Sexual assault and sexual abuse of children


Thursday 5 May 2016

Karina Febri Susanti 1420302197 ( COMPARING / CONTRASTING ESSAY )

Name : Karina Febri Susanti
NIM : 1420302197
Date : 5 May 2016
Comparison / Contrast Essay about Jamblang and Black Grapes
These is a image of jamblang and black grapes.

                                         Black grape                                                Jamblang ( Duwet )
                As we know black grapes are famous better than jamblang. Several people do not know about jamblang, especially  people who live in the city. Jamblangs the name of fruits which are difficult to find. It has many benefit for our body which is same of black grapes. On this occasion, comparison /contrast about black grapes and jamblangs will be explained. Based on the  above picture a glimpse of the fruit which is almost the same. There are several way that jamblang and black grape are contrast. In the picture,black grapes and jamblangs are contrast just by color. But,they have many contrast. The same of them,there are on table. Both of them also have several different. There are compered by following attributes : shape, price, grows the tree, seed, and climate.

Black grapes
Type of fruit
Skin texture
 Enough of sun and also enough with dampness
 Full sun
Grows the tree
Grow in the tree
Make our body health
Make our body health
Makes juice, jam
Sweet and also acid
“ sepet “sweet and acid

          Based on the table there are several ways that black grapes and jamblang are alike or same. Both of the color is black.The skin texture is smooth and contain of water. It can benefit to our body. Both of them can be made into healthy juice. Beside that, they are also can be made jam. Additionally, they are both types of fruits.

          But there are also several ways that black grapes and jamblang differ. The first different in the shape. The shape of black grapes are spherical but the shape of jamblang is oval. Black grapes has little seed in a black grape.The seed of black grapes is small. But jamblang just have  one seed in a jamblang. The seed is medium.

         The second is different about their grow. Black grapes grow with vines but jamblang grow in the tree reaching to the sky. They have also different type of climate. Black grapes must be enough sun with dampness. It can grow in hot area but dampness of sand must be stabil for example in the garden of Republic Ceko. It is different with jamblang, jamblang must be full sun to get sweet taste and acid without water. It is true to grow in Indonesia which less water. So, from this explanation the price of black grapes very expensive better than jamblang because we must be expor black grapes from other countries.

        In conclucion,there are many difference between black grapes and jamblang. The differences include : shape, seed, taste, grow, climate, and also the price. The good climate of black grape on foreign country with enough dampness. Both of them also have the same such as : color, skin of texture, type of fruits and have many benefit. The benefit do not just makes juice, or jam but also to medicine.  It is all of comparing / contrasting about black grapes and jamblang.This is my opinion about black grapes and jamblang.


  1. 1.On the first sentence, karina said (a image), but the correct order is (an image) because the appropiate article before vowel is an.
    2. These must be followed by are because it shows that thing is more than one.

  2. 1) On the first paragraph :
    Jamblangs and grapes you should write that words without s (as plural) . I think it is more suitable if you write "Jamblang and grape".
    This essay should be more detail in order to write capital letter and punctuation.
    3) On the third paragraph the grammatical structure is not true example after "that" followed by verb
    5)On the conclusion the author not complate explanation .

  3. Hana Suci Anggraeni (1420302175/E)

    Hi Karina :) your essay's theme looks unique, but there are some comments for your essay that i will tell you. here they are:
    1. on the first paragraph, the words "are famous better" should be "more famous".
    2. on the second paragraph, you'd better to change this statement " It can benefit to our body" into " It can give advantage to our body".
    3. on the third paragraph, after the word "but", you'd better to give comma (,).
    4. on the fourth paragraph, you'd better to change this statement "The second is different about their grow" into "The second differentiation is about their grow".
    5. on the last paragraph, the word "conclucion" supposed to be "conclusion".
    that's all Karina.
    keep up your good writing ^^
    thank you.

  4. andreas indra (1420302178)
    hii mrs karina

    your topic is very interesting for me , it's make me more know what is the differences between jamblang and black grape . i ever know before .

    keep spirit mrs.karina and try to do the best. never give up!!

  5. Musyarofah Noviyani )1420302159)

    Hi Karina. I have some comment about your essay.
    1. "Jamblangs the name of fruits" you should give linking verb "is" = "Jamblangs is the name of fruits"
    2. "Based on the above picture" yiu mean "Based on the picture above" ?
    3. ". But," i think "but" isn't allowed on the beginning of the sentence
    4. "The same of them," it would be better if "The similarities"
    5. "several different" should be "several differences"
    6. "Black grapes has" should be "Black grapes have"

    I think, your essay is unique but you have check your dictions, grammar and "so", "and", "but", and "because" arent allowed on the baginning of the sentence.
    CMIIW :) :)

  6. Shafira Adhelia (1420302179)

    Hi Karina! I found some mistakes in your essay. Here are my corrections for your mistakes :
    1. On paragraph 1, " As we know black grapes" should be " As we know, black grapes"
    2. "many benefit" should be "many benefits"
    3. "which is same of black grapes" should be "which is same as black grapes"
    4. "several way" should be "several ways"
    5. "many contrast" should be "many contrasts"
    6. On paragraph 2, "Both of the color is black" will be better if you write it "Both of their colors are black"
    7. "and contain of water" should be "and it contains of water"
    8. " It can benefit" should be " It can give benefit"
    9. On the last paragraph, "many difference " should be "many differences "
    10. The word "but" isn't allowed at the beginning of sentence, you have to remind it :)

    That's all. Thank you ^^

  7. Dian kusumawati (1420302192)
    Hello karina
    There are some mistakes in your essay. They are:
    1. "The skin teksture is" should be "the skin tekstures are " because you mentioned more than 1
    2. "They are also can be made jam" should be "they also can be made jam"
    3. "The first different in the shape" should be "the first different is in the shape"
    4. "The shape of black grapes are" should be "the shape of black grapes is" because you just mentioned one shape
    5. "We must be expor black grapes from other countries" should be changed to "we must import the black grapes from other countries"
    6. In the last paragraph, maybe "same" should be changed "similarities" .
    Good job karina
    Keep spirit


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