Sexual assault and sexual abuse of children


Thursday 5 May 2016

Musyarofah Noviyani (1420302159/Class E) Cause-effect Essay

People know that bully is wrong. In my opinion, there are some reasons why they do bullying, maybe they want to revenge, have power, just for entertainment because the victims are weird or they aknowning something.
Now, people like using technology like computer, laptop and smartphone that connect with internet. There are many social medias, so they can connect with their friends and get more information that everyone from kids, teen and adult can access it. Then, how about the internet safety? There are many activities that many people can do. Like more post selfies, stalks, checks in somewhere, and cyberbullies.
According to, "Cyberbullying is the use of cell phones, instant messaging, e-mail, chat rooms, or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to harass, threaten, or intimidate someone" (2010, "Cyberbullying" section, para.1).
There are some reason why people do bullying, like do revenge. Some people do revenge because they think that they are right, or maybe they want to protect their friends that they think their friends are right. They do something bad in their victims. In this case, cyber bullying is connected with internet, so the cyberbully sends threatening and rude messages.
They have a power. When they have been bullied or victimized in the real life, they continue with cyber bullying. They can mock, or taunt the victims, because  they feel like have more power than the victims. They can uncontrolled to bullying the powerless people.
To make an entertainment. Some people like to make some jokes and laughs to something funny. Sometimes they don’t know that it is hurting someone or group, so they like embrassing other people or other group, because they are weird or something else. Then, they post something bad in social networking.
Because of unknowing. You must be aware about something you posted in social networking, because many people will know your posts. If you send something, you have to check and think that it won’t hurting other people and miscommunication. There were some people that post something, but they have cyber bullied because the didn’t know the context and situation.

In my opinion, cyber bullying is a serious problem and we must aware about what should we post in social networking. Bully or cyberbully can impact in victims’ life. It can make stress, unconfident, introvert, anti-social, or maybe suicide. Especially teen, parents should more keep their child about bad and good things, and teach them to respect other people and think before do something.


  1. Dwi arif wibowo

    Hi nov… this is my comment for your essay

    1. "social medias" should be changed to "social media "
    2. " There are some reason " should be changed to " There are some reasons "
    3. "they like embrassing " should be changed to "they like embarrassing"
    4. " you posted in social" should be changed to " you posted on social"
    5. "because the didn’t " should be changed to "because they didn’t "
    6. "before do " should be changed to "before doing"
    I’m not perfect. Correct me if I’m wrong 

    1. hi bowo. thank you for your comment. :) :)
      there is a human error :)
      there are some mistype words. :):0

  2. Hana Suci Anggraeni (1420302175/E)

    Hello Novi, on this occasion i'd like to give you my feedback about your essay. here they are:
    1. i think your sentences still too long, so you have to try for making the effective one :D
    2. on the second paragraph, the word "technology" should be "technologies" because it is plural. Then, "more information" supposed to be "more informations".
    3. on the third paragraph, the words "There are some reason" supposed to be "There are some reasons". i think, you should pay attention about the plural or singular one, OK? ^^
    4. on fifth paragraph, the statement "They can mock, or taunt the victims" shouldn't be given comma.
    5. on seventh paragraph, the word "because" is prohibitted to put at the beginning of sentence.
    6. on eighth paragraph, the word "won’t hurting" supposed to be "won't hurt", because modal should be followed with V1.

    i think, that's all novi..good writing ^^

    1. Hi Hana. Thank you for your comment. There are some mistakes because mistype :)
      tahk you :):)

  3. Hello Novi! I'd like to correct your mistakes in this essay. Here are my corrections :
    1. "In my opinion, there are some reasons why they do bullying, maybe they want to revenge, have power, just for entertainment because the victims are weird or they aknowning something." I think it will be better if you make it into two sentences.
    2. On paragraph 2, "checks in somewhere, and cyberbullies" should be "checks in somewhere and cyberbullies"
    3. On paragraph 3, when you write "", I think you should make that words different from others like underlined it or make it italic.
    4. On paragraph 4, "some reason" should be "some reasons"
    5. On paragrpah 5, you don't have to put coma before you write "or" in "can mock, or taunt the victims"
    6. On paragraph 5, "to bullying" should be "to bully"

    That's all, Novi. Thank you ^_^

  4. andreas indra bagus (1420302178)
    hii.. novi
    after i read your essay and another comment, i think many people give you many suggestion and will make you more better than before. but i just want to ask you what do you mean about it (aknowning something.)maybe ( knowing something)

    CMIIW :D

    1. Hi Andreas, thank you for your comment.
      aknowing, i mean unknowing (tidak tahu). :) :)


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