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Wednesday 4 May 2016

Hana Suci Anggraeni (1420302175/Class E) Cause and Effect Essay

The Causes of Poverty in Indonesia
Indonesia is one of the big countries in Southeast Asia which has high population of citizens (Sugiharyanto, 2006:70). That big population of citizens in Indonesia make the government harder for giving attention to his citizens. Whereas, the poverty of Indonesian citizen are spread in very great quantities in most of districts in Indonesia. That case make Indonesia get 15th rank of the poorest country in Asia (Poorest Countries in Asia by GDP rank, 2015). Indonesian’s poor citizens usually live in the small islands of Indonesia which rarely reached by government and technology. Some of them also live near the central government, but they still can not get their prosperity. The case of poverty in Indonesia is motivated by several reasons, either internal reasons (inside Indonesia) or external reasons (global effect).
There are many reasons that cause poverty in Indonesia, the first one is termination of employment. The causes from termination of employment is because of many crises in Indonesia that make some companies decide to reduce some of its employee. The crises are consist of several kinds, they are moneter crisis, knowledge crisis, and political crisis. A moneter crisis is one of the external reason which happens because of instability of the global economy, while a knowledge crisis occurs because of incompetence labor are replaced by competence labor. The last is political crisis which occurs because of the game that played by executive circle in the company. They sacked their employees and replace them with their families or their relations.
The other causes behind the poverty case in Indonesia is about government’s policy which is one of the internal reason. Some of government’s regulation are not giving advantages for the citizens. One example of the rules that make the citizen are getting miserable is an increasing of BBM price. The price of foods, clothes, and transportations are definetely increase and hard to decrease.
The last big problem that make the number of poverty are getting increase is the high rates of corruption. Indonesia even placed at the most corrupt country in Asia Pacific (Political & Economic Risk Consultancy, 2008-2010). Many cases of corruption are mostly happened inside executive circles in Indonesia. They took citizen’s money for their individual needs without thought about citizen’s prosperity.
The high rates of poverty in a country always cause many negative impacts for the country itself. Several things that will be happened as impacts of the poverty are high dropout rates, criminal cases, and declining health of citizens. The Government should begin to take a step for decreasing so many poverty case in Indonesia.
           Shortly, Indonesia is one of the big countries in Southeast Asia which has a high population of citizens (Sugiharyanto, 2006:70). Most of the citizens are on the stage of poverty. There are three cases that causes  the high poverty rate in Indonesia, they are: termination of employment, government’s policy, and the high rates of corruption. The impacts from the high poverty rates in Indonesia are high dropout rates, criminal case, and declining health of citizens.

Cause and Effect Essay Made By : Hana Suci Anggraeni (1420302175/E)


  1. Dwi arif wibowo

    Hi Hana… this is my comment for your essay

    1. "That case make" should be changed to "That case makes"
    2. "they still can not get" should be changed to "they still cannot get"
    3. "The crises are consist" should be changed to "The crises consist"
    4. "they are moneter crisis"should be changed to "they are monetary crisis"
    5. "A moneter crisis is one of the external reason" should be changed to "A monetary crisis is one of the external reasons"
    6. "one of the internal reason" should be changed to "one of the internal reasons"
    7. "Some of government’s regulation" should be changed to "Some of government’s regulations"
    8. "transportations are definetely increase" should be changed to"transportations are definitely increase"
    9. "The last big problem that make" should be changed to "The last big problem that makes"
    10. "Several things that will be happened as impacts" should be changed to "Several things that will happen as the impacts"

    I’m not perfect. Correct me if I’m wrong 

  2. andreas indra (1420302178)

    hi hana
    you mention some cause who make poverty in indonesia and i agrre with your statement. althought you made several mistake which has been mentioned by mr bowo i just wanna tell you never give up ! and try to do the best

  3. Hello Hana! :) Your writing has been good enough, but I found a little bit mistakes. Here are my corrections for your essay :
    1. On paragrpah 1, the word "make" in "That big population of citizens in Indonesia make" should be "makes".
    2. On paragraph 2, "The causes" should be "the cause" because you did not mention more than one cause.
    3. On paragraph 3, it should be "one of the external reasons"
    4. Still on paragraph 3, "citizen are getting" should be "citizens are getting"
    5. On paragraph 4, "price of foods, clothes, and transportations" should be "price of foods, clothes and transportations"

    That's all, Hana. Thank you ^__^

  4. Dian kusumawati
    Hello hana,
    Your writing is very good and interesting.
    Good job hana,
    I just want give you a comment, "one of the internal reason" should be changed to "one of the internal reasons"
    Thank you
    Keep spirit


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