Sexual assault and sexual abuse of children


Wednesday 4 May 2016

Hana Suci Anggraeni/ (420302175/Class E) Comparison and Contrast Essay

Danish Pastry and Puff Pastry
Twins but Different
Pastry is a kind of food which is undergo baked process and has been combinated with flour and butter. It usually serves as dessert and sometimes it is served as appetizer. There are various types of pastry which has been invented. Most of them have been modified into various shapes and tastes. The famous one are Danish Pastry and Puff Pastry. Both of them are often served in American breakfast menu. Danish Pastry and Puff Pastry look like twins, whereas there are some components which make them different.
The same shape and colour in Danish Pastry and Puff Pastry are the things that make they look like twins. Their elastic dough can be shaped to be twins shape. Although, their dough can be shaped into similar shapes, but the texture from both of them are different. Indeed, Danish Pastry and Puff Pastry have layers texture inside, but the difference can be looked into the spaces between layer to layer. Danish Pastry’s spaces layers is wider than Puff Pastry’s spaces layers. The differentiation between the spaces occur because of a different ingredient between Danish Pastry and Puff Pastry. The wide layer’s spaces in Danish Pastry make it softer to be eaten, but the narrow layer’s spaces in Puff Pastry make it harder to be eaten.
Both of Danish Pastry and Puff Pastry have similar main ingredients that are butter and flour. The butter usually calls korsvet. It function is for making the texture of layers inside the pastry which has been baked. Yeast is also should be given in making Danish Pastry, but in making Puff Pastry yeast is not allowed to be mixed. Danish Pastry dough just need about a tea spoon of yeast in order to make the pastry has the wide layers. Then, salt and sugar are the ingredients which make the dough of Danish Pastry and Puff Pastry becomes different. In making Danish Pastry sugar should be mixed and the salt should not be given, on the contrary in making Puff Pastry sugar should not be mixed and salt should be given.
Same as Danish Pastry, Puff Pastry can be filled with chocolate, strawberry jam, blueberry jam, chicken, and cheese. The filling of Danish Pastry usually places inside the dough, on the other hand the filling of Puff Pastry mostly places outside the dough. We can put a lot of filling inside Danish Pastry’s dough but just a little on Puff Pastry’s dough. That thing become a consideration, because of the load in each pastry. Danish Pastry tends to has a wider load, but Puff Pastry has not. Besides the consideration places of filling, the characterization taste in each pastry also have to be matched with the filling. The taste of Danish Pastry tends sweet, while the taste of Puff Pastry tends savory. So, the filling of Danish Pastry is supposed to be the filling with savory taste and the filling of Puff Pastry is supposed to be the filling with the sweet taste.
Shortly, there are various types of pastry in around the world, but the famous one is Danish Pastry and Puff Pastry. Both of them look like twins, whereas so many differences beside the similarities which rarely seen by the people. Danish Pastry and Puff Pastry have similarities and differences in texture, ingredients, and filling. Same as Danish Pastry, Puff Pastry also has layers texture but the spaces of the layers inside the Puff Pastry is narrower then Danish Pastry’s. The differentiation of layer occurs because of a different ingredient that contain inside each pastry. Butter and flour are the main ingredients inside both of Danish Pastry and Puff Pastry, but yeast is only contained in Danish Pastry. Then, various kinds of filling not only can be filled in Danish Pastry, but also in Puff Pastry. In giving filling for both of the pastries, we have to consider about the load and the taste in each pastry.

Comparison and Contrast Essay Made By : Hana Suci Anggraeni (1420302175/E)


  1. Dwi arif wibowo

    Hi Hana… this is my comment for your essay

    1. "which is undergo" should be changed to "which does undergo"
    2. "has been combinated" should be changed to "has been combined"
    3. "as appetizer" should be changed to "as an appetizer"
    4. "shaped to be twins shape" should be changed to "shaped to be twin shape"
    5. "spaces layers is" should be changed to "spaces layers are"
    6. "It function" should be changed to "Its function"
    7. "Danish Pastry dough" should be changed to "The Danish Pastry dough"
    8. "tea spoon" should be changed to "teaspoon"
    9. "Danish Pastry’s dough but" should be changed to "Danish Pastry’s dough, but"
    10. "That thing become" should be changed to "That thing becomes"
    11. "Danish Pastry tends to has" should be changed to "Danish Pastry tends to have"
    12. "each pastry also have" should be changed to "each pastry also has"
    13. "pastry in around" should be changed to "pastry from around"
    14. "Puff Pastry also has layers texture but" should be changed to "Puff Pastry also has layers texture, but"
    15. "narrower then Danish Pastry’s" should be changed to "narrower than Danish Pastry’s"
    I’m not perfect. Correct me if I’m wrong 

  2. okay, thank's. your comments are very helpful

  3. andreas indra (1420302178)
    woww it's about cake right?? emm make me hungry .

    emm keep spirit your comparison is very good but you still make a little bit mistke who was correct by mr bowo :)

  4. Hello Hana! :) Your writing has been good enough, but I found a little bit mistakes. Here are my corrections for your essay :
    1. On paragraph 1, "combinated" should be "combined"
    2. On paragraph 2, you don't have to use coma after you write "although". Still on the same paragraph, "Danish Pastry’s spaces layers is wider " should be "Danish Pastry’s spaces layers are wider" because it's plural form.
    3. On paragraph 3, "calls " should be "called".
    4. On paragraph 4, you don't have to put coma before you write "and" in words "strawberry jam, blueberry jam, chicken, and cheese."

    That's all, Hana. Thank you ^__^

  5. Your writing is very good hana. I cannot give comment, because the mistakes have explained by mr bowo and mrs shafira.
    Keep spirit!!


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