Sexual assault and sexual abuse of children


Thursday 5 May 2016

SHAFIRA ADHELIA (1420302179/ CLASS E) Comparison and Contrast Essay

Homeschooling vs Public School
            These days, the education world is more develop than before. People can choose the school that they want to attend. There are two types of school that people can choose, homeschooling and public school. Homeschooling is learning-teaching activity that takes place in student’s home, so the students will have some privacy while studying. Students that have many activities outside the academic field, like celebrities, will choose homeschooling because it is the simple and efficient way for them to study. Public school is general school that is provided by the government. General people will choose to attend public school because they can meet and study together with the other students. Homeschooling provides education and has purposes same as public school, but their currriculum, environment and the parents’ role are different.
            Homeschooling provides the school materials same as public school. Students that choose homeschooling don’t need to afraid about their school material. Although public school students have tighter schedules from them, it doesn’t mean they have more knowledge. Homeschooling and public school students will get same materials depends on their levels. Besides it, homeschooling and public school have same purposes. Both schools help the students to discover their skills and achieve their targets in study. Students will have knowledge and achievements that can help them to continue their study in higher level.
            In terms of curriculum, homeschooling curriculum is not tight as public school curriculum. Homeschooling can follow government curriculum or make their own curriculum. It depends on the students’ necessities and interest. Students can have a discussion with homeschooling side about what they want and need. In contrast, public school has tighter curriculum than homeschooling. It has to follow government curriculum that is designed by education practitioners.  Students can’t determine what they want and can’t change the school curriculum.
            Then, homeschooling environment has calm and safe environment because it takes place in students’ home. The students will feel comfortable and enjoy the study because they familiar with the environment. They believe that home is the safest environment for them without any distractions from others. The most important is the students can study peacefully and focus at their study. Unlike homeschooling, public school has lively environment. The students can meet and study together with their friends, even make jokes. The main reason why almost of people choose to attend public school is public school environment makes them happy. They can solve the problems in their study with their friends and they are not alone like the homeschoolling students.
            The parents’ role in homeschooling dominate the process of studying. They have to be creative to organize their child education system.  They decide what is good for their child and must know about how the process of studying is good or not, because they also participate in designing the homeschooling curriculum. They will control their child’s schedule and provides the facilities for their child. The success of homeschooling students is the students’ parents’ responsible. The parents’ role in public school differs from the parents’ role in homeschooling. The parents will follow the school’s system and the responsible is in school side. The parents give their trust to teacher in school to control their child’s study and schedule.
            Shortly, both homeschooling and public school are good. It depends on people’s needs and wants. They all have some advantages and disadvantages. People have their own reason why they choose homeschooling or attending a public school. Homeschooling will give calm and some privacy to students without any distractions, so they can deeply focus in their study. Public school is in more lively environment, but they will be able to interact with others and they do not feel lonely. You may find it difficult to choose homeschooling or public school, so choose it based on your interest and choose it wisely.

Written by Shafira Adhelia (1420302179/ Class E)


  1. your essay very good pay attention on written for example on sentence " the parents' " should be " the parent's ".
    thank you :) sorry :)

  2. Thank you for your suggestion, but what I mean in this essay is parent in plural, so I wrote "parents' responsible" not "parent's responsible".

  3. Dwi arif wibowo

    Hi shafira… this is my comment for your essay

    " their currriculum" should be changed to " their curriculum "
    " world is more develop " should be changed to " world is more developed "
    "focus at their study " should be changed to "focus on their study"
    " students’ parents’ responsible" should be changed to " students’ parents’ responsibility"
    I’m not perfect. Correct me if I’m wrong 

  4. Hana Suci Anggraeni (1420302175/E)

    Hi Shafira..I'd like to give you some comments about your they are:
    On second paragraph, "more knowledge" should be "more knowledges". the word "depends on" supposed to be "depend on". then, "in study" supposed to be "in studying" or you'd better to replace that with "in their study". the last, words "knowledge and achievements" supposed to be "knowledges and achievements".

    That's all.. almost perfect writing ^^

  5. andreas indra bagus (1420302178)
    hi.. shafira
    you made a typo in currriculum :D Double "r" not triple "r"
    paragraph 2 (to continue their study in higher level.) or (to continue their study in THE higher level.)

    HHE sorry if my comment worng . keep spirit !!

  6. Dian kusumawati (1420302192)
    Hello shafira
    This is my comment for you.
    "Almost of people" I think you should change it to be "almost all of the people"
    Thanks. Cmiiw
    Keep spirit


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