Sexual assault and sexual abuse of children


Thursday 5 May 2016

( Umi Setiya Rini 1420302184 ) COMPARISON AND CONTRAST ESSAY

( Umi Setiya Rini 1420302184 ) COMPARISON AND CONTRAST  ESSAY
Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) and 2013 of Curriculum
Curriculum is a set of plan and regulation about aim, content and learning material to reference the education in many grades. It is start of the twenty century, Indonesia experienced some curriculum improvement. There are CBC in 2004, Education Unit Level Curriculum in 2006 and 2013 of curriculum in 2013. It has improvement content start CBC, EULC and 2013 of curriculum. So EULC and 2013 of curriculum have different content. Every models of curriculum have special character that make different with each other. Nevertheless, it has similarity to get the education aim.
There are several things that make EULC and 2013 of curriculum different. The first different is the system of EULC use standard of competence and basic competences based on subject. Each of the disciplines are covered or grouped in a single course. But the system of the 2013 of curriculum use core competencies based on thematic. The 2013 of curriculum uses theme to be reference in the course. So, every theme cover some courses. In one theme some courses related each other.
The second different, EULC use syllabus is made self which refers to the national syllabus. Every school make a syllabus refer to the national syllabus and adjust on the ability of their school. May be among school have little bit different in minimum completeness criteria, because it refer to students ability. Moreover, every school has different course design, because it refer to the school condition. The 2013 of curriculum use syllabus that have made by government. Every school doesn’t make syllabus self just allow to the national syllabus. So every school has similar syllabus and course.
Besides differences EULC and 2013 of curriculum. It also has many similarities. The EULC and 2013 of curriculum use text as point of basic competence. Both of EULC and 2013 of curriculum the structure of curriculum is made by Depdiknas. Both of EULC and 2013 of curriculum have similarities essence of the curriculum, for example in the scientific approach which is essentially centered on the students. Students who seek knowledge not receive knowledge.
Can be concluded from the discussion between EULC and 2013 of curriculum have differences. The system of EULC use standard of competence and basic competences but 2013 of curriculum use core competences. The system of EULC, the teacher should make syllabus self, but refer to the national syllabus. The 2013 of curriculum, the teacher just use syllabus that is made by Depdiknas.  Moreover, EULC and 2013 of curriculum have similarities. The structure of curriculum is made by Depdiknas. Both of EULC and 2013 of curriculum have similarities essence of the curriculum.


  1. You essay is interesting, but you have to be more careful in.
    1. using ordinal number like in the word "twenty century" it should be "twentieth century"
    2. placing noun and adjective like in the words "first different" should be "first difference", "The second different" should be "The second difference"
    3. using s/es in singular subject like in the words :
    "every theme cover" should be "every theme covers", "Every school make" should be "Every school makes", " it refer to " should be " it refers to ", "The 2013 of curriculum use" should be "The 2013 of curriculum uses", "Both of EULC and 2013 of curriculum the structure of curriculum is " should be "Both of EULC and 2013 of curriculum the structure of curriculum are ", " the teacher just use syllabus" should be " the teacher just uses syllabus"
    3. you should place subject before verb to establish better sentence like on the last paragraph "Can be concluded" should be "It can be concluded that"
    thank you :)

  2. Sorry, the last one I should have written 4 not 3... hehehe

  3. Your essay is intersting,but you must be careful in punctuation and word.
    1. after so in paragaraph one must be add coma,
    2. and word " competencies " must be " compentences "
    3. on sentence of " in one theme some " must be in one theme some of ..."
    4.word " may be " must be " maybe "
    5. and the last in last paragraph you less subject
    sorry before,and thank you :)

  4. Hana Suci Anggraeni (1420302175/E)

    Hii Ms. Umi..i think, your essay looks great..but, i have some corrections for your they are:
    1. on the first paragraph, the words "It is start" supposed to be "it started", because the context inside the sentence is about past tense.
    2. On the second paragraph, the word "but" is prohibitted if you put it at the beginning of sentence. after word "but", don't forget to put comma (,).

    that's all Ms Umi..good writing ^^

  5. Antika Esty S(1420302161/E)
    Hi Ms Umi, your essay is good but i'd like to comment for your essay
    1. "It is start of the" should be "it starts"
    2. "EULC use syllabus" should be "uses"
    3. "Every school make a syllabus" should be "makes"
    Thank you :)

  6. Andreas indra (1420302178)
    You forget .may be should be maybe without space (compentences not competencies ) i think hehe
    Keep spirit!!
    thank you

  7. Sorry miss Ummi, I think that 'but and so' should not put after the point.

  8. Shafira Adhelia (1420302179)

    Hello Ms. Umi! Your essay is good, but I found some mistakes in your essay. Here are my corrections for your mistakes :
    1. "It is start" should be "It starts"
    2. The sentences "It has improvement content start CBC, EULC and 2013 of curriculum. So EULC and 2013 of curriculum have different content. " will be better if you combine it. It will become "It has improvement content start CBC, EULC and 2013 of curriculum, so EULC and 2013 of curriculum have different content. "
    3. On paragraph 2, "the system of EULC use" should be "the system of EULC uses"
    4. On paragraph 2, "Each of the disciplines are covered" should be "Each of the disciplines is covered"
    5. On paragraph 3, "May be" should be "maybe"
    6. "that have made" should be "that have been made"
    7. On paragraph 4, " Both of EULC and 2013 of curriculum the structure of curriculum is " should be " Both of EULC and 2013 of curriculum the structure of curriculum are "

    That's all. Thank you ^^


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