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Thursday, 26 May 2016

Comparison/Contrast essay by Aldino Anjas Bagaskara


In modern day, people would like to have their own transportation, and people usually buy cars and motorcycles the most. People start to depend on transportations in this 21th century. People often struggle with consider buying car or motorcycle. Many people choose motorcycle as their main transportation, but actually motorcycle have so many types such as sportsbike, cruiser, touring, and many more, all of them have their strong point and weak point. Therefore people should think carefully when they are planning for buying motorcycle.
People usually will consider buying cruiser instead of buying touring bike, even most of cruiser are more expensive than toruing bike, but people still think cruiser have more function than touring bike. Cruiser give you media system for example, radio, music player and so on……. It brings convenient to the users that they won’t feel boring during they are driving their cruiser. On the other hand, some people think cruiser are too expensive, if you are that type of person, and then just buy a touring bike! Most of the touring bike are cheaper than cruiser, and it won’t use the gas as much as car cruiser. So actually touring bike save lots of money for the user. Touring bike is a light and small transportation that can easily traveling in the tiny roads, streets and solves the traffic jam problem.
Both touring bike and cruiser can make the driver and the passanger more convertable than the other motorcycle. People usually consider buying cruiser as the transportation, because the dealer is very easy to find rather than the touring bike. Both touring bike and cruiser can only carry two people at once. Touring bike have smaller seats than cruiser bike, and that is the reason why people choose cruiser. When it starts raining, both cruiser and touring bike should use a rain coat or pull over if they don’t bring the rain coat. When you have an accident, cruiser driver usually will be safer than the rider of the touring bike. The cruiser drivers will be safer because cruiser have a big framework. So usually the rider of touring bike get injure more often than the cruiser driver. Those are the strong points of the cruiser.
If you buy a touring bike as your transportation, then you will have some trouble to find the dealer or service center. Usually is hard for people to find service center for a touring bike such as BMW or KTM. And you need to pay more for changing the spare part. If you add up all the money that you have spend on your touring bike in a year, then the number should be more than what you can imagine and expect. Compare to cruiser, that cruiser actually save the user lots of money.
People should think carefully and get to know their self better first; to know what type of riding style they do have, and think what places they usually go the most in their daily life. Then they may start decide what transportation is the best choice that can fit their needs, and their style. People should think wisely before they make the decision of buying motorcylce before it is too late, too late to regret.

Aldino Anjas Bagaskara


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