
One of the effects of growing up in poverty is criminality. Criminality is a behavior of the aberrant contrary the law in the society. It can be done by individual or group. It happens because when someone doesn’t have income while they have to fill the needs of their life, they will do a variety of this action criminality like steal, the raiding, killing and etc. In addition terrorism action. Terrorism is a term used to violence in the form of a threat or war. Terrorism action can be done by individual, group, a group of people or country as alternative statement war.  It causes society to be threatened and their mindset to be low.
What is the homelessness? Homelessness is people who do not have a place to stay remain and based on the reason, for example lived under a bridge, the edge of the road, a public place and etc. To fill the needs of daily life often the life of compassion another person or working as beggar. There are several factors that pushed someone to be homeless, they are poverty, natural disasters, a lack of affection, and eviction settlement. The poverty is a first factor. The natural disasters is one of the disaster happened in the society, so they lost their residence.
 The poverty  also lead to low level health and lead of death. This is caused because the cost to the health of high. They are not able to the cost of hospital and their money just enough to eat. On the baby, the lack of health led to a lackof nutrition on the baby.
Several way to contend poverty, they are an increase in labour, abolished corruption collusion, nepotism, give the zakat or infaq, give the facility school in even, give the health insurance to certain society.
In conclusion, we know that Indonesia has several problems about social issue. Social issues that happened in Indonesia caused by several factors, one of them is poverty. The poverty is caused several factors like education, unemployment, criminality, homelessness etc. It’s all covering culture, economic, and politics problems. The government should think method to contend poverty in indonesia such as give facility and sevice to poor society. It can help them to little bit of poor society.


  1. In your opinion, this article is about knowladge in social or economy? if viewed from the effect? However, Indonesia better than other state.. good antika

  2. In your opinion, this article is about knowladge in social or economy? if viewed from the effect? However, Indonesia better than other state.. good

  3. Your essay is good, but I want to correct some mistakes in your essay. On paragraph 1, you should write "some islands" because it is plural. Then, still on paragraph 1, what do you mean with "one of the occured"? I think it should be "one of the problems that occured".
    Next on paragraph 2, you should write "the causes" because you used "are", so it's more than one cause. You also have to pay attention when writing the name of country. It should be "Indonesia".
    On paragraph 5, I think you should write "For the baby" not "on the baby".
    Last, on paragraph 6, you should write "several ways". Thank you :)

  4. Hana Suci Anggraeni (1420302175/E)

    your essay look great, but you'd better to give it the specific title. i've seen your essay is talking about the poverty case, so give the poverty unsure inside your title ^^
    antika, on this occasion i'd like to give you my comments about your essay. here they are:
    1. you have to pay attention for using the conjunctions and punctuations inside your essay.
    2. on the third pargraph, this statement "like steal, the raiding, killing and etc" is better to be replaced like this "like stealing, the raiding, killing and etc". because if you choose "and" between them, the words in between should be balanced.

    that's all antika. thank's ^^

  5. Hi... this is my comment for yor esssay

    1. "that occurrs" should be "that occurs"\
    2. " indonesia " should be " Indonesia "
    3. "The habit that don’t" should be "The habit that doesn’t"
    4."The poverty also lead" should be "The poverty also leads"
    5. "a lackof nutrition " should be "a lack of nutrition"
    6. "sevice" should be "service"

  6. andreas indra bagus (1420302178)
    hi antika
    emm after i read your essay i just wanna give you some suggestion. in some of parts you forget to give a "space" , " capital" and make some "typo" . thank you

    keep spirit !! antika


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